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Everything posted by ajs52698

  1. I can try to write you a script but im sort of a noob when it comes to papyrus.
  2. alright ill mess with your code Reneer when I get done playing nuka world :P
  3. So there really is no way to do this without spending tons of time filling out forms or adding scripts D:
  4. I think that still involves having to type out all the forms to search for no? Heres what im trying to do, Player hits object, if object is in form list, do something.
  5. So with this script you have to define the hasform.() no?I was going to use this at first but I didnt because I wanted to avoid typing out all of the forms im trying to search for, theres a lot, very time consuming
  6. Im having a hard time figuring out a way to have a script search to see if a object is in a formlist. Need some help \: Ive gotten this far ScriptName Script extends Objectreference Formlist Property List auto Event OnHit(aktarget) Int ListInt == List.GetSize()Int RandomResourceChance If aktarget == List.Getat() Again im having a hard time figuring out how I would go about having the script search a formlist. Got some of the info from this example http://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Complete_Example_Scripts#Cycle_Through_a_List_of_Objects_and_Perform_an_Action_on_Each_Object.28FormLists.29
  7. ok it seems putting the inventoryfilter before onitemadded fixed the problem, do you mind explaining why that fixed it,for future reference?
  8. if Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(pCaps001) >= 600 Game.GetPlayer().RemoveItem(pcaps001, 600) Npc().additem(pcaps001,600) Endif Npc is not a function or does not exist void is not a known user-defined script type Get These Errors
  9. Hmm have a object like a speaker emit the sound using a activator and scripts? thats 1 idea you would use a trigger box I think to trigger the activator, or any object which can use scripts. ahhh just cause 2 mile high club could be a fun mod :D add some disco lights haha
  10. you could make a audio clip of the player dialog play when you activate it \: Sound Property TheSound auto Event Onactivate THeSound.Play(game.GetPlayer()) Thats all I know :(
  11. Im attempting to give a npc some caps when a conversation ends but when I check his inventory its not there. Heres my Scripts Fragment On Conversation: ;BEGIN FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the end commentScriptname Fragments:TopicInfos:TIF_Quest_02004CED Extends TopicInfo Hidden Const ;BEGIN FRAGMENT Fragment_BeginFunction Fragment_Begin(ObjectReference akSpeakerRef)Actor akSpeaker = akSpeakerRef as Actor;BEGIN CODEif Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(pCaps001) >= 600 Game.GetPlayer().RemoveItem(pcaps001, 600) npc.additem(pcaps001,600) Endif;END CODEEndFunction;END FRAGMENT ;END FRAGMENT CODE - Do not edit anything between this and the begin comment MiscObject Property pCaps001 Auto Const Mandatory objectreference Property Npc Auto const mandatory And My Script On The NPC: Scriptname TestScript extends Actor Quest property Quest auto Event Onactivate (objectreference akactionref)Quest.setobjectivecompleted(10)Quest.setstage(15)Quest.Setobjectivedisplayed (15) EndEvent Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer) AddInventoryEventFilter(Caps001) If AiitemCount <= 600Quest.setobjectivecompleted(15)Quest.setstage(20)Quest.setobjectivedisplayed(20)Utility.WaitGameTime(24.0)Quest.completequest() EndifEndevent Endevent Not Sure Why Its Not Working :sad:
  12. if you go to properties and click add properties u can use the list for different properties as a reference. for example theres form,sound,refalias.take one of those and go into your script source and declare them like this -- sound property yoursound auto.
  13. I had a similar issue involving dialog, tried to fix it for a week, figured out it was simply a condition I placed so double check those and make sure you understand what they apply to. For me it was is item used, I thought it only applied to the player but it was the player and npc, so the dialog wouldn't work \:
  14. ah just figured it out, had to have all of these in my script yourquest.Start()yourquest.SetCurrentStageID(10)yourquest.SetObjectiveDisplayed(10)yourquest.setactive() Also I have found out if a npc doesnt have the navmesh to get to you its marker wont show up, atleast thats whats happening for me.
  15. Ha I just accidently deleted my saves on cloud while working on a mod so now im starting over from scratch to :p
  16. Yea im having issues getting my custom misc quest to start to \: If I use the sqv command,my quest is active but it never shows up in the pipboy
  17. haha well ill hit you up if I make any progress :D Edit : I also would like to control them through scripting :P
  18. Ok so let me try to explain what im having problems with now a little better. Player Enables Activator Activator Starts Quest Activator Calls/enables package that sends npc to player Quest is finished when npc talks to player and enables Second Package Then npc just returns to where he came from when the second package no longer finds its targets, npc returning would be a third package I guess. Quest would be repeatable Hopefully this explains what im trying to achieve a little better. Everything else this mod would need ive already done. I just need a way to tell the npc what to do other than using pathtoreference since I wasnt able to get that working
  19. ah just found a solution now I just need help with packages
  20. I also am in need of a way to enable packages and disable packages for certain conditions which go along with what im trying to do here aka npc receives caps-> packages is started,if not another package started /: Ive been stuck on this all day
  21. Im aware you have to end a event, but what Id like is for this event to go off as a papyrus fragment script checking if the npc has recieved gold. aka caps :tongue: Npc Receives Caps from player -> Npc Runs Script checking if received caps -> if received, do something!
  22. Will This Work? Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer) AddInventoryEventFilter(Caps001) if akBaseItem == caps001Search()
  23. Im having a hard time understanding how to use this in my script, need some help.
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