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Posts posted by Tilarta

  1. I am not up to this point yet with my mod, but since it's going to be tricky to do, I figured I should find out the answer as soon as possible so I can implement it when my mod is ready for the introduction of that object.

    I am going to convert the Nuka Cola vending machine like this:
    Since the FO4 version has a hinged door and the bottles are sitting on a shelf inside that door, I need to rewrite that code so the new version is just a container and it restocks it's inventory at regular intervals, like the FNV version.
    How do I rewrite the code so that the vending machine is just a restocking container?
    The last time I tried this, it messed up badly, the code worked, but the inventory items were mismatched, it kept creating different sets of items instead of one kind of item.
  2. Looked into Maya, the pricing structure is even worse then 3DS Max!

    I'm not adverse to buying software, especially if it is good, but I'm not paying hundreds or thousands of dollars, especially under a Ransomware plan.


    And I find it hard to believe that there aren't alternatives for 3D modelling tools!

    There has to be more then two compatible with FO4 NIfs.

    Because the modders have to be using something to model.......



    I know nothing about Skyrim's file structure, except that the CK and other programs keep calling the FO4 files Skyrim files.

    Can't figure that one out.......

  3. I am looking to create some 3D models for Fallout 4, but as Blender's NIF plugin isn't functional for FO4 objects yet, I need another program to use in the meantime until it is.

    Does anyone know of a 3D editing program that will allow me to sculpt objects and texture them that is 100% compatible with Fallout 4 NIF files?
    Do not recommend 3DS max or Outfit Studio, those aren't suitable.
    I have Nifskope, but am uncertain if it is a good modelling tool.
  4. I am getting close to finishing my custom objects in my new mods.

    However, one issue keeps preventing me from finishing the objects:
    There are odd shadows across the tile when viewed from an angle or in low light areas.
    And with the other object, it puts divots in the texture when the same condition occurs:
    I have been told this is a Specular problem, but editing/creating the new Specular map did not seem to achieve anything, as it is still using the default Specular.
    I followed the steps here to make the new Specular texture:
    However, I am uncertain that it worked, since when I preview the Specular texture with the default tool, it is completely black.
    The normal speculars are a liliac shaded version of the texture.
    That's why I think it failed to generate the file properly.
    Does anyone know how to fix this?
    I have edited the BGSM and the NIF files to point to the new Specular Textures.
    The only file not edited so far is the N file.
  5. I disabled Specularity in the concrete bgsm file.

    I don't think it had any effect though:


    As you can see here, when viewed from above, the mismap is hardly noticeable.

    But shift the viewing angle and it immediately becomes highly visible.

    It's those three dents in the concrete.

    This is a minor version of the mismap, the tiles are much worse.


    I read the tutorial.

    If I interpreted it correctly, I need to extract the color channels from the new texture and copy it to the specular file.

    Unfortunately, it then mentioned Photoshop and that's it became non-relevant, as I do not have a copy of that program on my PC.


    I may have to find out if my editing program can do a similar extraction procedure.

    Or work out a way to do it with 3rd party (easy to use!) programs.

    Preferably ones that don't make you pay a lot to obtain them.


    A simple easy to use tool designed specifically for this task by Fallout modders would be ideal.

    If you know of one, please feel free to recommend it.

  6. And just when I thought it was safe to go back into the modding:

    More Texture Mismaps


    I am not certain what happened here, but I think there is another texture map that is altering the appearance of the new texture (on the stairs).

    It looks like the new texture has been made transperant and overlaid on the the old texture.


    For the most part, the tiles worked as desired, but when the light hits them from certain angles or there is diminished light, there's odd shadows on the tiles that makes them appear to be buckling or peeling up.


    My theory is it's something to do with the other files, the s and d extension ones.

    I thought I changed those to match too though.

    If they're causing problems, I might have to delete the references to those textures from the nif or bgsm files to make sure they won't cause the problems I am currently seeing.

  7. After a bit of tinkering around, I found the BGSM and the textures to modify.
    The problem with the BGSM was that it was an unexpected file (vault ulitity pipes) and I was editing the wrong texture (vault floor tread).

    Why a pipe texture file also includes a floor texture file isn't logic I could make sense of. :huh:

    I think the mesh is now ready.
    I want to check ingame to see if my modifications to this object worked, but as my game requires F4SE to play and that's non-functional at the moment (F4SE/Fallout 4 version mismatch due to FO4 patch), I'll have to wait a few days to see if it did work ingame.

  8. I managed to get that file to update it's textures with the information about the BGSM.


    Now for the next one that is being problematic:


    I am trying to replace the textures on the top of the stairs and the front of the stairs.

    I looked for the BGSM file, but I cannot find it to modify.

    Or the links to that file inside this NIF.


    Does anyone know how I can edit the textures of this object?

  9. Thank you for providing the info.

    It enabled me to find the correct texture and extract it.


    What really confuses me is why it wasn't in the same archive file as the ones it was connected to.

    The first two were in Textures3, the one I was looking for was in Textures4. :ermm:


    The file starts with V L T.

    Since I am using the format established by Bethesda, I assume it is shorthand for Vault.

    Which would make sense, since I am working on a Vault interior object here.

