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Everything posted by CrunchyThunder

  1. I've recently downloaded the Xp32 Maximum skeleton so I could have weapons on the back of my character however whenever I seem to activate this mod it messes with my characters animations. For Ex. If I was to use a shield in the left hand only when I'm not moving does my character appear to be holding up the shield to prepare an incoming attack. When I decide to move my character while still blocking he lowers his shield and it really breaks the immersion. The same goes for 1h block animations, and even magic. At first it didn't bother me, but I would like to fix this if anyone has a solution. PLEASE! Note: I play Skyrim in 3rd person
  2. HEY HEY HEY I figured it out! In the mods go download the Sleeveless version of the nightingale armor. Simply go to the texture files open up with the GIF pprogram if you have no idea what that is then simply google it. ONce you have done that simply Delete the textures for the cape as he did with the sleeves and BAM CAPELESS SLEEVELESS. and you could eassily just download the maskless version of the nightingale hood. Sorry I'm typing fast because I just tested this theory out and it worked. I'm excited and I figured I'd let people know ;).
  3. OKay so the other day I was downloading a few mods and stumbled across some variations of nightingale armor. One that was sleeveless and then a capeless version. Sadly I could not combine those two mods because I believe they counteract each others meshes so only one would be allowed :(. So here I am making a Request to all other nightingale lovers. If you can, would it be possible to remove the cape and make a sleeveless version of the Nightingale armor I would ReALLY APPRECIATE It.
  4. Hello everyone that reads this. I have a special request! One that I believe is a great idea, well maybe. Either way I hate the fact when you're using a two handed weapon and there are no two sheaths.. Or when you use a shield and sword, and when placing the shield back in my magical pocket isn't good enough. I want the shield to be hanging on my characters back. And perhaps two sheaths on each side for dual wielding weapons. As well as the bow still on your back as you use a sword perhaps? Well the ideas has been given anybody up for the challenge? Thanks always.
  5. Alrighty. Here is my dilemma, I have recently downloaded some awesome mods. Yes holding back from the excitement, but the problem is every time I would decide to choose which I would like to use the game would crash. Almost immediately to, there would be a moments notice right after the "black screen" appears. I'm a bit lost care to help?
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