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Everything posted by joebenz

  1. Yes i managed to apply some offensive effects on my targets by a random percent chance and it worked flawlessly but not so much for beneficial buffs. So how do i add this script to my spell exactly? It's my very first time i use scripts
  2. I would like to know how can i make a spell "proc" certain effects? A chance to proc on each hit? I'm creating a spell that shoots firebolts and i want it to proc an effect that reduce magicka cost for 70% for 10sec I think it would be possible with a script.
  3. Hello, The first time i played skyrim, i was dissapointed to see zero spells about shadow magic or dark magic. The only dark magic ingame is the conjuration. It's cool but it only summons things. For a very long time i wanted to create a mod that adds dark magic spells. And now i'm doing it. I will also add custom new effects for each spell with completely new sounds. The branch of spells i intend to make are: - Chaos Fire Magic (green fire) - Shadow Magic - Death Frost Magic I will also add new dungeons with backstories behind them and the reason for these dark spells to exist http://skyrimforums.org/sf/styles/default/xenforo/clear.png I can use the creation kit easely but i don't know a single thing about scripting. The effects i would like to use on some spells are the following: - a script to trigger certain effects for exemple 20% chance on each hit to freeze target or stagger or fear etc - a chance on each hit to to reduce magicka cost of 30% for 10sec - a chance to cast a second time the same spell without magicka cost. - some fire spells that spreads on the ground like the mod fire and ice overhaul. - And finally a bomb type of spell. Cast it on the enemy, for 10sec it dots him. After those 10sec, it explodes and infect nearby enemies with the same spell, yes it could cause a chain reaction to a pack of mobs which is awesome :smile: So if anyone can point me to the right direction, some explanation, tutorials or videos that explains at least one of those effects etc.. i would be eternally grateful
  4. Nevermind this thread i posted in the wrong side of the forum my bad.
  5. Hello, I am new to creating spells and so i wanted to know some things: - I want my custom spells to trigger certain effects for exemple 20% chance on each hit to freeze target or stagger or fear. - To create a custom fireball that has a chance to cast a second time without magicka cost. - A bomb type of spell: when casted, applies a dot on the target for 6sec and when it is over, explodes and instantly reapplies this spell on nearby targets. This could cause a chain reaction. - And finally, i want certain fire spells to cause fire on the ground and can spread similar to the mod Fire and Ice Overhaul. The fire i will use will be entirely green. How can i make those spells? I know i ask alot but if anyone can explain how to make at least one of those effects described i would be eternally grateful :) I intend to make a mod that adds new type of spells with a backstory behind it and custom visual effects.
  6. Is there a way to get a crash report when the game crashes? i'm sick of it crashing all th etime and i can't figure what mod is causing that. Just a txt file that says this mod caused the game to crash at this time blablabla or somehing like that so i can fix it or remove it.
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