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Everything posted by Purr4me
Geck ignoring other esps included in my mod
Purr4me replied to JimmyRyder's topic in Fallout 3's Mod Troubleshooting
My pleasure. Kitty Black -
Geck ignoring other esps included in my mod
Purr4me replied to JimmyRyder's topic in Fallout 3's Mod Troubleshooting
your system then is not set up to view executables I can show you how too No need to edit or removes your posts, I get the full Monte in my e-mail EDIT: hold on, give me the link to the version of MO 2 you're using at the moment? 1 version has issues with binary auto select. The author's , that's' plural as in a few working on the software in question have some learning to do. Bellow is what is closer to a model that should have been used. It may not be in the version you currently have. But I wont know until I test what you have. Not that it makes any sense to you. this is in-depth coding -
Geck ignoring other esps included in my mod
Purr4me replied to JimmyRyder's topic in Fallout 3's Mod Troubleshooting
nah hun you can't use that software to run the program...wait a minute. Download and simply install this https://javadl.oracle.com/webapps/download/AutoDL?BundleId=242058_3d5a2bb8f8d4428bbe94aed7ec7ae784 -
Geck ignoring other esps included in my mod
Purr4me replied to JimmyRyder's topic in Fallout 3's Mod Troubleshooting
Geck ignoring other esps included in my mod
Purr4me replied to JimmyRyder's topic in Fallout 3's Mod Troubleshooting
Now you should be able to continue on your own from here. Kitty Black -
Geck ignoring other esps included in my mod
Purr4me replied to JimmyRyder's topic in Fallout 3's Mod Troubleshooting
you extract it and copy just the *.jar file into the games data folder and from there, you link it in through MO as an executable. Now, if you do not have Java (x86) installed? it won't work. But in order for IT to see your work, It needs to run from inside of Mod Organizer. 1 of the bugs these tools have is some of them require you to run them 1 time on their own in order to establish system registries. from that point on, things should be fine. Remember to point it to that data folder in the main game. -
Geck ignoring other esps included in my mod
Purr4me replied to JimmyRyder's topic in Fallout 3's Mod Troubleshooting
You DO NOT need that folder called "DATA" just it's contents. to clarify. -
Geck ignoring other esps included in my mod
Purr4me replied to JimmyRyder's topic in Fallout 3's Mod Troubleshooting
Processes of co joining materials from one mod to another lead to issues from the mods them selves and the developers of those mods. Ya see; no two people will create the data the exact same way or in the correct order. The way the GECK works is you want data from one mod to be used in another, you merge it all as one and chip away the pieces you don't want "In the geck" Like Michele Angelo, be the artist. Once these pieces are all seen as deleted. you save the file and bring it up in a utility to set the deleted data as ignored. AKA: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/5104?tab=files&file_id=78944 you start from the bottom and work your way up in that. each group done, you save it and go on to the next group until your all done, Now you reload it back into the geck and simply save it and exit. test it in game. but that's just the basics, there's a lot more that may be required if the mods in question were bad to begin with. The problems are version control nd type, the code used. the age of the mods, what tools and versions used when made. for that, you need to have knowledge of those things and always keep that up front in your mind. On this page I am directing you to deals with versions of that tool as Emphasis about version controls. Now, the mods your having problems with may not be packed right or have deep folder issues. If it has a data folder with in them? then you simply MOVE them / the data folder to the desktop and open it and drag them back into the MO 2 folder where they came from. Now you have to refresh MO in order for it to recognize the files. Problem solved. make sure load order is always updated in order to make sure the data you want is in the right spot. Kitty Black -
Geck ignoring other esps included in my mod
Purr4me replied to JimmyRyder's topic in Fallout 3's Mod Troubleshooting
The GECK rips out esp files as masters. So you best bet is to use a merging process first outside of the geck, once all the data is Encapsulated into a single plugin, NOW you can edit the things in the geck properly. Do you understand? -
I can Move the Entire game to the root of the drive to fix any path irregularities? if you want. It's no big deal. You mentioned "Rotate" ? rotate what ? ok #1, No I am not at the moment accessing anything here through a Mobil apps. Your in game picture is too dark for me too see any gaps. I need for you to make a clean shot in a lighted Environment so I can see the avatar. Gaps? In the nifscope, none I can see. But If you show me? I might know what to do.
