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  1. I'm a long time user of Vortex (and NMM) since it gets the job done, but when I started to mod SkyrimVR it started to become a nuisance. So I started to use MO2 which is not bad at all. Shared Installations between Skyrim VR / SE / AE: The main issue that made me to switch is that I have to manage both Skyrim VR and SE (or AE in the future) and with MO2 I can have a single mod repository for both saving hundreds of gigabytes of space and days of mod management since >90% of the mods are shared between both games. Useless separation between SkyrimVR and SkyrimSE mods: Another issue is that is extremelly annoying the separation between "/skyrimvr" and "/skyrimse" mods. You might not have noticed but if a mod is an SSE mod it will not show up when managing VR and most mods are SSE mods. So when you uninstall an SSE mod it goes back to the "/skyrimse" folder and it disappears from the "/skyrimvr" folder mods. Very annoying and totally useless separation. MO2's 'Override' folder: Wow... the "Override" folder in MO2 is the best thing ever, it's so useful. This and the feature that allows to put files changed by an app in a custom mod (such as FNIS or Bodyslide or TESEDIT cache files) is very very handy. Please consider these features in the future.
  2. Hello, recently I started learning a bit of how MO2 works and was pleasantly surprised by the button that creates mods from the unmanaged files that always end up in the Skyrim / Fallout installation. In Vortex I usually ignore them but when using profiles you need to deal with it. So far what I do is to Purge the whole thing and zip it in a file with the profile's name. It's not a big deal but I think MO2's way is a bit more polished. Programs that usually mess up with Vortex are: - Wrye Bash bashed patches - Bodyslide .tri morphs and meshes that are not provided in the mod. - FNIS files. Maybe someday someone figures out an extension to simplify this, I think it would be nice to have.
  3. Hi, When Vortex has a lot of downloaded mods the UI starts to become unresponsive and even the mouse pointer gets stuck. I have 2142 mods downloaded and I think that's the reason it lags.
  4. Awesome, I'll try that later. Looks like that's what I need.
  5. Hi Picky, you are a GENIOUS! THANK YOU!!! LOVE YA
  6. When we download a mod for Skyrim VR since Nexus categorize them as Skyrim SE mods, Vortex will place the download in: "../Vortex/skyrimse" folder. When you install the mod Vortex will be enlightened enough to discover that Skyrim SE is not even installed therefore is graceful enough to ask if you want to install it for Skyrim VR. Ok, then it works fine and all, but if you uninstall the mod it will disappear because it will be go back to the "../Vortex/skyrimse". If you drop the .zip/.7z/.whatever file into Vortex it will place it instead in the correct folder: "../Vortex/skyrimvr". So TLDR: Can we please select in which game repository to place the archive if the target game/variation doesn't exist? Thanks
  7. Hey, my Vortex keeps trying to update an extension and fails like this: dest already exists. Error at Object.withTmpDir (D:\Program Files\Black Tree Gaming Ltd\Vortex\resources\app.asar\renderer.js:157:210) at D:\Program Files\Black Tree Gaming Ltd\Vortex\resources\app.asar\renderer.js:780:46 at tryCatcher (D:\Program Files\Black Tree Gaming Ltd\Vortex\resources\app.asar\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\util.js:16:23) at Promise._settlePromiseFromHandler (D:\Program Files\Black Tree Gaming Ltd\Vortex\resources\app.asar\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\promise.js:547:31) at Promise._settlePromise (D:\Program Files\Black Tree Gaming Ltd\Vortex\resources\app.asar\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\promise.js:604:18) at Promise._settlePromiseCtx (D:\Program Files\Black Tree Gaming Ltd\Vortex\resources\app.asar\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\promise.js:641:10) at _drainQueueStep (D:\Program Files\Black Tree Gaming Ltd\Vortex\resources\app.asar\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\async.js:97:12) at _drainQueue (D:\Program Files\Black Tree Gaming Ltd\Vortex\resources\app.asar\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\async.js:86:9) at Async._drainQueues (D:\Program Files\Black Tree Gaming Ltd\Vortex\resources\app.asar\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\async.js:102:5) at Async.drainQueues (D:\Program Files\Black Tree Gaming Ltd\Vortex\resources\app.asar\node_modules\bluebird\js\release\async.js:15:14) An extension will be updated If I ignore the error and when restart Vortex the same thing again. Other than that it seems to work fine. I uninstalled all extensions that can be uninstalled and it does not go away. One thing to note is that I moved SkyrimSE game location a few weeks ago (using the sugested procedure in forums), but it did work fine and still works fine (except for that annoyance). Tried removed Vortex, "AppData/Roaming" folder, the same thing. Tried reinstalling Vortex, the same thing. I'll move on, it does work after all but is annoying.
