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About Jleone

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    United Kingdom
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    Fallout new vegas, Fallout 3, Left 4 dead 1&2, Resident evil 5,Team Fortress 2 and Alien Swarm :)
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  1. heey im back sorry for being gone so long ive been on a world tour with my street dancing winning competitions and such hehe ill be more online now tht im back <3<3
    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Jleone


      ive been around the world :) and now im a proffesional dancer :D best place has gotta be tokyo everyone is so friendly
    3. Deleted54170User


      How about that. Tokyo? Did you take in the sights touring their fine city? Professional? Can I have your autograph? :- )
    4. Jleone


      depemds where you live ill try to get a dance battle on, depends if you have a big hall or a arena <3
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