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Everything posted by codeyhanson

  1. Also please tell me if you need more help or just say thanks it worked great
  2. Ok this is what you got to do find the actor called player add a new script to that actor like the one below anything with quotes is what you're name is for that thing also anything that property before it make sure you add it in by going to add properties . You will need to make a object where you are going to teleport to can be anything just make sure there is only one of that object Scriptname "scriptname" extends ObjectReference SPELL Property "name of shout" Auto ObjectReference Property "name of object you are going to teleport to" Auto ObjectReference Property Player Auto Event OnSpellCast(Form akSpell) Spell spellCast = akSpell as Spell if spellCast && spellCast == "name of shout" Player.MoveTo("name of object you are going to teleport to") endif endEvent
  3. Ok last 2 ?'s One player's Actor form where is it, 2 Allow Reserved is grayed out for me
  4. Alright that last part worked here is the new script Scriptname Blood2 extends ObjectReference SPELL Property SpellBloodSpike Auto Event OnSpellCast(Form akSpell) Spell spellCast = akSpell as Spell if spellCast && spellCast == SpellBloodSpike Game.GetPlayer().DamageAV("health", 5) endIf endEvent now do I just put this one the Magic Effect or Do I have to put this on an actor such as the player and if I do have to put it on the player how would i do that I pretty new.
  5. And how would you put the Script on the player when you cast just that spell the name of the real spell under magic effects is Bloodspike Also I get an error for DamageAV("health", 5) when trying to save that seems to only work on ActiveMagicEffect
  6. And how would you put the Script on the player when you cast just that spell the name of the real spell under magic effects is Bloodspike
  7. Ok so Im trying to make a spell where every time you cast it it will take 5 health away I have made a script that sort of works but its not what I want here it is Scriptname test2 extends activemagiceffect Event OnEffectStart(Actor Any , Actor Caster) caster.damageav("health", 5) endEvent now what it does is when you hit someone with the spell it will take 5 health but when you miss or just cast in the air it does noting also tryd this but cant get this to work at all Scriptname TEST1 extends ObjectReference Event OnSpellCast(Actor Castor) Spell spellCast = Spell as Spell if spellCast && spellCast ==FireballSpell caster.damageav("health", 5) endEvent
  8. Ok so Im trying to make a spell where every time you cast it it will take 5 health away I have made a script that sort of works but its not what I want here it is Scriptname test2 extends activemagiceffect {This should work} Event OnEffectStart(Actor Any , Actor Caster) caster.damageav("health", 5) endEvent now what it does is when you hit someone with the spell it will take 5 health but when you miss or just cast in the air it does noting also tryd this but cant get this to work at all Scriptname f*#@ifiknow extends ObjectReference Event OnSpellCast(Actor Castor) Spell spellCast = Spell as Spell if spellCast && spellCast ==FireballSpell caster.damageav("health", 5) endEvent
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