  8. When mods come with their sources, you can detect which scripts where updated and what has been changed. WinMerge will highlight those changes. Anyhow my suggestion is not about WinMerge, that extension is working perfectly. Is about hiding useless overrides to make it easier for mod developers, power users and testers.
  9. Does it matter? Ok... I'll endulge your curiosity... Let's say that two mods change HDT's configs.xml. The two have different's configurations, only one will win. Is that the correct outcome? No! you can live with it yes, or you can merge them and have the best of both. That is only but one example, there are other options like comparing images, yes... WinMerge can compare pictures, even DDS (except when using more exotic compressions). I also use it to tell me if BOTH MF'er files are exactly the same! Like nifs, or hxk, etc... when only a dedicated viewer or an hex editor could tell the difference. So yes, that extension is very useful.
  10. "What GAME are you modding?" Bethesda's "i think you asked that question before. it remains completely unanswered." Where? I can't imagine where except for a post in the "File Preview with WinMerge" vortex extension. "here's where rules are your friend. \r\n..." I know how vortex mod overrides work and there's nothing wrong with it. This has nothing to do with it. It's an UI thing. I'll provide some context to weed out unrelated comments: This is the regular dialog shown when overriding by file, currently there's no way to determine if this override is doing anything useful. This is why "File Preview with WinMerge" extension comes through providing a way to check which file needs to come on top. Most of the time tho Vortex is just overriding the same file content (crc-wise) therefore what I'm asking is a way to hide those file overrides which consist in the same file content. I could even dream and ask merge patching as an option between file overrides. There are several libraries for different languages, even for js (called json-merge-patch).
  11. It would be helpful if Vortex would just skip or at least tell if both files are exactly the same when overriding by file. I understand that it may be tricky to display in the UI if 3 addons are changing File1.txt and that file is the same in 2 of the mods and different in the 3rd mod. Currently I'm using the extension that uses WinMerge to compare but I need to actually click in each file to detect if the overrides are actually different files. -- Another suggestion is in regard of the top right notification when a mod has been downloaded. It shows the last mod but if you click the Install or Enable hyperlink, it will actually install/enable every mod that you have downloaded recently instead of the one stated in the notification. IMHO, I find it not very intuitive and I accidentally click those quite too often.
  12. Well im back to square one... I could save a lot of downloads using recuva (I hope they are still crc correct) since I had several mods with more than 10gb. This time I will use move deployment mode and uninstall vortex once everything works. To be honest I rather use Mercurial or Git to manage plugins.
  13. It was working so well... first time ever I thought everything was going to be alright....
  14. GOD!!! it breaks more and more when it tries to fix stuff.... Its worse than windows millenium....
  15. No! I know remember why I got screwed... I installed Vortex long ago (was an early adopter) but I stopped using it and I think I deleted it. Then I recently reinstalled it in another folder and it somehow found old stuff and crap it doesn't even exist anymore. When I try to set the download folder to another location, it moves Vortex (all the dll and executables) to the download folder. That's is why the update deleted my mods. I don't know how to fix this.
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