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Status Updates posted by MontbelloKnight

  1. Happy birthday friend! I wish you the best and hope you are having a great time with your family and friends! :)
    1. bison1967


      Thank you very much, Montbello Knight! By the way...that cake was delicious! ;)
  2. I am well, thank you very much for the gesture, dear friend, and I hope you are good also. :)
  3. M'alegra que t'agradin, i et desitjo el mateix de tot cor =) El vídeo va ser una mica antihigiènic... però també molt bonic :)
    1. aisnor


      Una mica antihigiènic? Bona manera de descriure-ho. Segurament la majoria de coses que valen la pena són una mica anihigiénicas o engreixen ;D

      Tens raó, el vídeo i la idea que proposa són molt bonics :)

      Ens veiem,


  4. Moltes gràcies pel teu comentari, jo també et desitjo que passis un molt bon cap de setmana =)
  5. Igualmente =), que tengas un feliz día de San Valentín... bueno, lo que queda de el...
  6. You are very welcome.
  7. Thank you for adding me =)
  8. Thank you for adding me to you friends =)
  9. Then allow me to pay homage to our friendship, not out of debts and payments, but out of respect and admiration instead. =)
  10. Hello friend, it's been to long since last time we exchanged words, I noticed you left me a happy new year message which I never saw until recently that I have been around the community again...

    I just wanted to wish you well, and I hope you are doing fine, cheers!

  11. It is good to see you are on these parts again, you have been missed, and like I said before, I really appreciate your support, it means a lot to me.

    I owe you a tribute image, I haven't forgotten, and a promise is a debt.

  12. Hello, I've seen the wonderful models you uploaded as Oblivion resources and I wanted to ask you, if you would allow me to convert them to Skyrim's Nif format and use them in a High Rock project I am working on.

    The resources I am most interested in are;

    Jurad City

    High Rock resources

    Market resources

    Gryphon fortress

    And the Imperial Cathedral<...

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