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Everything posted by kamusdf

  1. Armed to the Teeth and there is also DSpSoB - Dual Sheath plus Shields on Back
  2. Don't know for sure, because my machine would explode just by thinking to run Skyrim with this mod, but it's probably Skyrim Flora Overhaul
  3. Anyone knows what mod was used to make the female robes lower part that long? Also, the boots, where are they from? Also 2, I don't know if this is the right place to ask, but as I am sure some of you noticed, there is a serious case of the clipping going on between the boots and pants. I think this didn't used to happen before installing Dawnguard... Anyway, is there a mod or patch that fixes it? Also 3, for those of you that don't know it, here is a link of the retexture mod being used in the image: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/19826 Thank you very much in advance.
  4. I mainly use Ebony Mail (cool looking armor plus sneak for tanks!), and the rest of the set for the Heavy Armor bonuses... But I think that the helm is just the worst. I toggle it on and off for fights... and that really sucks. I would really like a mod that either replaces the Ebony Helm or just adds a variant with the model of the Ancient Nord Helm (best helm model in the game imho) with whatever Ebony textures are currenty loaded into the game (like the Crown Helments mod).
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