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About Jleone

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    United Kingdom
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    Fallout new vegas, Fallout 3, Left 4 dead 1&2, Resident evil 5,Team Fortress 2 and Alien Swarm :)
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  1. nice to know who you would choose to pick for 2 people but before you was informed before the bombs fell and you had to come up with a team to restore order to the mojavie after the bombs fell, you can have a maximum of 5 meembers and you gota say their specialty an why :) go!<3
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. frakle


      Over 1000 miles under the earth the temperature is 6550 or so degrees Fahrenheit.


      I'm really shooting you down here aren't I :p

    3. Jleone
    4. Xahstur


      frakle@ Accually its around 3500,the core is 7000 degress :D presure around 300 Gpa. :P
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