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About dunmermaiden

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Well came back and now it's working for me so thank you for fixing the problem whoever you are. I am much apreciative of it getting sorted so quickly. :biggrin:
Hi, I have a problem, I previously have been logged into the oblivion mod part of this site and was fine today untill suddenly I come back and I'm logged out and when I go to log in it doesn't log me in after I put my username and password and press enter like previously this worked, now it doesn't. :facepalm: I'm a bit umm wondering why this has happened, I've not seen any messeges from the staff to say I've done anything wrong, can't see my name in the banned part here. And here I'm logged in fine. I'd apreciate a bit of help please, since this has happened to me today, thought to post a heads up about it because it might of happened to others too. :unsure: Also, I'm currently logged into skyrim mods part. Cheers, Dianne
I think humans will always be about warring with each other because we do not like or understand or are tolorant of differences in people. I think humans will become extinct if they do not learn to live in harmony with other creatures that populate this world including insects Humans need to learn that they require rainforests to produce the oxygen they breathe opposed to chopping them down. That they need to make room for the other creatures because without them they will starve and this planet will become as mars if things do not change. Humans need to learn to tamper with genetics yet because in doing so they will wind up seriously damaging themselves and the delicate ecology around them. They need to learn that to live some of them must die - the planet does not expand to fit the population the populations must adjust to fit the planet. They need to understand it is not a human right to overpopulate this world and destroy it. They need to learn to get along with each other and not be greedy for wealth. Over fishing is killing the oceans along with waste being poured into it. Humans need to learn not to throw their poop where they also hunt for food. It is disgusting that humans eat their food from the same water that their severage flows into. - are the only animals that eat from where they poop. They need to learn to overcome the instinct to war with nations different than their own that have different ways that do not fit what they perchieve as being good. They need to learn that they cannot eat their money and once the last fish has been eatten and the last grain of wheat picked and the last cow slaughtered that these creatures are gone forever and that they will die without them. They must also learn that they were never made to be immortal and that prolonging their lives will only cause much suffering and starvation. Alas though they will never see because they do not wish to see that in their so called advanced pc society it will result in the starvation of millions accross the globe if they do not change the way their society works now What do I see as humans future? I see devestation, humans will destroy themselves along with the planet. Are humans mature? No, they are small children that bicker and fight one another and do not realise that instead of fighting eachother they could band together and create a really big sandcastle instead of whacking down eachothers sandcastles. We have a long way to go before we can even begin to think we are great. .
All my life I've had paranormal stuff happen that sounds crazy but is actually the gods honest truth and this year has been the year full of them.
I'm gonna drop all this devil's advocate bulls*** for a moment. There's a time to argue and now is not one of them. First off, I'm sorry about what happened to your friend, or if I offended. I sympathise. The truth is war should never happen, and since national service is an extension of war it should never happen either. Armies in general are an extension of war and world peace cannot truly happen so long as a single army or militia exists, conscripted or otherwise. Plus nobody - including governments, Presidents, prime ministers, kings and commanders - should have the right to make you point a gun at someone and tell you to pull the trigger, especially when you don't know or agree with the reason why. Apology accepted I wasn't offended or anything I just see the lives it's ruined and god knows I wish the govts of this world would stop warring and start spending all the trillions of dollars spent on misery miserable war that blows people up and wrecks lives and spend it instead on more worthy things - like on improving the lives of the citizens and ridding polution. Think how much better the world could be if people accepted differences and didn't assume the worst. There will always be good and bad of every race of people you cannot judge all by a few. We all live in a sandbox, lets play nice instead of flinging dirt at eachother and bickering like a group of 2 year olds in a sandbox. We only have one world, if we wreck it, there is no future.
That makes you a controll freak who wanna decide over other peoples lives and want them to do something under the threat of violence and jailtime by spoken so easyly about cheap labour. I could never ever tolerate such mindset in my personal social environment. And what makes it even worse is, that you know exactly about desertion and suicide among those forced people. Read my second comment mate. I'm causing an argument to help me write about the issue. It's called being the "devil's advocate." People will quite easily argue with a lot of conviction, but it's a lot harder to fiercely agree ;) I should probably change that part of the first post, now that the debate is underway and it's not needed. I get the feeling I'm being condemned :biggrin: Abolition of military conscription is always a good thing, just because of the ethical connotations behind a government being able to tell you who to point a gun at. National Service does not always place people into the military though, although that used to be the main focus. There could be a system that allows a multitude of different placements - even in the army there are several departments. In the US, servicemen are appreciated by the people. If they wear the uniform into a bar they will get free drinks from random people, and from the bartender if he knows them. In the UK, wearing uniform will get you labelled either "weird" or "murderer", at least in my experience. The MoD could use a change of image. Having family in the army, and having the army help youths become young adults, would earn the army a lot of respect. Do you know many soldiers? I know many people living happily off a very generous army pension in their 40s, some with a non-military job that they gained from the qualifications in the army. As for the injured... I know of a guy (friend's uncle's friend) who did get an amputation below the knee in his left leg. He was in no way tossed away "like human trash". I do yes, I met a guy who came back from a war - he couldn't cope with what he saw there had seen things and done things noone should have to do. He told me once his friend got shot and he scooped up his brains and put them back in his friends head and yelled for a medic. He saw heavy action and well he turned to alcohol once home because he is still psychologily disturbed and cannot cope with life without heavy gunfire and the stuff he got used to. He couldn't be a proper dad to his little daughter or a good husband to his wife. Govt won't help him, all he gets is a govt benefit that he can barely survive on and the govt took his daughter off him. Joining the armed services and going off to war totally messed up his whole life. My brother in law served in the army, he didn't go off to war somewhere and got out before Bush forced NZ to go off to war with him by way of threats to our prime minister at the time. He is doing well and working and brings in a good wage. The miltery is only a good option to get free training if you happen to do it when there's no war going on. As for Agent Orange, thats still causing severe problems in vietnam children - they are born with various things wrong with them, mental disabilitys. And the USA still refuses to admit they did wrong in what they did there.
