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Everything posted by x722ism

  1. I loved freeing slaves in Morrowind, I would like to see that concept in Skyrim but not a big part of it. :thumbsup:
  2. That would be pretty epic. Although I think the Giants would be pissed. :biggrin:
  3. More like Alduin on my bed stand, map on wall, DVD and game on shelf, Game Guide and Art Book on my bookshelf. I wouldn't pay over $200 worth of Skyrim items if I would just end up putting them in my closet?
  4. Sorry about this stupid Q but what does OP stand for? :psyduck:
  5. Didn't get much done. Studying. 38 pages.
  6. My favorite is the warrior with the bear and mammoth carcass. That was the first ever Skyrim picture I saw and the first time finding out mammoths are in the game. I was overjoyed. :thumbsup:
  7. Thanks for clearing that up. It's too bad there's not. It would be very useful in some situations. :biggrin:
  8. I looked all over Cyrodiil and can't figure it out.
  9. forgive me for saying this... but if it did come to that, I think Bethesda can make a better "fable' than Lionhead Studios. ...when you consider it tho, Guns in Elder Scrolls wouldn't make sense to Bethesda, I mean come on! They won't even do crossbows anymore, their logic would be "We already have bows and arrows, what do you need guns for?" Lol I agree they would do it better than Lionhead. Yea my faith in Bethesda is too strong. I just hate when my friends so "Ohhh Elder Scrolls games would be 10x better if they had guns!" Just the thought makes me sick. :biggrin:
  10. If ever the Elder Scrolls games had guns in them....I would probably have a mental breakdown. That's the worst thing they could do. I would lose all hope for humanity if they put guns in the Elder Scrolls. We have enough shooters in the world.
  11. Yea I saw it too. I re-winded it just to see it. But the Dragon was probably scripted specifically for the demo, for shock value. I'm sure things like that will be changed upon final release. :thumbsup:
  12. Restrictions with guilds I could probably bare, but with skills and perks I couldn't. But that's what the Elder Scrolls are about, the freedom to do what you want when you want. No restrictions. If I wanted that then I'd play call of duty or something. :thumbsup:
  13. I personally don't mind. It's epic Skyrim for Alduins sake. If they had them, fine by me. But they got tons of new stuff anyway. About the Morrowind part, I liked it better than Oblivion. :thumbsup:
  14. I'm with ya on that brother! :thumbsup:
  15. Writing a short story based in Skyrim. 32 pages front and back so far.
  16. You're welcome! Where did your dad pre-order the game guide from? Keep in mind that chances are, you can have the purchase cancelled or transferred to the CE game guide instead, all is not lost. It's only a little more on Amazon. I always get my games per-ordered from GameStop.
  17. This is actually my first year. I've always been interested in the gaming industry. I just decided that I want to do something that I enjoy.
  18. Weekends go by super fast for me, and that's whats been keeping my hope up. Besides I think about all the bugs and stuff they need to fix so I'm not in any rush. :thumbsup:
  19. Although I bow my head in disappointment I don't care that much. I won't ride horses that much anyway. Hell I probably won't even fast travel because the landscapes so beautiful. :thumbsup:
  20. Thanks mate, yea I was talking about the CE Game Guide. I already got the CE game.
  21. Yea true dat. My therapist said I'm obsessing about Skyrim too much. Said I just calm and think it's just a game. I said no way man! That's my life.
  22. I go to ITT Tech and I study the Digital Entertainment and Game Design.
  23. My father already bought me the Skyrim Game Guide but not the Collectors Edition. Anyone know if I'll be missing much?
  24. Social life? Pfshhhh what's that? :tongue: I think it's that thing that's slowly going extinct ever since Skyrim was announced. If my theory's correct it will fully be extinct on off of Earth on 11-11-11. Skyrimageddon!
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