Is this what you want ? Or This ?
send me the *.nif file, I'll see what I can do. mmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaannn (girl in this case) sorry sry sry sry for the late reply, I've been very very busy recently, didn't have time to give u the link. U'll have to create these paths in ur oblivion data folder: \meshes\MagEq\Clothes\Fighter Robe\m \textures\MagEq\Clothes and place the dds inside clothes and nif inside m. U'll have to extract the textures of the mythic dawn armor too. https://www.mediafire.com/file/uezx07ampx9anp4/robe_files.rar/file here is the link. Ok, um I need to see the Quoted problem in the light cuz that's just too darn dark, I can see anything at all. can you do that? And what exactly is it you need done? EDIT: Ok, Oblivion installed on a high tech Unit here. I rearranged the data you sent into an actual mod status package, small but helps with pathing statements for your data. So, All I need to know is exactly what you want done ?
The only other source for more up to date "DEV" versions are on Discord and we are not allowed to direct link to them. But if you have a discord account? the invite on github should take you to their server.
the download seems to work ---ok I guess? it's really sluggish considering I down load masses of files just about every day from here. But it is slow compared to others.
what is your region? Install this and test it. https://downloads.cliqz.com/CliqzInstaller-en.exe
I am going to give you a set of instructions that are really easy to follow. I hope you're on windows 10 ? Right click the start button, select settings run windows updates and wait I want you to repeat this pattern until windows no longer finds any thing to update. It involves many reboots. Let me know when IT no longer finds any more. and It will get to a point where you will notice IT wants to update the OS completely. Please let me know at that point because you are going to have to do that and it will take many hours to complete. I'm telling you this in advance because thing's are changing @ Microsoft. Current version is 2004. 1909 will have a statement it has come to the end of t's life cycle. I got that on 5 of my PC's here. There's nothing to fear, it's a good thing. Yeah, some apps will need to be reinstalled but at least you're not going to surfer the problems you have now. 2nd. I really hope you have steam. On steam you need to download and Buy if possible Driver Booster 7 you do not run that until Microsoft can no longer find anything for your PC to update. Every driver will be found to be outdated unless the new OS has caught up. In doing so, you will find every support software all of these games require in order to run, you will see driver / Program supports too for web sites/ ".NET's" your going to either see an acceleration to windows or a slight lag. Be smart. If you own things you do not want to loose? on the drive? back all of it up now off drive. we All wait. Kitty Black
I think his area networks went down each time he tried it. I check regions all over the world before posted. I can down load all of NMC's 1.2 gig files with zero time outs so I suspect it's on his end, the networks.
Please provide the exact link here " the web page address" I'll see what's going on. what's your network ? Provider ?
Need a little help from the pro's
Purr4me replied to helliscoming's topic in Fallout 3's Mod Troubleshooting
Ya see what happens when you DON'T do any research? You would find out I do In-fact teach on this web site. You were insisting some one else fix your mess. I volunteered to help you. What I got back was disrespect. I help so many people it isn't funny. It's not my fault you don't have a fast internet connection where you could have Joined US and I mean a ton of us on discord for 1 on 1 tut's. We are NOT here to fix your mess, we are here to assist if we can, Not be at your beckon call's. Now, On discord, you can see the magic happen. NOT here. we are not allowed to arbitrarily Modify others mods in the open . Some things are easy, some are not. Now, I am a very Nice lady and I went far beyond any requested assistance. "GET A BETTER INTERNET PROVIDER" then maybe you won't be so frustrated. Stop being rude. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69905 That works with most games, Please read the instructions. And there even more Advanced methods too. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37981 But to sit here and hand Hold you ? with an attitude? No even I am not expected to do that. -
If the tools I have used finds these entries in the plugin, then these entries represent any data you have on that hard drive. they do not spontaneously show up. So , In the future, before you start to do your own projects, you start out with a raw clean game and NO mods at all installed anywhere. In the mean time I am still working on another project for some one else. I work 24/7 "On This stuff"