  10. I am loading all the textures for this object into the directories so it appears textured when I edit it.

    However, one texture file is damaged.
    It's meant to be on the railing supports, but it does not load.
    Each time I have tried to edit it, the correct program rejects it.
    Viewing it via the default viewer just shows it in some unusual lilac color.
    And it's not just this texture file, there is at least one other, maybe 2 or 3 more that are broken like this.
    How do I obtain the functional unbroken file?
  11. I am attempting to replace the texture on this object:



    But each time I have tried, the texture remains set to default.

    How do I get it to update to the new texture?
  12. Thanks for the info.

    I was looking in the exterior building segments of the files.


    It didn't occur to me that the texture would be part of the interior building set.


    I have the files, now I can work on my mod a little more.

  13. The first step of a mod I am working on is to retexture the concrete objects ingame.

    Most of the textures I have located and extracted, but there is one more I need to find.
    I don't know what it is called, the only information I have is this:
    I was looking for the BldConcreteWall01.bgsm file.
    And also, the related DDS file.
    Despite extensive searching of the Fallout4 asset files, I have found neither of these.
    Can anyone tell me where to find them?
    Please be as precise as possible, if you know, name the file and the path inside the file.
  14. It doesn't look that complicated to me:



    Obviously, something did go wrong, as it didn't give the right number and is randomizing the armors in addition to that.

    So once I learn what the problem is, it should be correctable.




    If you are curious as to why I instructed the Trunk not to stock/restock PipBoys, other Fallouters have mentioned that the ones received via this method are bugged, they do not work.

    So I figured it was best to just disable them, knowing that the ones acquired from the PipBoy containers are bugfree.

  15. Since the Vault-Tec DLC didn't come with it's own security armor, I decided to make some.

    The armor mod portion is mostly complete, but when I tested it ingame, it didn't quite work as expected:



    Instead of giving me 10 armors, it gave me two, both slightly different.

    The top one has +15 radiation resistance, the lower one does not.


    Does anyone know how to correct this issue so I recieve standardized armors from this trunk?


    I need to solve this problem before I move onto the next clothing mod item, the Vault88 LabCoat, as it will use the same ingame mechanics.

  16. In certain sections of my Vault, NPCs and Automatrons get stuck on the floor plates if they are above the ground.


    I tried to build a ramp using the ingame objects, but nothing has worked:



    So I need a ramp building set suitable for connecting Vault-Tec floorplates and structures.


    At the moment I don't need to clamp railings on them, I just need the ramp object.


    But if you're up to the challenge, feel free to add ramp railings too.


    If it is possible, I'd like the actual Vault-Tec textures to be used, the Atrium floorplates and the railings one.

  17. I've finished laying the floorplates throughout Vault 88.

    But because the floorplates are "floating" above the ground in some places, the NPCs and Automatrons have a fair bit of trouble jumping up, even though the height is not that great.


    So to prevent this from happening, I need to connect the seperate floor sections with smooth ramps.


    I've tried using the scaffolding ramps from one of the DLCs and the platform ramps from the Vault-Tec DLC, but neither were compatible.


    I need a ramp that is the width of the Atrium Floorplates and can snaplock onto them.

    Also, they need to snaplock on either other to keep the ramp as one singular unit.


    Does anyone know of a mod that can provide a compatible ramp for my purposes?

  18. I was using a simple mod that increases the limit of Settlement objects to infinite.

    For a while now, it's been working fine, but Vault 88 (Vault-Tec DLC) broke it:



    Since the mod has been removed from the server and is presumably no longer supported by the author, I need a new one to take it's place, preferably one that is more suited to the large building space of Vault 88.


    I need a mod that will run in the background when I start the game, that requires no user interaction and just allows me to build without worrying about fiddling with some user interface.


    Does anyone have any recommendations for a suitable mod?

  19. There are two things that irritate me about Automatron and I think it's about time they were fixed.


    The first is whenever I visit a Settlement and there is a guard detachment (5-6 bots), I get frustrated that each one keeps asking me if they can go adventuring.

    I would like this autoprompt to be disabled, so they only get assigned as Companion if I speak to them intentionally and ask them to come with me.


    The second is far more irritating:


    For months now, I've been trying to get Maddie to function as a doctor, but despite being assigned to the medical stand, all she does is give me the standard Automatron conversation prompts.

    I want her code to be fixed so she will actually treat my injuries if requested.


    Likewise, I want vendor code too, so whatever station they are assigned to, armor, weapons, etc, they work!

  20. Rank 3 of Nuclear Physicist has these effects:




    Fusion Cores can be ejected from Power Armor like devastating grenades and Fusion Cores last twice as long.

    Or so I heard, I haven't specced Rank 3 because I don't want the grenade ejection function.


    Also, if you are going to mod a Perk, you have to do it before you take the Perk, because sometimes it doesn't work after you take it.


    I want to replace twice as long with infinite use/no consumption and remove the grenade detonation function.

  21. I am experimenting with creating a mod that has "clean" construction objects.

    That is objects that look neat and freshly constructed, not like it was just made out of barely usable scrap material.


    To make this happen, I need to know how to replace the meshes and/or textures of objects that already exist in the game.


    This is my test case:



    I am attempting to transfer the mesh of PlayerHouse_Toilet01 to workshop_BathroomToiletBroken01.

    This is so that instead of crafting a broken toilet, you get an intact toilet.

    I also want to know how to change the name of the object.


    And there are other objects which will need modifying as well.

    In some cases, I just have to change the texture to one that already exists ingame.

    In the more extreme cases, I will have to export the mesh, remove the holes/defects, retexture it and put it back.


    Any help with how to do any of the above tasks will be greatly appreciated.

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