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Status Updates posted by cheesyfof

  1. At the moment I don't play FNV much, having a little break from it, but rest assured, Janette will return :)
  2. Been meaning to post for a while now, so here it goes...

    Thanks for all the hard work you've put into the Weapon Re-texture Project for New Vegas and for making the awesome looking weapons in FOOK (which would also be cool on their own, but are awesome nonetheless), gave you some kudos as a thank you too, hope you keep going with the re-textures for NV and future games :)

  3. Decided that it was time to get an avatar, my comments felt plain and empty without one :D
    1. cheesyfof


      nothing great though, just a picture of some cheesy pizza :)
    2. Lazysheepherd


      Better than nothing dude, better than nothing =)
    3. cheesyfof


      haha, yeah :D
  4. Hey dude. Just took another look at your 'I herd u leik gunz' picture and it made me want to ask whether you made it so the weapons appear on the walls, and if you did, could you share it with me/the rest of the Nexus please :)

    Thanks in advance ^_^

  5. Back from Cardiff now! :D
    1. cheesyfof


      Just got to go through 17 pages of images to see what treats everybody has been posting in my absence :-)
  6. Thought I'd let you know that I gave you a kudos for your funny pictures :)

    Bernt reminded me (not personally, but mentioned kudos and I thought you deserved some more), so thank you for the daily laughs and assorted stomach cramps associated with the super-lols I get from your pictures ^_^

  7. I'll be going to Cardiff for a few days from tomorrow, so I won't be able to reply to messages, comments or the like.
    1. cheesyfof


      So have fun, I will probably come home to lots of things to look at and admire in the images section and the files section anyway :D
  8. Sounds cool and interesting :D
  9. What website are you scripting for?

    sounds interesting :D

  10. I'm alright thanks mate :D

    got no projects going that are different from before, just trying to make my weapon still

    Helping others with there mods too :P

    You up to anything?

  11. I tried Oblivion on the PS3, but wasn't a fan of the lip-sync.

    Might ask to try someone's Skyrim, that looks really good.

    and about the textures, they are somebody else's to be honest, I just tweak them slightly, I am learning how to make weapons and companions at the moment, so soon I should be uploading stuff that is completely mine :D

  12. Hi there to you too :D
  13. Hey dude, was wondering if you would let me include your Tomb Raider outfit in a companion mod I am making for FNV.

    But anyway, great work with your mods

    Thanks in advance,


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