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Everything posted by Bunslinger

  1. so basically what i'm trying to do is i'm trying to find out if an NPC is in a certain range of an explosion's impact point. simply using GetDistance3D doesn't quite work because it considers the explosion AND the radius to be one thing, so it's basically asking "how far from the entire effective radius of the explosive is the npc", so when they're outside of said radius the effect doesn't apply at all since they're not considered "in" the explosion. here's what I have so far: If GetDead == 1 && GetDistance3D (explosion point minus explosion radius + 128) DismemberLimb 0 1 EndIf so basically I'm trying to find out if the NPC is 128 game units away from the point of impact, not from the entire effective radius of the explosion. how would that be written?
  2. i'm not sure how to describe what i'm looking for to google, so basically i'm looking for something that stops your arms waving around when you move or look around in 1st-person. like, the thing that happens when your arms swing to a certain direction on the screen based on movement, camera or otherwise. fallout: new vegas had a gamesetting for this, fFirstPersonHandFollowMult, but this isn't present in the newer versions of the creation engine. skyrim does have something that sounds similar, fFirstPersonLookAtVertOffset, but i feel like it's irrelevant. i also don't think this property is attached to the weapon animations themselves, i figure it's more dynamic than that, which is why i think it could be disabled with a simple .ini command or gamesetting.
  3. hope this thread isn't too old for me to post this, i found the hitsounds in "sound\fx\fx\bullet\impact\xxx", under the filename fx_bullet_impact_flesh_playerhitstarget_01 through 06. still don't know where the killsounds are, though, but i'll edit this comment if i find them. the key phrase here seems to be "playerhitstarget", as there are several other hitsounds that play for metal and arrows (unless they're unused) that also contain the phrase EDIT: actually, I think there aren't any killsounds at all, but instead it works like this: it plays the normal hitsound for the final hit connecting, but then for the kill itself, it plays another hitsound. so it's basically 2 of the normal hitsounds played back to back that sounds like its own sound. i'm just assuming that, though, since i haven't found any killsounds yet and i figure they would be in the same folder if they were there at all.
  4. I believe I've discovered the culprit: Automatically Lowered Weapons got an update a couple months after the last time I downloaded it (which was apparently may of 2017, the update was august 2017), and this update added an animation speed multiplier "fix" which I assume misses its conditions every once in a while so it ends up persisting even when the conditions aren't met. Removing any trace of the fix effect, while it brings back the issue of animations playing at normal speed regardless of your current movespeed, so far has not caused the issue in the video again.
  5. video is a little dark, but hopefully it's not too hard to see what i'm saying so basically, every so often, weapon animations will slow to a crawl like this. they're basically playing at the lowest possible speed, and I don't know exactly what's causing it, and google nor FO4Edit is any help. this persists until i open the pip-boy, or, as mysteriously shown in the video, it looks like the effect has a duration, as it wears off eventually without me doing anything. but again, I don't know what's causing it, no chems or anything were taken beforehand. something i've recently noticed, though, i feel like i can reproduce it by sneaking, though i don't know by doing what while sneaking, it's just i was clearing out augustus safehouse earlier and using stealth to clear the area, and it happened at least 3 times during that run. i'll post my load order if necessary, but i'm hoping someone else has had this issue and knows what it is already. EDIT: after some testing, i feel like i can at least confirm for certain it has to do with crouching somehow. i've been sneaking a lot less lately and it rarely happens. crouched to loot a super mutant once and it happened again almost immediately, but wore off pretty quickly.
  6. replaying survival and fallout 4 still has this issue where i'm overstocked on stimpaks. even though they have weight in survival, that doesn't stop me from carrying 50 around and basically never being caught without one or being forced to decide whether or not to use one in the first place. rather than go the JSawyer or Fallout 76 route and have expired stimpaks simply heal less, i think it would be better for expired stimpaks to just turn into junk that gives you 1 steel and 1 antiseptic back. so if you have a handful of expired stimpaks (and blood packs, which are normally pretty useless given the abundance of stimpaks), you can craft them back into 1 normal stimpak. i think this would go a long way into not only making stimpaks rarer without editing levelled/loot lists, but also give a greater use to blood packs and the stimpak crafting recipe, which are normally superfluous.
  7. i made a custom RAD meter for JSawyer Ultimate (since the rad poisoning levels are adjusted, the vanilla meter doesn't line up with the effects anymore), but trying to replace it hasn't worked so far. it looks like the one in interfaceshared0.dds is the right one, compared to another .dds file i saw that was missing the glow effect and also didn't work when i replaced it. the problem is, it looks like the game is just ignoring the file completely in favor of the default one. archive invalidation is in-fact, working, i did reset it just in-case because i was also working on a road texture mod that didn't work until i did that, but it looks like that's not cause of the problem. i suppose it's also worth mentioning i'm not using any HUD texture mods besides this one, unless VUI+ counts even though it doesn't affect the rad meter(?), but other than that it's all vanilla textures.
