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Everything posted by eddyg86

  1. But yeh it utterly destroys my immersion, that remaining counter. how the frik does my magical power armor magically know how much ammo is left in my magazine AND how much spare is ready as a total?
  2. This is the best we can do at the moment, it seems. Very sad. But also - weird. That yellow text - I found the texture file for it, made it transparent, nullified, and it still is loading from somewhere, intact.
  3. Hello! I published this mod ages ago http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9409/? It used to work - but now, if you will see my attached screenshot file on this topic, this is the best state i can currently get the mod. If anyone has any idea (again, see screenshot) why this Ammo and Power Cell isn't removed, when every other asset of the Hud has been commanded invisible or off-screen? If you have any idea what I might be talking about, again, see screenshot, and then download the latest version of the mod, which unfortunately has the problem shown in the screenshot, or point out where that ammo/power cell text might be located so we can command it off-screen? This is a mod which has been requested and I'm constantly being asked to update it, even if I personally would prefer to leave modding FO4 until they finish releasing DLCs. p.s ignore the compass showing in the screenshot, i got rid of that already.
  4. I don't want anything scaled to the players level, i despise the levelling in the world, i've modded my game a lot to be non-scaled as possible. But I agree that it would be a bonus if any modded weapons already in a players level lists would be affected too, and none of the level lists ought to be touched. " Only thing I can think of would be a script that checks the player for playing level and other stats, then assigns any NPC with a levelled item such as a sword or decent armour a random maximum item tempering level to what they have equipped, which can change as the player levels up. Either that or manually adding fine, exquisite, etc. versions of levelled items to the existing list, which would be a nightmare (making all the tempered versions of each arrow and bolt and the accompanying recipes was a pain in the arse, I'll say that right now.). Hence a script would be much preferable if it can be pulled off, as it could also accompany additional mods without needing to manually patch them." - why not just a script/quest that applies the value, if it was for example, SetItemHealthPercent - to all items in an area as the dragonborn enters it? And applies it totally random from 0, no tempering, to maybe just about the point that a level 100 smith could get it to? That would reflect that some people in Skyrim care for their weapons, or are more technically superior, to others, who might just carry a steel sword to look fearful. It would reflect then that some of the guards spend extra of their pay on sharpening their sword at the Skyforge or local smith or something whereas others just chuck their swords against the wall at the end of the day. It'd reflect that some people carry armor that is fitted or is in good condition, whereas some people would be in baggy, ill-fitted, hard to move in armor, or armor that's lost a certain value of protective through age and neglect. Man your a legend for even listening to me, i've written half a novel about this topic since DAY1 of skyrims release, and personally, while I love to play the game, i've been patiently sitting around waiting for this mod, and I never saw it, and never heard anybody else care a single thing, infact, you were all happy being the most powerful damage in the land, i think ;p I personally want the fear, not the knowledge that due to my massive damage, even on 1x/1x difficulty, i'll never meet a foe with any decent damage output. i want to Not know if that bunch of bandits has items of double the quality of the last bunch i fought. i want to Not know if the massive orc who i'm thinking of fighting has been 'sharpening his axe', so to say, whether his axe has been granted (fine) condition, or possible even (heroic) status. I think it should be random, and 0-grandmaster quality, throughout, to reflect that you don't need to be a major smith to take your weapon to somebody who is, and you could also be totally lax about such technicalities, even as a more powerful or important character. (p.s to the fellow who's an archer, i agree. it'd probably be simplest for you to get a mod that just increased the range and flight-speed of all, or your favourite, types of arrows. i've just turned up the flight speed and range of all arrows and bows in my game, which feels more realistic alongside an overall 3x damage boost on all arrowtypes and 4x on all bolts, all dlc and mod weapons too, cos, as i've said before, i'm not particularly smart, even if i'm a durgenborn - i might not BE the greatest fletcher in Skyrim, i personally think all the denizens of skyrim should be on a more even playing field, and less neutered, and if i'm going to have superior arrows, at least some of my opponents ought to too)