Heck no, every single militery in the world screws it's people, I mean look at Vietnam - those soldiers got chemicled by there own govt, and there own govt refuses to give them a decent payout for that agent orange that has affected generation after generation of people and still devestates Vietnam, Nope. I say screw the govt run milterys, if you wanna go fight and lose a limb or your life or your quality of life then go ahead but don't force people to go fight and get screwed over and come back disabled for life and have bad mental problems because they are so used to living on the edge that they can't deal with things being peaceful afterwards. If the govts looked after their troops for life then yes maybe, but truth is that they don't. Once a soldier is injured to a point where they are no further use to govts to fight they screw them and toss them away like human trash and to me thats just disgusting and wrong and horrrible to do that to someone. Nobody deserves that.
Do Conspirisy theories have any Truth to them?
dunmermaiden replied to dunmermaiden's topic in Debates
Hmmmm.... http://www.nettally.com/prusty/gmfoods.htm http://www.biolsci.org/v05p0706.htm http://www.progress.org/gene10.htm Seems that these are toxic or show signs of being toxic and affect the kidney and liver. -
Do Conspirisy theories have any Truth to them?
dunmermaiden replied to dunmermaiden's topic in Debates
No, Freiherr von Knigge wrote a book about them, it was a total rip-off. They were after upperclass peoples money and frauded most of their members. Also, the official statements of there goals are nearly identical with those from the communist manifesto. Typical "we promiss you a totaly paradise" sect jabbering. Every read a book about them? Most books on him are written by nut-job conspiracy theorists. Right, so a nobleman that left from the Illuminati and wrote a book for profit is more legitimate then letters from Thomas Jefferson or George Washington saying that the Illuminati stood for good believes. People can stick to conspiracy theories all they want and hate the Illuminati, but it goes against historical fact. http://etext.virginia.edu/etcbin/toccer-new2?id=WasFi36.xml&images=images/modeng&data=/texts/english/modeng/parsed&tag=public&part=388&division=div1 http://memory.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/r?ammem/mtj:@field%28DOCID+@lit%28tj090050%29%29 If the Illuminati are so good how will they archeive their agenda of 1) food for everyone - when at todays population they are talking food shortages and 2) Healthcare for all - when we all know how expensive that costs. and 3) providing benefits when currently the benefits cost countrys that have them billions every year. Though not as much as prisoners cost to be locked up. Then you take a look at the Fema camps and the stock piles of coffins and how they are set up like Hitlers death camps were and then you see how they plan to do their goals. Same close to railways, same double barbed wire fences same furnaces...... And why is their a stone plague in america saying to keep the world population at 5 million? It is a human right to grow ones vege and drink and use rainwater. Someones getting rich and people are too dumb to oppose this loss of freedom and can't see whats happening. And btw, they aren't wanting to enslave us, they are wanting to kill us and depopulate the worlds population because they know at the current rate it's growing this world cannot feed the rising populations - on the news scientists are talking food shortages. -
Do Conspirisy theories have any Truth to them?
dunmermaiden replied to dunmermaiden's topic in Debates
well, you guys can believe what you want that is your choice, I still think if these thoughts I have typed out and websites and vids linked ( if people bothered to watch them all ) why is america making it illegal to collect and use rainwater and grow a vege garden. America is supposed to be the land of the free. What's "free" about being arrested and charged for growing a vege garden or using the rain water to water your garden? Lol, seems to me you're slowly losing your freedom. Since when was growing a vege garden or collecting and using rainwater a threat to national security? I lfacepalm at you who are so blind to losing your freedom and refuse to see what is in front of you. Don't you understand that whoever controls food controls people? You can live without modern day things but you cannot live without food and water. And yet this has become illegal in America. As for your arguement about protecting secrets from a few mentally ill, lol god gives visions and prophesy some of whitch are becoming true in this present day. Man cannot prevent god from giving people knowledge of their plans. Fact is, if you place what goes on today with prophacy and back it up with the visions and dreams people are getting whether they want it or not, it is happening. And I wouldn't write it off, a diversion in the USA govt has a facility that uses people who have visions as part of their inteligence to try to see the future things before they happen with regards to america's enemys. If the usa govt has faith in people who have visions and paranormal ways of getting knowledge I would not be so quick to laugh about it. -
Do Conspirisy theories have any Truth to them?
