Got some more. Walorg gro-Mak - Orc Male Roxxas- Argonian Male Smitlar- Bosmer Male Svenja War-Tooth - Nord Female Kriz'ov - Khajjit Female Holly Symr- Breton Female
I usually side with the NCR a lot because they're more military based. I played the Legion once and I did enjoy that. Mr. House's was alright. Never played Independent before.
I've seen plenty of motorcycle parts and some people seem to be building or fixing motorcycle's throughout the Wasteland. Doesn't anyone else think that in NV motorcycle's should have already been built? I mean they have the technology. I think it'd be cool for a quest to find all the parts for the motorcycle, fix it up, and then be able to ride it. Let me know what you think? :thumbsup:
I'm sorry if this isn't important or really interesting, I just wanted to post since it evolved a Daedric Prince from TES. Anyway up on a giant rooftop fighting very agile and jumpy zombie things I prayed to Hircine and he appeared, looking like he does with part stag part man features and out of nowhere he projects a very special shotgun and gives it to me. It works perfectly and he disappears while I kill all the zombies. :biggrin:
Are there any in-game gas masks, besides the NCR Ranger Mask/Helmet? I've played New Vegas a dozen times and still never saw one. Maybe I missed it? If not, is there a mod for one?
I know it was mentioned that a lot of info will be given if you go to taverns and ask about rumors, but I'm hoping beggars in big cities will be a alternative choice. Anybody agree, disagree?
I never had any such problems with FO3. In 850hrs of vanilla play I only crashed about a half a dozen times and i was running on 32bit Vista with an AMD 64 X2 2 gig and an a slim case 8400 GS. If your modding the game heavily though you can expect a lot of crashes and re-installs. It's the nature of the beast I'm afraid. Sorry but I've seen that term "vanilla play" all over the forums and I don't know what it means? If anyone could let me know, that would be great. :biggrin: