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Everything posted by trees415

  1. Hmm, how are you testing your mod? Especially in the case of bookshelves, it's important that when you go to test them, that you don't load the game directly into the same cell as the mod that you're testing. When I am testing a mod, I always "COC" directly from the main menu into a cell that is separate from the one that my mod is in to allow the plugin to smoothly integrate with the game data, then I coc into the cell where the mod that I am testing is located. If you load the game into the cell where the mod is, you're mods are not likely going to work correctly since the save data (which had been created when the mod wasn't there) will conflict with the mod data in your esp plugin file. If you're still having problems, take a look in the creation kit at the bookshelves that already exist, and make sure that you have made all the necessary references, and have placed all the necessary primitives in place. You're bookshelf should have: -bookshelf markers on each shelf -a PlayerBookShelfTrigger primitive surrounding each shelf of books -a PlayerBookShelfClickTrigger primitive in front of each shelf of books, where you want the player to click add/remove books. - a PlayerBookShelfContainer container for each shelf located nearby. - Collision markers surrounding the bookcase, as well as each shelf For references, here's how it should occur: PlayerBookShelfTrigger: Has linked reference to PlayerBookShelfContainer* PlayerBookShelfClickTrigger: Has linked reference to PlayerBookShelfContainer PlayerBookShelfContainer: Has linked references to all books on the given shelf, as well as the PlayerBookShelfTrigger* * Note that the PlayerBookShelfContainer should both reference AND be referenced by PlayerBookShelfTrigger Bookshelves can seem complicated, but as long as you do them correctly then there should be no problem.
  2. Sounds similar to the navmesh bug, try loading your plugin inside TESVsnip, then save it as an master file (esm). If that fixes the problem, then that will confirm that your problem is due to the navmesh bug, in which case you can just convert your esp plugin to esm once you've finished working on it. Also, make sure that when you go to test the house in-game, that you coc from the menu since mods can start to have problems especially if you load the game inside the same cell. What I do is COC from the main menu to a location in the game that is separate from the cell where my mod is, so as to allow any game assets to load properly. Then from there I coc into the cell where my mod is.
  3. Thats exactly what i meant by "its crucial for my mod editing GameSettings on the fly" :D lol i don't know how i missed that, i need to get my eyes checked... Anyways, all i can think of are the game script functions, or a good imagination...
  4. Well, you can either directly input it into the console while playing the game, or if you're doing it as part of a mod, then you're going to have to script it, as there is no way to directly influence the base actor values in the CK. You could use TESVsnip, though I'm not sure how that works...
  5. Why not just edit the values from within the game settings window? Scripting would only be necessary if you want game settings to be changing during runtime. If you're seeking to tweek the settings more permanently, then just go into the game settings menu and change the values and save the plugin.
  6. Are you referring to the texture pack from bethesda? Unless something has changed in the last 48 hours, the texture pack will only override existing texture mods you may have installed, but that's it. Honestly, it's not worth downloading unless you don't use modded textures, as it's the same textures as before but at a higher resolution. There are far better textures that you can get from the modding community.
  7. Add a mannequin to your cell, then open up the properties window, click on edit base and the actor window should pop up. Then I assume all you have to do is put a name where it is prompted (I haven't tried this). As for putting armor on it, try placing the armor in the inventory for the mannequin under the inventory tab.
  8. You're going to have to become familiar with the way the creation kit works if you expect to produce something of that calibre, so if you haven't already I suggest you run through the basic tutorial series on creationkit.com to get familiar with level modding and working within the tool. Once you have the basics down, it'll be a lot easier to tackle a more advanced project like that. While you cannot create a completely new power with new animations, you can work within the confines of the engine and recycle various scripts and animations, and end up with a mod that is very close to what you're hoping to accomplish. But, like I said before, you're going to need a basic understanding of how the the creation engine works. Also, don't expect people to tell you exactly how to do something step by step when it comes to designing a new mod, as the whole purpose of creating a mod is to produce something unique and original.
  9. Well, I agree with you. If this mod actually required effort, then I wouldn't mind, but it's a 45 second copy-paste job assuming you have a wav-xwm conversion tool handy. But, I don't want to get worked up over it, so I'll leave it at that...