  8. hm... you make a good point, though as easy as this is to do, editing perk forms directly is probably not the best idea since it'd only work with vanilla perks and probably need a ton of patches for mods and such. plus there would still need to be a way the game could tell you about perks you no longer have because of effects you're suffering. as with most things i was thinking something more like a script that would check a perk's requirements and run them against the player's actual stats every time said stats change, and if the requirements are no longer met, remove the perk and display it and its requirements somewhere in the pip-boy. and if they are met, then... do nothing.
  9. i had this wild idea for a mod that i think would ramp up the difficulty considerably and also make stuff like addictions and diseases worse: if you no longer meet the requirements for a perk via suffering a detrimental effect (like an addiction), you no longer get the effects of the applicable perks until you meet the requirements again so let's take the Cowboy perk for example: you need Guns 45 and Melee 45, but let's say your level in both of those is 45, and you have a turbo addiction, which reduces your agility by 2. well, now you no longer meet the requirements for the Cowboy perk since your guns skill is being reduced by your agility being reduced by the turbo addiction, so now you no longer have the effects of Cowboy until you get your addiction cured since you're below the requirements. i don't really expect this mod to get made because i imagine it's pretty complicated, i'm just throwing this idea out there. i think something this mod would need is another pip-boy screen telling you which perks you no longer have and why.
  10. so how would i check the number of frames passed? the only functions i've seen count in realtime or game time, not frames
  11. at that point i feel like it's more trouble than it's worth, i might either just wait for JIP to change the handler (i asked about it) or just stick with what i have. also i don't know if it helps, but i use <=0 for health values in-case the damage subtracts to 0 exactly, which while rare i'd still like to prevent stuff from not working if it does
  12. I suppose this is what I was hoping to use SetOnCrippledLimbEventHandler for, again, the only problem is I can't leave the reference open or set any potential targets to one reference, which sucks because this event handler does exactly what i need it to
  13. I feel like that would clash horribly with Immersive Hit Reactions since it uses the same animations. Expanding upon dubious' suggestion, couldn't I just use OnHit and rTarget.GetAV PerceptionCondition <= 0 (for seeing if the head is crippled on hit, for example), and by that point would I even need an event handler? or would I just need one script that looks like this scn CrippledSCRIPT ref rTarget begin OnHit set rTarget to This if GetHitAttacker != PlayerRef return elseif rTarget == PlayerRef return elseif rTarget.IsActor == 0 return elseif rTarget.GetHitHealthDamage > rTarget.GetAV Health return elseif rTarget.GetAV PerceptionConditon <=0 playsound SFXCripplesound elseif rTarget.GetAV EnduranceCondition <=0 playsound SFXCripplesound elseif rTarget.GetAV LeftAttackCondition <=0 playsound SFXCripplesound elseif rTarget.GetAV RightAttackCondition <=0 playsound SFXCripplesound elseif rTarget.GetAV LeftMobilityCondition <=0 playsound SFXCripplesound elseif rTarget.GetAV RightMobilityCondition <=0 playsound SFXCripplesound elseif rTarget.GetAV BrainCondition <=0 playsound SFXCripplesound else return endif end It's a little repetitive, but I think it would work, my only fear is that the numerous checks for limb condition would result in the sound playing 7 times
  14. what i want to do is for there to be a sound when an enemy's limb is crippled, i figure the best way to do that is with JIP's event handler made specifically for checking that, and the iWhichLimb >= 0 makes it so it's indiscriminate, but like i said the problem is that PlayerRef.GetCombatTarget only works on NPCs who you've already shot at least once, so if you cripple on the first shot, there's no sound.
  15. ok so wait, let me start over, i've made some adjustments and i'll go into the details basically what i'm trying to do is get a sound to play whenever an enemy's limb is crippled so first we have the event handler script scn CrippledEventSCRIPT ref rTarget begin GameMode set rTarget to PlayerRef.GetCombatTarget SetOnCrippledLimbEventHandler CrippledEventFUNCTION 1 rTarget end and then we have the function script scn CrippledEventFUNCTION ref rTarget int iWhichLimb begin Function {rTarget, iWhichLimb} set rTarget to this if GetHitAttacker != PlayerRef return elseif rTarget == PlayerRef return elseif rTarget.IsActor == 0 return elseif rTarget.GetHitHealthDamage > rTarget.GetAV Health return else iWhichLimb >= 0 PlaySound SFXCripplesound endif end now, this actually does work, but there's one problem: PlayerRef.GetCombatTarget doesn't work until after you shoot someone, and only if their healthbar is on-screen (since it's the same getter used for displaying that information). The problem with this is that I need it to register on any NPC, not just the one the game considers you to be in combat with, so that if the first shot (or any shot) you land on an NPC (whether you're in combat with them or not) cripples a limb, it'll make a sound.