  5. i agree. i've had my request ignored over 5 times now, for the grindstone and workbench upgrades to be applied to every item and npc and store item randomly, so the main character isn't the only one with OP (fine to legendary) upgraded weapons, nor will he be the best smith and the only smith capable of turning a steel sword from 10 damage to 50 or 90 somehow, a feat not even Jurgen Greymanes skyforge steel can match. In fact, my level 15 smith can create a better version of any weapon or any armor just via the fact he gets those unfair damage and armor boosts after grindstone and workbench action which NOBODY else, not a single NPC or storefront, offers or wields, and therefor rendering every looted item unavailable for use until you take it back to town and add some unimmersive, player only, special smithing magic to it, and no enemies are actually worth fearing once you upgrade your crap enough, cos you know no matter what they are weilding, its worse than your (legendary) upgraded gear. Yet, if you ask for Lara crofts pantaloos, pointier ears or waterloos sabre - someone will take their sweet time to make it for you - when half of these mods are obscure things which only affect small groups of fanboys. what we need is infact the smithing upgrades applied randomly and specifically throughout the world - so, for example, if your only a level 30 smith, the Steel Blades available at Jurgens Skyforge would be of a (fine/exquisite) quality by default, and better than the player can actually match until level 50 or so 60 smithing. Same with the artifacts. Same with the bows, for example, if it all takes is a single leather strip to make your hunting bow that bit better, why aren't the hunting bows we find on the enemies occasionally (fine) or even (superb) or something, hey? I personally can't play Skyrim since I noticed this massive flaw, and spend about a day a week trying to convince modders that this mod would add so much to Skyrim, even if it was only implemented fairly simply, without smiths being able to sharpen weapons or anything for you at THEIR level, for a fee, which i'd also like to see.
  6. I find it disgusting that the player can upgrade things - whereas not a SINGLE npc has any item of any upgrade value what-so-ever. I find it hard to fathom that people comment here regarding roleplay, where the immersion/roleplay is shattered by the unrealistic quality of the Player character being the only one who has upgraded a single thing via those grindstones and workbenches. To me, this mod is unessential compared to the fact that the mod i've requested twice and to other people and has been complete ignored, which is, to have the Various Upgrade qualities (fine to legendary) applied both randomly and specifically throughout the world. Items, for example, from Jurgen Greymane, should be of a higher upgrade quality both in his store and in the hands of the Companions, for example, than anything that even a level 50 blacksmithing Player-character can upgrade to. It kind of offends me, for example, that, my level 22 khajjit who is a fairly crappy blacksmith, at only level 16 or so, can take an iron dagger, and add a SUBSTANTIAL ammount of damage to it, but no other weapon in the world, even those found in the stores of the 'finest smiths of the land' has been sharpened in the Slightest bit.. Does this make sense? I agree, however. The vanilla arrows and bolts could do with at least a damage haul (i used tes5edit to create a mod as soon as I got into de-conflicting my mods, it add x3 damage to all arrows and bolts from all the dlcs and mods i have, which adds to difficulty and realism, and also stops most cases of 'walking pin cushions' throughout the entire skyrim world, hah, dead in their tracks.) But how can you people seriously look over the fact that the Dovarkiin is the ONLY person in the world who has made an item more powerful than it's default values? And that even the most humble of main characters can upgrade a steel sword to a higher damage than ANYTHING sold by the Companions Skyforge Smith? That 'bracket' (fine, heroic, legendary, for example) upgrade quality ought to be applied, both randomly, and specifically in locations, throughout most items in the entire world. It doesn't make much sense that the first smithing quest tells you to 'sharpen' your iron dagger, yet that same smith doesn't have a single upgraded/sharpened item in his entire shop. And it'd be awesome if, for Roleplay reasons, or because your skill is too low, you could pay some of the NPC's to sharpen/'fit' your weapons/armor up to their skill level, and have these items for sale, pre-sharpened! I vote one "Random upgrade/ aka ''this blade is a little dull, i think it needs some sharpening..." mod, and say, you oughta just get an arrow damage overhaul for the entire world, which is easy pie to do yourself and if not i think one exists for all vanilla and DLC arrows which if you PM me i can help you add custom arrow types (from other mods) into, and also makes your enemies more of a challenge too, and better hunters.
