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Posts posted by Beccy

  1. World->World Testing and Reports->Update Distant LOD Data


    Try that and see if it works. I haven't had too much time to poke around the CK but it sounds like it might work.


    Doesnt appear to have worked, clicking the option doesnt appear to do anything, or at least it doesnt leave feedback on its working. I've taken some screenies and i'll try and get them up to show shortly.

  2. Ok, i've been at this for two days now, i've had a little help, "Little" help from some sources, but what help i have had hasn't worked, i was told i'd need to re-render the LoD or something?, anyway the only option for that i could find seemed to relate only to the outside world (tamriel) and have no effect on my Interior Cell, (Suggestion was World > World LOD)


    Basically i've made/edited an interior cell i wanted to start to furnish as my player home, i've been through it all in the CK it looks ok, but as soon as i try to load it ingame, something wierd happens and over a short distance, some of the walls and the floor become invisible allowing me to see the ''grey'' netherworld outside the cell. if i walk forward into that area that was invisible i can see it perfectly, however the area i've just come from, goes invisible. Its like a really basic, but very final fog of war effect. one that i really don't want :(.


    Any help and suggestions on how to overcome this would be hugely appreciated! thanks in advance!.



  3. You need to re-render the LOD, my friend.


    Complete noob version?, :(. Is this something thats done in the Creation kit? I'll google, but thank you for your help! :D


    *Edit* Google gives me nothing, and isists i've mispelled LoD, and that i infact need to re-render my Lord. :rolleyes:

  4. Probably a common issue i'm unaware of, but i thought i'd ask is this, when i've edited certain cells within the CK, Cells created by bethesda themselves, like for example a tower i was attempting to adapt into a player home. once certain objects are moved, or old doors covered up with new wall panels, if i attempt to view the place ingame for testing, half of the rest of the place just doesnt show. i get that grey background from the CK visible untill i run into the area that hadn't displayed, then where i've come from is all missing.


    I can't really explain it better than that, but its almost like the LOD has gone to like 3ft in these places, and only the places i've changed. if i were to fast travel or CoC elsewhere, it would be perfect. Any suggestions on what i'm doing wrong?.



  5. Cheers all, all of your answers thus far have been amazing!, now i know i have to completly root out any connection to radiant quests in that cleared dungeon before i can hand it over to the player! (fun times!).


    Can I ask specifically what you've found out about this?



    Only that the dungeon being cleared is no fallback, so i've got to remove the connection between my dungeon and radiant before i can think about using it. i've got to work out still how, but i know that i have to do it :P.

  6. Cheers all, all of your answers thus far have been amazing!, now i know i have to completly root out any connection to radiant quests in that cleared dungeon before i can hand it over to the player! (fun times!). I know that retexturing shouldn't be too much work!, (or not as much as initially feared!). and i've got some more ideas on how to manage the house!,


    With regards to the great big house swap thing, i was sort of hoping that i could make the same chests available in both instances of the cells. I.e. the exact same container showing in two places. I know it was somewhat possible in Oblivion from a few mods that allowed you to have a chest one place, and another a million miles away that had the same contents because the chest was exactly the same, (not sure on the how though!)


    The one thing i'm still a little shakey on is the Phasing. (i know this is a recent *hushed tones* wow term, but it fits what i want to do, so i'm using it!) I know in Skyrim something akin to this is done for when Whiterun is attacked when following the Stormcloak half of the Civil War, and Solitude too, which means the original devs of Skyrim have to have had a way of doing it and i want it!, in truth the changes are small, and theres probably a way around it, but in the interest of the ''cleaness'' of the Mod, i want it done properly, and if thats the case, i need to hunt down how the Beth team did it i guess.

  7. Throw away the perks and integrate them into skill growth.

    A script could handle it so that when you reach certain skill values, it will automatically give you the appropriate perk for that weapon, magical school and so on.


