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About MontbelloKnight

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    TES, Dragon Age, Soul series, Mass Effect, Final Fantasy Tactics, Age of Empires

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  1. Your imagery deserves more recognition than the pressing of a shiny green endorse button, and more praise than the Grayfell can find words to bestow upon it. The Kudos button is a poor substitute, but the only blessing he has left to thank you with, the Grayfell presses it gladly. We hope you continue Lady knight, pehaps the Nexus can be won back from it's obsession with the chainmail bra. Blessings, ¬The Grayfell
    1. MontbelloKnight


      And yet again I find myself overwhelmed by the generosity and kindness of the Grayfell's words.

      I shall remember his words and keep them dear when I do what I do, and try harder, so I do not betray his praise. U_U

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