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Everything posted by ubermegatrixta

  1. Can you elaborate on how you were able to do this? Because the only thing working for me is disabling the sandbox, and my Program Files Properties are the same in the previous post. Still getting the access denied thing with certain mods just not installing. So far this thread is the only thing that has gotten me anywhere. Sure. Open a Command Prompt window, and type "dotnet --info". This should list the runtimes you have installed and their locations, hopefully all in a single Program Files folder. You can see this in my second screenshot above. Next, find that Program Files folder (in my case, E:\Program Files), right click on it, Properties, Security tab. Click on Advanced, then Change Permissions on the new window that opens. Click on Add, then Select a Principal, and type "ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES" into the bottom box. Then Check Names to confirm it's typed correctly. Click ok, and it'll return to that previous window. Make sure to hit Apply here before hitting Ok. It'll apply the change to everything in that folder, though some items may fail, which is fine. Hopefully this screenshot explains the process well enough (ignore the fact that there's 2 locations, I just had to open a couple Properties windows to get it all in one shot). In case someone reads this that's using a non-English version of Windows, yours may not be called "ALL APPLICATION PACKAGES". Look at the Properties > Security tab for C:\Program Files. and copy the name from there in that case. Add Folder Permissions.png I made it through this process, but I get a Windows Security message that says "Unable to save permission changes on Program Files. Access is denied." Any advice?
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