    That is a possiblity, but it doesnt quite apply to the theme i was aiming for. I don't want to overhaul the system, i quite like Skyrims Perk System and how it works. The only let down for me, was that perks like, Allure, Green Thumb, Haggle, Experimenter, Deep Pockets, Treasure hunter, and others were valued the same as Overdraw, Armsman, Impact.

  8. For the last one, at least, examine existing player homes and compare them to simliar unowned buildings.

    Actually a good idea!, I'll give that a try.



    As far as radiant quest locations go, I'd like to know an easy answer to that one. The best I can figure is that you'll have to remove the boss type so that game doesn't look for that location when assigning radiant quests. See: http://www.creationkit.com/Bethesda_Tutorial_Dungeon_Wrapup (esp: the section titled: It's All About Location)


    In order to make you mod compatible with someone's existing game that already has a radiant quest assigned to that location, I think you just need to leave the boss chest in place (which can be removed at the finish of the quest).


    These are my best guesses so far from a few hours of research, I really hope there's a quicker solution.

    Yeah i have looked at that aspect of it, but my worry is that with my unique case, if i have the door scripted to for example take the player to a completly new cell once they've completed the locations standalone quest (which clears the dungeon) if Radiant Locations still chooses my dungeon once its been cleared and the door takes the player elsewhere, that item or boss for the Radiant Quest is going to be locked away in a no longer used Cell, So what i'm really aiming to find out, is how the radiant works with cleared dungeons, and if you can exempt certain dungeons from its search paramaters?, if not seen as the radiant seems to work on a classification basis maybe it would be easier to make a brand new class of dungeon and list mine under that so no current Radiant will pick the class? i dunno. i'm getting ahead of myself.



    Thank you both for your replies though!

  9. I've seen a few mods around recently that deal with the way that the perk cap can be severly limiting, especially when you're forced to take non-combatative perks in order to further your adventuring career. For example, taking anything in the Speech Tree, Complete waste of time given that all those bandits out there arn't going to be in the least bit bothered how well you beg and plead, they'll still stick your head on a stick to warn the next silver spoon'd aventurer to run before they stop to chat.


    With that in mind, what i thought would be the best suggestion would be to have for example two perks per level, (up to level 10/15 say) only the extra perk you receive cannot go towards a combatative skill, i.e. armsman, overdraw, or any of the mages tree's outside of maybe Enchanting maybe. So that your character would develop their skills in whatever path they choose, but also be able to learn to speak nicely to people at the same time. So that while leveling you don't loose an edge in combat just so that you can get 10% better prices, or flirt with female shop owners!,


    anyway, if anyone thinks this is a good idea, or has any idea of how i could possibly script this, i'd be happy to take any advice and maybe i'll get it done myself!. otherwise i'm happy to take any advice!



  10. Ok, so i made a post a few weeks ago which outlined the idea i had for a mod, i wanted with that post to test the waters on its possibility, and similar things, and i didn't receive any information either directly to that post or in a few messages relating to it that swayed me away from what will be a mamoth task (for me). Granted a large part of that mamoth task is the learning curve of aspects of the Creation Kit i never got familiar with in either of the previouls Construction Kits that i've used. Anyway!, after having a look at the shiney new kit today, it's left me with a few more detailed questions i would like some help with. and i figured there can't be a better community of people to ask right?.


    Ok, here goes, in no particular order!


    [*]I intend on re-vamping an ingame dungeon for a player home, while its a lot more work than a traditional build from scratch, its what my heart is set on, and i think it'll offer some character. What i'm worried about, is i had hoped to retexture the whole place once it becomes player owned. Now i know i can do this in itself, what i'm concerned about is how can i do it without retexturing the wall pannels used elsewhere. (For example the same wall pannels that make up this dungeon could be used in 30 other similar buildings/dungeons in skyrim. I'm not going to want them all looking like my home. Can i add my textures to the same ''frame'' of the wall, used in the building without having to replace every individual wall peice by hand?,)


    [*]The location i've selected, being a dungeon obviously falls under the Radiant Quest location selection thingie, which means, if the location hasnt been cleared when a quest is accepted it could possibly be placed where i've made my home. Now the twist to this question is that the location already has a quest of its own, contained within the dungeon, and completing the quest ''clears'' the dungeon. Can the Radiant Quest system still choose my dungeon if its already been cleared by the player?