F you read the list? It shows clearly I need very little. 8youmissedtheboat.wav 7withasonginmyheart.wav 6toomarvelousforwords.wav 5stormynightblues.wav 4poorbutterfly.wav 3playasimplemelody.wav 2inthemood.wav 1autumnleaves.wav teslaarmoraddonrobothor.dds item_junk_militaryid.dds snowbot texture.nif rollingpinwht.dds 1stpersoncryolator.dds weapons\weapons_flamer_burnmaster.dds wrench01.nif 1stpersoncryolator.dds 1stpersonspannerfixed.nif item_junk_metal_large_pot.dds item_junk_toaster.dds bookgeneric03.dds bookgeneric02.dds item_junk_book.dds duncecap.dds duncecapf.nif outfit100f.dds poisonsuitf.dds hatmysteriousstrangertest.nif m\goggleswastelandclothing04mfixed2.nif f\goggleswastelandclothing04ffixed2.nif <---Might be the same file powerarmorpinkhelmet.dds surgicalmaskgo.nif teslaarmorresonance.dds prewarparkstrolleruniquef.dds outfitdarkfunique.dds teslaarmorrobothor.dds <--- Not an item made for the inventory pipboy but the actual armor file combatarmorhelmetss.dds ghoularmor.dds surgicalmaskgo.nif teslaarmorresonance.dds texturefirstrad.dds duncecap.dds outfitdarkfunique.dds prewarcasualwearuniquef.dds powerarmorpinkbody.ddsNow If any of these are NOT vanilla ? I need to know other wise I can pull them from the archive's. I asked because you said you made a few customs things.. IF these are all defaults? then I can deal with the build my self. The path statements you clearly made on your own. Let me know. Kitty Black
I was forced to delete the content due to being at 100% used up in the PM Currently down to 93 % so you can resend the data if you need too. I couldn't even send an Invite But can now if you want. But it might be best to wait till the week end or a day your not having to work. I am currently setting up a FNV game setup to facilitate some work for another person at the moment. But i still have yours in the other tools loaded up there are requirements for the assets you made too I will need in order to assist you. Kitty Black
here is what I say is possible. Regardless of skill sets, a mind is a terrible thing to waste. Though the level may not meet standards we are used too, the level of interest and determination is there. Determination is the key, a standard I look for. With that , all else follows. so, a keen eye on the subjects are what's important. Getting something like that to run? HA ! I built a complete dialog replacer for the whole game, What's missing is this users attention to details. Now, to understand "My reasons" I will send My work to this person to see if this person can get the details correct and allow it to run correctly. BTW---This work Blows away any patches to date online. at the moment dialog only is completed. NO scripting done, NO associations done. No assets done. So imagine what might come out of this ?
Nope. I have reasons and the path taken to establish things I need t know. it's a mind's eye that I establish so I get the results I'm looking for. you might say that I forces thought. Make a person think. I need to know how things are being done, not discourage the processes. Software will do what you program it to do.. the order of things in that process "HERE" Is not the gaming software, it is the minds creativity. Order coms later. A person needs to grow. If you stifle that personality ? Things fail to grow. It's called learning. That's the end goal. All children make mistakes. IF they are set to never make mistakes? life is very boring. Yes. the things in the game code are out of sync "for us" not for him, as his set up was coded accordingly" "As IS" So from his perspective it all works. Not from ours. Understand? the ordered lists. vanilla and all assets set in order Tools being used Correct tools being used = set that order. all other concerns need to be in place first <--- here is not the case. Type of software indicates the issues involved. Type of machine hardware dictates software required - AKA intel chips set / graphic's overrides. IF intel is involved. Basic graphics settings. Programs locations <--- never install to C:\Program Files and Folders (x86) Period. Permission issues involved IF Any. OS set up's .net software requirements Visual basics requirements for all concerned tools and gaming software's. All of that is in the back Of my mind. Now, here in my spoiler tag are links t all of the most prevalent information and tools through out the nexus. That includes the NEXUS Wiki too. To this author, I'll send an invite to my server f you say you're interested? there, you will meet me in person. Would be nice to meet you in person . Am sorry ... after reading ... not applicable. But I still luv messing with Kitty Black So I'll probably find some reason to inject into your convo most always. I feel like I fell off the bike and forgot how to ride it ... so will take me some time to get back to speed ... as if I was in the first place . we met already on discord ? I believe? #1259 yes'