  10. Yep, all you need is the CK. Just go to tools under steam and download the CK. After you have it loaded head over to www.creationkit.com to get you started with the basics. Which file should I choose in the Data section? I open Skyrim.esm and it gets jammed errors pop-up etc. I went that far but in render window I can move freely the way I want. I can only hold shift and rotate around the house. Can someone give the controls list? No one is interested in holding your hand while walking you through the absolute basics of the program. The tutorials being given to you are meant for people in your exact same position. So you can either search around in the dark for the next 9 hours like you're doing right now, or you could go and look at the intro tutorials and be working on your house within an hour or two. so click on this link right here to go to the tutorial: CK Intro Tutorials Part 1: Getting Started
  11. I dabbled in something similar to this, and I can tell you that doing interface mods like this requires experience with flash. I have minimal expertise in the area so it was difficult for me and I gave up in the end, but maybe you might find it easier than i did. You're going to need adobe flash or something similar as well as a flash decompiler. you'll need to extract the relevant files from the interface BSA, then decompile the swf file into the fla format. Then open the fla file in flash and make your changes, then recompile and it should work. But, like I said before, it's pretty much dependant on your skills working with flash. Hope this helps.
  12. Y u no put door? Seriously though, making the player COC into the house is lame. Portals (aka doors) are ridiculously easy compared to a lot of other things in this game, so why not pick a plot of land and claim your turf?
  13. Well, I'm not so sure about making your weapon do that, however I am nearly finished with a quest mod that results in a shout that does pretty much exactly that with some additional effects. Nothing is quite as satisfying as sending Ulfric Stormcloak 100 feet in the air.
  14. Just to make sure, have you already tried inputting the dds texture into the properties window of Items-->Book-->Name of Book as it appears in the Object window? if you have, then maybe try to repackage your texture file into your mod...
  15. I'm surprised a lot of people like SkyUI, I can't stand it personally. For me, it would probably be: 1. All my replacement textures 2. FXAA Injector 3. Realistic Ragdolls and Force 4. Epic Thuum (Mod I'm almost finished working on) 5. Categorized favorites menu
  16. From my experience, some of the best visual mods one can do for this game are the texture replacement mods, especially when enough energy is put into producing good normal maps. However, I've noticed there are a lot of great texture mods that are ruined because of poor quality normal maps, so most of my replacement landscape textures were ones that I did myself.
  17. Totally agree with you, the last part of the game took me the longest to complete simply because I couldn't play the game for longer than a half hour. The quests were all based off the same templates, and there were many questlines I would've preferred to be shorter whereas others should have been longer. the civil war questline is one example of a questline that was waaayyy too short, because those were some of my favorite quests as they were always original. Hopefully the DLC's offer something new, and, I'm not gonna put too much faith in the quest mods that the community produces until I see them...
  18. uh, turn the weapon rack upside down then...?
  19. the HD texture pack is great for people who don't have any texture mods installed, but I wouldn't suggest it if you do have texture mods installed.
  20. Are you trying to create a custom spell sound for an existent spell, or a new spell you're creating? If it's for a spell that already exists, then simply navigate within the Object Window to Audio --> Sound Descriptor, find the spell you want to mod(All spells have the MAG prefix). To open the settings for the specified spell, right-click and choose edit, then under the sound tab, right click inside the box and click new, then navigate to your wav sound file, then simply remove the old sound file and you should be good.
  21. FXfireWithEmbersLight is the firepit in whiterun that is shown in the screenshot you posted, which you'll find under World Objects--> MovableStatic ---> Effects
  22. Not sure why you'd need tester's for this mod, it seems like all you did was manually adjust the volume for the WPN_Impact_Arrow_Flesh sound effects. If that's the case, then the existence of any bugs would be highly unlikely...
  23. In the package, it looks like two very important item conditions are showing INVALID. Here's how it should normally look:
  24. Can you post a screenshot of your force greet package? It sounds like there might be a reference problem to whichever quest dialogue you're using for the encounter.
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