    [*]Is it at all possible in anyway to ''phase'' the outside world of Skyrim, as in exterior cells, I'm imagining it maybe could be done with a duplication, but this is so far outside my knowledge base it hurts my head. I was thinking maybe a dupe cell that is scripted to become active once the player reaches x quest stage or something? i'm working this logic off the Civil War Quests in which the exterior cells are changed. (i.e. whiterun with the huge catapults and stuff.)


    [*]I had a grand idea of making my location ying-yang friendly, as in have it optionally dark and horrid, or happy and light, fluffy pink cushions to rest your head on, or wooden stakes to rest someone else's head on. and i've decided given the nature of scripted clutter that it would be better to have two alternate interior cell dupliactes, and once you've decided (probably via text challenge) wether you want pink cushions or spiked heads, the scripted door will henceforth teleport you to which ever interior matches your decision while the other becomes null and void (maybe a change your mind later option later.) Is this the best way to go about this? or should i have one interior cell location and have the upgrades vary based on the player decision?


    [*]The last one is rather simple, its can i, and if so how do i, set the player home to being recognized ingame as a player home so that spouses will offer to move there with you.


    These are the most difficult questions i've had really, as you can see they are mostly based around scripting and quest linking things, the ''mechanics'' of the mod i suppose it would best be called. which is sadly, my weakest aspect in this area i think. I've already taken a look at the cells i'd like to convert to a player home and mentally mapped the locations, which rooms will serve for what and so forth, and rather sadly, begun decorating it in my mind, and in one saved ESP for an example of what i'm looking for. I know there are hours of work ahead and i really hope i can do my imagination justice with what i'm aiming for, hopefully with a little guidance here i can go and learn whats needed to get the ball rolling.


    P.s. I'd like to point out, all i'm really looking for here are some suggestions of the possibility/correctness of the ideas above, the main issue is i'm wandering on thin ice without knowing it, and i'd sooner know now of any impossibilities in my grand plan so that i can adapt it accordingly before i get half the work done to find out that a certain aspect of it will fail.


    Thanks in advance for any and all help i receive, it truely is appreciated!.



  11. Ok, so i've hidden in the shadows long enough, its time for my evil laugh and plan to take over the world!. or not. It is about time i asked you wonderfull people for some help and advice though.


    I've never before made a mod for the general public, all i've ever done is basically changed things in morrowind/oblivion and used the ESP's for myself. I was fairly handy at both of the previous Construction Kits so this new Creation Kit doesnt really worry me too much. But, this new mod i'm planning is to be my greatest work yet. and i'd like some input and or advice on the following issues :

    The Short list of questions!


    • My mod once done is going to be a player home. but i prefer the idea of making it an ''earned'' home, and worked on rather than something i just plonk into the game and set owenership to the player on. How difficult is this to do on the whole?, (this scripting aspect is something i've never done)
    • What is the general opinion of the community about mods that alter NPC's that may, or may not already be dead in your game?, for example an NPC required to help you upgrade the house. (obviously they'd need flagging for essential in the mod to stop them dying, but i mean for games saved already that the mod was added too.)
    • what is the general opinion of the community of altering locations ingame already created, as apose to building from scratch?
    • How does the player homing upgrading system work?

    The Long explaination!


    There is a location already existing ingame i wish to convert to a player home using the CK once it's released. it is currently part of a quest (side/minor quest) and my intention was to basically tack on the ownership of the place once cleared with the help of an NPC related to the location. There are a few things i'm not really sure how, or even if i can change. for example, can the game be one thing up untill a point and then completly changed?, i.e. could i keep the places current interior look and function for its first quest line, then change the door linkage after it was ''cleared'' to take me to another version?,


    another large issue i'll have is that the location i want, will require some exterior tweaking, its not all internal cell changes, will these be possible in the above mentioned method? or can i not ''phase'' the outside world at all? should i just scrap that idea from the getgo?


