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Posts posted by Blitz54

  1. So, first off I still have quite a bit to learn about scripting. I've done about all I can but now I'm stuck. I will explain a few things.




    This is the beta I hope you can try out. It's mainly quest related.


    In the fishing cabin basement, (Teleport to the cell, if you know CK just find the ID and stuff) there is a Khajiit that has been trapped. After some dialogue, he wants the "Unique Fishing Pole" that his friend Finn had with him. I put those words in quotes because that's the name of the rod in the game. So by typing help "Unique Fishing Pole" it would give you an id to spawn it. Reason I do this is because if the player picks up the rod early, the quest advances to returning the rod, without even meeting the cat. I wanted to add a script that makes the stage stay the same until the player has met Shavir (the Khajiit) and advanced to stage 10. Unfortunately I don't know how to script this. This is where I need some help.


    Also, if the player says no to the offer Shavir makes him, (you will find out) the FCBQuest01 does "end" as failed. But if you say yes, FCBQuest02 starts (good) and FCBQuest01 ends as complete, but the third stage is not filled in. It stays blank. The text is something like "Shavir promised me 500, but I got 300: blah blah. I want the stage to be completed and filled with white instead of hollowness.


    A third scripting thing is the name of the business. The player can ask Shavir to change the name of the business, and I want the sign on the outside of the Cabin to change according to the name chosen. I have not made a sign for all of the names, but I would love to know how to script this in that the sign name changes. It would be an amazing addition.


    Also, on the last objective I made on FCBQuest02, I want Shavir to give the player the note with the fish he needs. I want the note to be a quest item (not able to drop) and for the list to b removed from the players inventory after they turn in the fish for the reward.


    This is all I can think of for now, sorry if it's a bit fast, but I'm kinda busy. :/


    Important ID's/names to Know


    Amago (for a test fish)

    FCB (Shows the quests 01 and 02)

    Shavir (NPC, and the note)

    Fishing (will show the pole, a book, and the cells for the cabin. Both of which are interiors)


    If anyone can solve a single one of my problems, I would love you foreva!


    EDIT: Sorry, don't need help testing now. Outdated forum post. :)

  2. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=14320


    I would appreciate if someone could help me with my mod, by giving the Fish added some animations to work in Skyrim. The fish were a modder's resource (don't have link handy), and I made them into Skyrim nifs, but they have no anims anymore because I do not hae $3000 to buy 3DSMax. I don't have much to offer for the help, I can only Kudos you, and of course credit you for the hard work. :) The fish do not need to have different animations for turn left or turn right, just a simple "idle" swim will do. Just having the fish constantly sway it's tail back and forth. There are a total of 18 fish models in the file, and they are in the same section as the salmon. \Data\meshes\critters\fish\salmon\_____. There is also a stingray that, unfortunately, I have not made any anims for. That may be more difficult because it would require making a new anim from scratch, and it would take quite a while (i suspect) to make the "wings" flap. This is optional though, only do it if you wish to make me the happiest person ever!


    You do not know how much I would appreciate this, and I hope someone out there is kind enough to do so. :)

  3. http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=3528751&group_id=149157&atid=776343 <--------Also On there


    I had Nifskope 1.1.1 Alpha for the longest time, and 1.1.0 before that. Textures always looked good, a bit darker than in CK. Yes, this for Skyrim. I have made lot of meshes for my mod, and suddenly I can't test if my textures look good on the model because it's blurred out majorly.


    I uninstalled and reinstalled with both versions, tried skipping kitty's xml, and tried using it too. Nothing seems to be working. Is there any profile stuff that is left over that I must delete for nifskope when uninstalling? Because when I installed 1.1.0 again it showed the most recently opened mesh to be one of the ebony armor, which I have not touched for a long time. There must be leftover files somewhere otherwise it wouldn't have remembered me opening that file. I used IObit uninstaller to remove extra registry entries also. Please help! :/

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