  16. the JIP event handler "SetOnCrippledLimbEventHandler" needs either a reference or formID list in order to work, but the problem is i want it to run on whoever the player is attacking. here's what i have so far: scn CrippledEventSCRIPT begin GameMode if GetGameRestarted SetOnCrippledLimbEventHandler CrippledEventFUNCTION 1 (actorref/formID list) endif end i can't compile it since I don't know what to put for the last spot, i know i don't want to make it a specific actor since that wouldn't do anything to anyone other than that specific actor, and there's no form list that contains every actor in the game, nor do i want to make one since that's horribly incompatible with most things is there a way i can set the last reference to be whoever the player is attacking? i've looked at the geck wiki page for this function but it's of no help
  17. i modified an existing mod to allow for hitsounds, but there's a problem: if you use a shotgun, it makes a hitsound for each individual pellet, and given how new vegas' sound works, this is considered "loud" and thus overrides most other sounds for a hot second. is there a way to allow only one instance of a sound? I.E. a sound can not overlap itself, especially if multiple instances occur at the same time, inadvertently making the sound louder?
  18. so i'm editing a UV map in outfit studio, and after i make any necessary edits and click "okay", it immediately trashes it and goes back to the original UV map. if i don't click the "edit" button again, the edits will stay visible in the viewport, but on export (and loading into nifskope), it's once again back to the original UV map. i'm editing the UV maps in outfit studio because you can do rotations in real-time as opposed to nifskope where you have to type in the rotation degree bit by bit, which is tedious, unless there's something i'm missing that enables you to make rotations in real-time. why isn't outfit studio saving the UV map edits? i've googled high and low and couldn't find an answer.
  19. i'm trying to get the NCR combat ranger gloves to be half-fingered, as in the player's fingers are exposed. however, i don't have enough modeling knowledge to merge the default player hands with these without clipping or weighting issues. i'd like for someone who knows what they're doing to add fingers to these gloves i've prepared, they're already cut to the length i want, all they need now is the fingers (and for the ends of the cut fingers to be sealed, but honestly i'd just be happy with having them there properly without bad clipping issues) there's 4 meshes, 2 pairs of gloves obviously--2 for females and 2 for males, left & right respectively. i need these to complete a mod i've been working on, the gloves are the last piece but i've been having a lot of trouble getting the actual ranger gloves to be half-fingered so I thought i'd reach out for help. of course when the mod is released, whoever takes up the task will be credited for their work.
  20. yeah i suppose, at this point i was just trying to see if there was some easier/simple way or if there was something i was missing so i could do it myself, might try a couple more things before i post a thread about it there though
  21. The problem still persists though, that being that the fingers don't naturally fit into the holes and the two meshes have to be heavily modified to fit together yet it always ends up looking bad because the weighting is so different.
  22. I actually tried that, and the problem with that is, unless there's a better plugin than the niftools one i downloaded from github for newer versions of blender, I can't export the new nif properly--opening it in nifskope just results in an error and the mesh becomes unusable. Unwrapping the UV in 2.49b (the version of blender that works well with new vegas), unwraps it in a completely different way than 2.8 to 2.9, one that unwraps it as if it is looking down the fingers. Having to do this 4 times, I'd like to make the process of unwrapping as quick as possible. As much as I'd love to use the new unwrapped UV from 2.8 or 2.9, it can't export correctly, and without doing extra work in 2.49b (marking seams), this process becomes too tedious to do 4 times. and even if i do get it to work, i don't know enough about UV mapping to rearrange the verticies so that the texture doesn't look really, really bad
  23. i'm having a lot of trouble redoing the UV map on this glove model i'm working on, basically what I did is i cut the fingers off of the NCR Ranger gloves and remapped the textures to the bare hand textures, which works okay except for the fact that that UV is the same as the NCR Ranger gloves. while this result was expected, I don't know where to go from here. the reason I did that instead of cutting the fingers off and putting the bare hand model and glove together is because they're completely different shapes, so even if i reposition the bare hand fingers into the glove holes and redo the weights, it looks awful in-game because they're two different meshes with different weights and polycounts and whatnot. i'd like to ask of someone who is good at doing UV maps to basically make the fingers (that are currently mapped to the bare hand textures) actually line up correctly with the bare hand textures. i've included the meshes if anyone wants to give it a shot, when the mod is eventually released you'll be properly credited for doing the glove meshes. EDIT: i've updated the meshes for a couple of things: one, the glove and hand models were incorrectly named, and two, they were in the wrong order. it's fixed now, as this caused an issue where they wouldn't unequip properly if you took the armor off
  24. i'm looking for a mod that simply plays a UI sound when you shoot an enemy, and a different one when the hit is a critical hit. this should only work on live targets and not corpses. i'm aware the Solid Project has such a functionality (and you can still find it for download on certain parts of the internet), but I'd hate to install the entirety of a mod that's not even officially released just to use the hitsound function.
  25. allow me to explain: i'm aware of the existence of mods that allow a weapon to jam while it's being fired, however that's not what i'm asking for. basically what i'm looking for is this: if a weapon would normally jam after a reload (as is default), it is instead postponed until the player actually tries to shoot, but otherwise it can't happen for the rest of the magazine. i ask for this as opposed to the current available mods where a weapon can jam at anytime, as well as multiple times during the magazine, since no matter how small the chance, it's very possible a jam can roll true multiple times, which can get annoying IMO especially if the weapon is at high condition.
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