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About creeposaurus

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  1. The heads up is appreciated! This will be initiative for others to take the required measures to keep themselves secure. Others usually wait until a great number of people are affected. Thank you and hopefully the situation will be resolved quickly and easily :)
  2. Huge difference, its a lot faster downloading now. Thanks!
  3. This. Posts that were repped positively were usually helpful suggestions or a problem with a mod a majority of the users have had/having.
  4. A good question would be "Why are so many people downloading mods so weird?". Like what makes them feel like they're entitled to tell a mod author what they can or can't do with their mod? And who cares whether they do it for attention or not. If you're jealous of their receiving virtual approval, don't praise them for their work. Don't endorse them, don't vote their mod as MOTM, don't donate, in fact, don't even look at their mod lol. Its not like they're getting paid or anything and getting a "I LOVE THIS MOD" hardly pays for whatever amount of time they put into their mod. The way I look at it, there are literally thousand of high-quality mods on the Nexus. It won't hurt anyone if one author decided to give their one final "Screw you guys, I'm eating my mods and ain't nuffin you can dew bout et!". I wouldn't blame them either. Way too many people confuse being a troll with constructive criticism. And don't get me started on those realism freaks....xD
  5. One more suggestion, an ignore user option for comments being made on mods. It works for forum posts but not for mod comment threads :(
  6. A much needed update...its too bad you can't filter people though XD
  7. I'm glad I'm not the only one that's able to spot Patrick Stewart's voice, no matter the role. Did you know he voiced Bambi's father in Bambi II :O
  8. Damn shame, it was an awesome mod. I really enjoyed the additions he added to it like "Heroes and Villians" and the added factions. I'm using a combination of SkyTest and Prides of Skyrim right now (sort of like his lore friendly version) but its really not the same...not without the Elite guard patrols and random villian/hero trying to kill me :C He just needs a bigger team. Its a lot of stuff to take on by yourself, especially translations alone.
  9. Useful info BlackCompany. Changed my view on how to manage my load orders. Do you customize your mods enabled manually or do you have a utility for that?
  10. Sounds cool. Nice for an add-on for the main quest for Bards. But I don't want to enchant people, I just want to hit them....hit them with my lute. Then sing a song about it afterwards :)
  11. Or can someone point me to a good tutorial that allows me to switch meshes on weapons? I could probably do it myself... Or switch meshes period...
  12. This is third and probably not last mod request I post on here. Hopefully someone'll be able to do this one XD I figured have the lute as a weapon, preferably a two-handed one. Come on! Wouldn't it be fun to smash face with a lute? Musical instruments can serve a better purpose :D http://28.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ly4piqyZvC1r75z1po1_500.gif
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