    Also, given the size and nature of the location i was hoping to have its cost and stuff equal to its scale for more ''realism'' i'm not sure how the community and gamers would feel, i know its always possible to just cheat i guess though right?,


    and my last issue, is the interior cell is fairly large, if i intended to retexture most of it as part of the renewal, is there anyway i can keep the lag down?, i mean i've downloaded some player owned homes that while they look absolutley amazing, have the horrid drawback of like 1fps which is something i want to avoid if possible, any tips for this would be massively welcome.



    Thanks in advance for any help anyone can offer on these issues, i'm really looking forward to sinking my teeth into this project, while it might not be as grand as some of them, i'm hoping to make a very versatile player home that really has that ''earned'' feel.


  12. Glad to hear it. :) By utilities, though, I meant such programs as OBSE, OBGE, Fast Exit, etc, that don't load as mods in the game, but are still added by the player and affect it.



    Ah Righto, erm only OBSE i think (unless non .ESP textures and stuff count). I've sent a PM to the Author of BNP to see if i can get some help with the leaky script, and currently disabled BNP and it seems to be working perfectly now, so im guessing that script was the hidden cause.

  13. Please list your mods and utility add-ons, the former in loading order. Also: are you using Win7? And how much RAM have you got?



    I've no idea what a utility addon is :S so i'll just list all the addons im using in their OBMM load order :



    Cobl Main.esm


    Cosmetic Compilation - No Jpeepers or NPC Changes.esp

    Cosmetic Compilation.esp


    Cobl Glue.esp

    Coble Tweaks.Esp

    Basic Primary Needs.esp

    Trade and Commerce.esp



    In that order obviously, I'm running Windows Vista 32bit, 3.00Ghz CPU, and 3GB Memory, The game has loaded and played fine untill this point (different points ingame) twice but roughly the same amount of time played (around four hours) and then all the saves specific to that character are 'Corrupted' and wont load. its the same standard windows error message anytime i try to load any of the two saves i've made, or the autosave which is about an hour behind in gameplay,


    I can start a new game fine, with no errors or anything, but even from within the loaded game, i cant load my saves.


    (hope this block of text helps :S)



    Tried renaming the save files (changing the number of thefile only) but that hasnt made a difference either, it still stops loading in the same way.


    Second edit, some Google search shows people with the same issue having problems with recently installed addons, however none of my addons are "Recent", they've all been installed for some time, but i will try and disable the last two i added and see if that helps.


    Third edit. After disabling all the addons, and trying to load it worked, and i was able to get into the game again.however, turning them back on seems to have stopped oblivion working at all :S I'll restart my PC and try again.




    RESULT! After much testing, im closer to an answer now, ironically opening the console at the wrong time might have shown me what the issue was here, I was getting a lot of scripting errors from one of the addons (Better Primary Needs) and after disabling BPN and loading a slightly older (before the scripting errors started) save i was able to get back into the game. now just to find out what was up with the script....

  14. I need some help getting some nice, preferably high res faces, i've downloaded natural faces but it doesnt seem to make much of a difference, any tips or advice on how to make/import or whatever some really cool/cute faces?


    I mean i love the bretons as a race but why do they all have to look like chimps ><

  15. Please list your mods and utility add-ons, the former in loading order. Also: are you using Win7? And how much RAM have you got?



    I've no idea what a utility addon is :S so i'll just list all the addons im using in their OBMM load order :



    Cobl Main.esm


    Cosmetic Compilation - No Jpeepers or NPC Changes.esp

    Cosmetic Compilation.esp


    Cobl Glue.esp

    Coble Tweaks.Esp

    Basic Primary Needs.esp

    Trade and Commerce.esp



    In that order obviously, I'm running Windows Vista 32bit, 3.00Ghz CPU, and 3GB Memory, The game has loaded and played fine untill this point (different points ingame) twice but roughly the same amount of time played (around four hours) and then all the saves specific to that character are 'Corrupted' and wont load. its the same standard windows error message anytime i try to load any of the two saves i've made, or the autosave which is about an hour behind in gameplay,


    I can start a new game fine, with no errors or anything, but even from within the loaded game, i cant load my saves.