  7. it's actually possible, of course, unlike some ideas. It'd maybe be a problem finding Dialogue to fit, but the closure of Riften Orphanage (after a certain You-Know-Who kills the lady who runs it) could be a good opening. Perhaps it could come up for sale, and a certain ammount of the little beggars could be sent there instead of your house. It'd probably have to have the owning of the Orphanage as a pre-requisite, and then if you have a house too, give you options in the Dialogue on where you would send the child. If you only have the Orphanage available it should be the only option, and yeh, you shouldn't Have to deny the child until that Orphanage is full. Even then - you could create modules onto the property where, after you purchase it, similar to the Riften house, you can visit the Stewart and pay for a new wing, or perhaps a second building. The mod could probably recycle a lot of the Dialogue from the current Adoption and the current Stewart house-upgrading. (Could i do it though? I wish.. Yikes. It'd take a solid knowledge of the editor. But it could be mostly done with vanilla assets, and potentially be non-conflicting with most mods) Perhaps for now, you should just get that mod which lets you adopt more children (into your many Manors). I'll try to find the URL and PM it to you. (I, however, feeling that this is a Singleplayer game, unlike an online game where I care what the other players are feeling, or real life, lol, I don't really care what the poor virtual sods of Skyrim are feeling, and tend to add alot to their torture, lol..)
  8. Mod Request: "That Blade's a Little Dull.." It's always bothered me, since I bought Skyrim for xbox360 on it's Australian release date and fondly got into Blacksmithing, that I was the ONLY Soul in the entire of Tamriel actually using the Grindstone for any damn reason. Here's my point. The first smith you find, generally, will initate a quest where he gets you to make a dagger and helmet for him, then let's you keep it, saying "That blade is a little dull, how about you get a bit of metal and sharpen it up!?". Well, they'd know about dull blades, as NOTHING, anywhere, in all of Skyrim, is upgraded - it's all 'pre/no-upgrade' and ready for you to somehow get some grind-stone magic and, poof, +8 damage to your iron longsword, that not even the ones at Jurgen Greymanes store can match. hy is everybody else, but the magical Dovarkiin, completely nerf'd when it comes to actually getting some benefit from those grindstones they sit on all day long? (lore wise). Why is the later game Artifact bows, or a Thalmor elven archer's bow for that matter, of lower damage, 'unupgraded', compared to my characters !uniquely! upgraded longbow (and why am i the only one who thought to add an extra piece of firewood to my bow, or that extra leather strip to my hunting bow lol? Why aren't there 'hunting bow (fine)'s everybloodywhere if all it takes is one leather strip to get that extra killing power?) That's my point, and what's needed. * The items for sale, and in the hands of the people of Skyrim, and available for loot, should be of Various upgrade qualities (fine or whatever the lowest possible for players to upgrade to, all the way through to 'heroic' or 'legendary' items, occasionally, particularly on relics and special weapons and armor) - way before the Dovarkiin gets his magical-grindstone-ing gloves on them, and even in the hands of his/her enemies. * It doesn't make sense that even a steel sword created by Jurgen Greymane isn't up to scratch compared to one taken by a level 15 blacksmith player-character to the grindstone. The ones of the particularly special smiths, such as Skyforge steel, should be, for a time, way too upgraded by default for anything but perhaps a level 60-80 smith to be able to Upgrade, they should come at a pre-grindstoned/workbenched level, that suprasses the ability of any but the more talented of player characters. * deadric artifacts ought to come perhaps at levels that you ought to be at least a level 80-100 smith to be able to carry on upgrading them. They are currently underpowered at all levels, as it is, and it is depressing that the first thing that I, and presumably anybody (in their right mind, regardless of their level of smithing) does, is take a new artifact or purchased item to the work area, to start the hack grind-stoning and workbenching. *perhaps, alongside selling pre-upgraded gear, some smiths of the world could even upgrade the players item for them, at Their skill level, which may be better than the players by a lot, for a appropriate fee. (for example again, mr Greymane, who's SUPPOSED to be the best of the best, but who sucks compared to my level 20 smithing khajjit, regarding damage. in fact, all his blades come 'dull', according to the first blacksmithing quest, lol) Is it viable to apply random and occasionally pre-set Blacksmithing Upgrade conditions to the items of the world of Skyrim? Even if they all came out random, and never higher than what a level 100 or 100 + best smithing potion PC could upgrade an item to, it'd still be far better for immersion overall - and have the side benefit of adding a bit of damage and protection value to the various NPCs of the world. It'd also as be making on-field/looted use of items more viable in the