I know there are a lot of tutorials and stuff out there that will teach me how to mod oblivion, I've already started learning how to use the tes construction stuff but i basically would LOVE if someone could post me a link to tutorials for things outside of that. This includes anything that will help me learn how to create skin/textures, create models, create npc's, create animations. Basically anything you could need to make a fully independent mod. Now I know someone will point out i can find these things else where but the main trouble i have is knowing which ones give me good advice and which ones are easy to follow ect. So if someone could post me ones they have found extremely helpful (and preferably in an order of use such as one that will teach me how to create a skin then a model then animating it) I would much appreciate it. The main reason for this is because i have never modded a game like this before and have absoloutely 0 experience with something like this so i would like to get some base experience and perhaps in future have a go at modding skyrim :P Oh and adult tutorials aren't a problem for me, if they teach me how to do something then by all means share the link (but please don't skip over a good tutorial for a not so good one just because it is adult :P)