    (hope this block of text helps :S)



    Tried renaming the save files (changing the number of thefile only) but that hasnt made a difference either, it still stops loading in the same way.


    Second edit, some Google search shows people with the same issue having problems with recently installed addons, however none of my addons are "Recent", they've all been installed for some time, but i will try and disable the last two i added and see if that helps.


    Third edit. After disabling all the addons, and trying to load it worked, and i was able to get into the game again.however, turning them back on seems to have stopped oblivion working at all :S I'll restart my PC and try again.

  16. Twice now i've had this issue and im in no mood to start over again. I'm not getting a reason for the crash, only that the program has encountered an error and is going to close, this is about 50% thorugh loading any savegame.


    Running a few addons i can list if you like, fully (officially) patched vanilla oblivion.


    Any thoughts on a possible cause for this?

  17. Make sure your ESP is activated, it is stupid, but I make the mistake every time.

    <code> won't work, because you have to use XXID, where ID is the CS ID and XX your esp load order, or something, I don't/can't console so I'm no expert.

    Player Start spell doesn't do a thing, IMO. Add them to the player Actor.


    Hope this helped! ;)



    Actually just confused me more! :P


    Basically as an example, this is what im typing :


    player.addspell 020011CE


    Because that is the Form ID listed for my spell, but the result is the message i copied above, basically saying it doesnt exist or w/e i dont get what the load order has to do with it :S I've never had to use that before.




    Did some reading about what you said, about the load order part, and even with changing it, it doesnt seem to have made any difference, my own ESP i moved to the third to load, so either 02 or 03 should work depending on the ESMs and how they're classed (i didnt read to much into it.)


    From what i can gather, it seems like any ESP i makes changes just arnt being loaded into the game in the way they should be, so i cant find them in order to just add them, i guess i could go to another addon and add these spells to an NPC, but seems like a lot more work than i need really.

  18. Ok, so update!, I've got the construction set to work!, i tried uninstalling/reinstalling and patching and it works!.





    Now i have a new issue, Whatever changes i make, (currently only spells) and save either to my own new ESP, or to an existing mods ESP, whenever i load into the game those spells dont exist. They're set as player start spells, and i've also tried the player.addspell <Code> and i get the


    "Item <code> not found for paramater spell item. Compiled script not saved".


    Anyone know why its doing this? i am running a few mods, well... quite a few really. but i cant see why that would make a difference would it?

  19. Sorry yeah i guess i could have added that info :


    Its pre Shivering Isles, my copy was bought before the Xpacs and i never downloaded them for Pc as i got GoTY for Xbox. the game is patched to 1.2.412 or w/e it is.


    I have both the 1.0 and 1.2 versions of the construction set, With the first version (1.0) i can load all the data into the CS but whatever i try to save as ESP wont load into the game. and 1.2 wont load the ESM game data for me to even begin to make anything to try and save.

  20. Hi, I've recently re-installed Oblivion in anticipation of Skyrim, and as i usually do, i downloaded the Construction Set to potch around and make fancy changes that the console wont let me do ingame.


    Anyway, im not new to the construction set itself i've used it loads of times before and i followed the install process this time the same as any other, but for some reason, i cant open my construction set at all now, whenever i start to load the files into the set it freezes, usually around 20-30% of the load.


    This happens wether i load with, or without any plugin .ESP's, and its never happened before, i did a quickl google and the only results i had said that the CS had issues with Vista, but i know i've had it working on this PC before now, even so i followed the "Fix" given in most of those threads setting the CS to run as admin, and that hasnt helped either.


    I'm just hoping someone might know something i dont?.




    Sorry once again if this is the wrong forum, i've followed here at the nexus for ages, but this is my first post :(

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