later levels of the game, (which i find i never do, all items go through the now mundane process of 'upgrading' at the workbench and grinder, and obviously, all found items are crap compared to yours until you take them to the smith - even an ebony sword found on a NPC can be laughable until taken to the smithing area compared to a iron dagger you upgraded via the grindstone and smithing skill potions. Why is it the dovarkiin is the only smith in the world of Skyrim to be able to do that? Actually sharpen anything?). It'd add to the excitement of actually finding some items Pre-upgraded/sharpened/hardened even better than what you can currently upgrade to with your current skill level. (Another cool element to this, could be that fighting, as all parties would have upgrade levels generally, could come with a chance to wear down armor and weapons - forcing you to repair your armor and shield, and resharpen your axe and blade, regularly, if you do alot of hacking. it'd simulate the sharpening even further, and almost simulate a repair system, and force you to kill enemies more wisely if you wanted to sell the gear for a profit based on decent upgrade levels, as your attacks might of worn the enemies armor 'to a shred' of no-upgrade, lol, or only fine from exquisite. Imagine if both you and your enemy had Upgrade levels available from self smithed (or in the case of the NPCs, generated)/store bought/looted gear - and fighting could slowly wear down your upgrades, actually forcing you to sharpen your weapons regularly, and lessening the quality of loot if you don't kill your foe swiftly and cleanly (and with thoughtful power attacks as opposed to spamming attacks, which would wear down the enemies armor quickly, lessening loot profit, and damaging your weapon more). imagine if armor had to be re-fit and repaired at the workbench after a bunch of combat, and your enemies armor had default upgrade levels which would wear down with damage even?)? I personally wonder if this game (or the previous one, Oblivion) could of used another 100 brains and 12 more months, or 24 even, as some of these things just make sense, as does frosty breath and foot-steps in the snow, and true first person, imho.. I don't know why nobody else seems to care about this ;p and is happy with being the only one in the virtual world with a 90 damage iron dagger. honestly, it confounds logic, that people want to constantly mod the players damage up, and then complain that the difficulty is too easy - so they switch the difficulty slider from the default, 'true, same, equal damage to all parties', 1x/1x damage difficulty of 'adept' - and make themselves feel good for having half damage and half armor - lol. you might as well just play on adept and not upgrade on the grindstone for the same effect.. I personally want to see other NPCs and storekeepers having access to 'grindstoned' weapons and improved armor, so when i play on 1x/1x damage, adept, normal difficulty, i won't always be at an advantage, having the ability to upgrade even an iron sword to the damage of an unimproved ebony warhammer, and therefore also rendering a non-smithing roleplaying character unable to ever see a 'sharpened' weapon in the world, ever... *sighs*. i would make this mod myself but its beyond my ability - i know roughly where the events for adding the effect to a single item is, but to add that to the rest of the world is beyond me entirely - i would imagine it would be an invisible quest activation or something if it's at all possible... and even then making it randomised across all loot and world-items is another thing, and making it good in some places and not too good in other areas could be too much of an ask too.
  9. it could be cool, too, to find some armor already in 'fine' condition, and go on to upgrade it further - but also it could be cool to find armor upgraded beyond your current ability. perhaps, by default, some of the artifacts could be upgraded to superior or heroic levels always, and it'd take a master smith with some alchemy & enchantments to outdo the existing upgrade..
  10. if this mod already exists can somebody please point it out? it's something i've wanted since day 1 (and it's always baffled me, why i can upgrade the crappest bow to best the best in the game, and ALL items in the game are 's#*!' if you get onto blacksmithing early, even iron armor can be better than some of the artifacts you're given)
  11. I've always wanted to see the 'fine' 'exceptional' and occasionally (superior) Items, elsewhere in the world than created by my player character. It just ruins the immersion for me that I am the best blacksmith that Skyrim has ever seen, or ever will see, apparantly. (Give the skyrim PC some iron, some leather strips, and then ANOTHER block of iron, and he can create a dagger better than the best ebony sword created by any of the NPC smiths, even at a fairly low level of smithing). I've always thought it would be cool if you could find on items in chests, and from shops and equipped on NPC's - with a chance to be upgraded slightly already, to reflect that some other people in Skyrim can actually smith too (beyond that default level of no-upgrade). It sounds difficult though. Is this a feasible mod idea?
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