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About Jleone

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    United Kingdom
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    Fallout new vegas, Fallout 3, Left 4 dead 1&2, Resident evil 5,Team Fortress 2 and Alien Swarm :)
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  1. Let's kick off my Return with another stupid question xD Whats your Favorite thing about Fallout 4?
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Deleted54170User


      Welcome back! I see you were Peeking. I was wondering about restoring Sanctuary too. I found a complete set of T-60 Power Armor. I wondered why I kept finding dead raiders and scavvers in a building. Then I got to the top floor and found out why they all were there. All the exploring while I was on a quest to find a mans sister to get her back home.
    3. Deleted54170User


      It's the exploring I get a kick out of.
    4. Jleone


      that's awesome :) exploring is very very fun but I wish more places had character. I realise it would have stumpt the release by a fair bit and add too much lore, but this is what the nexus is for xD bringing everything you ever need.
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