dunmermaiden replied to dunmermaiden's topic in Debates
You know this exactly what I expected to hear from people you know why? It's because it was wrote in a book people would not listen. So yeah, good luck surviving the food shortages and the other woes said to happen. -
So I've been having a bit of a gander about the Illuminati that a lot of vids on You Tube about them. And I remember watching vids from Barry Smith a number of years ago about the new world order that seems to be gearing up and on our doorstep. http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL855750DE96900363 http://www.illuminati-order.org/ http://illuminati.org.nz/ In these vids, and webs one can see something is definately gearing up, and why does the illuminati have a New Zealand website specific for New Zealand? I mean c'mon guys, is Keys a illumanti agent working to bring down my country , it certainly seems that way with his idiotic bad decisions that cost the country millions it cannot afford. And whats up with Amnerica? The land of free? Certainly doesn't look that way when collecting rain water is illegal as is growing a tomato - how can you guys sit there and let your govt and state rob you of these basic human rights. My view? I believe it. Cause well people can say, oh anyone can make a vid or website and mess with everyone, but, we all know also that the best way to hide something is putting it in a captain obvious spot where it can be seen. And another thing to think about, whats with those Camps with barbed wire and furnaces being installed all accross america? It's the stuff of Hitler by what I've seen on you tube. Just like those Death camps hitler created for the millions of jews he burnt alive, gassed and did awful experiements on. http://www.libertysentry.com/2011/12/07/government-activating-fema-camps-across-u-s/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=government-activating-fema-camps-across-u-s This is a lot of info to watch and see but it's worth looking at. As for fox news being the crazy news, it goes back to propaganda, whats the best way to get people used to something new before it's introduced? Stick it in the news and media. Over time people do accept it. Also comes back down to a good hidey spot to put something on the crazy news channel so people will automaticly say "oh that crazy talk" Whitch leads me to think, all these movies the last few years about the end of the world, could there possibly be some propaganderous motive for these.? But yes, the most shocking vid I thought was the Illuminati training vid, and then coupled with song and backed up with arrests over growing veges and using rain water and then you look at the news about how there is food shortages and how in 50 years there will be no fish left in the oceans to eat. And you start to think really, why do this if not to find some excuse for the govt to drag people off to those fema camps and into the furnaces there. It's no secret that all govts hide what they do with "national security" but with the cost of food rising and the fact that non contimated water is begining to be hard to find, I mean if the cost of food was too much, wouldn't people want to grow a vege garden on there lawn to feed themselves and their family and to not starve? Just something to talk about anyway, does anyone have any real plans for the future since the cost of food is rising and in nz it's said to soar from next year. edit: So I got into the illuminati website for visiters section to take a peek at what they say, I took some screenies, at first I thought well dang, this looks good but then I started to think about it, there is millions of people in the world today, if they are saying "food shortages" and making my winz benefit hard to make ends meet costs right now how in the heck are they going to suddenly archeive all of their goals without killing millions of us to make a sustainable planet for living. My link 1 http://i1270.photobucket.com/albums/jj609/Jahiza/41f7a1fe.jpg http://i1270.photobucket.com/albums/jj609/Jahiza/595c0a5c.jpg http://i1270.photobucket.com/albums/jj609/Jahiza/13aee4cf.jpg and the big question is why did it link to this govt site: http://i1270.photobucket.com/albums/jj609/Jahiza/e32f2656.jpg You know the more I research and look at this group the more I see how they are trying to convince people using what seems at first like a good thing but when you get down thinking and piece together what it would take to do I really think they planning to kill most. And heck they even have a statue erected already in america with a plaque reading keep the worlds population at 5 million. And we're far more than 5 million on this planet now, so big important question, who's gonna live and who's gonna cark it. And is it why these Fema camps have been made and why the national security have made new firms to track people in groups such as religious orders and occupy movement. Makes me think well gess didn't I read this somewhere and watch vids of Barry smith telling it was gonna happen.
I don't think that giving the whole forum a place where people can talk about whatever whatever is a good idea at all, pretty soon it would digress into illegal chatter and people being snotty to eachother. As for the idea for authors being able to block users from commenting, yes, that would be ideal, perhaps like the rep up system where one has a only a certain number per day unless they have premium service. And perhaps those with premium could have one step further and be able to block a certain ammount of users from downloading their mods?
I believe the world will end within 5 years of the bee becoming extinct. why? Simple really, the bee is reasponsible for the polination of plants, plant eaters rely on plants to survive, meat eaters rely on the plant eaters being around and we need both to feed the over populations of the world least we starve. And truth is, this world does not currently have enough room to grow crops of food for everyone whitch well in the future things like having baby's might require a permit of some kind because if we do not keep our populations at a sustainable level then our race will eventually perish and become extinct like so many creatures have become. Yeah I know, it's not the mayan calender or some prophesy that sounds epic and exciting and full of crazy doom but let me ask you guys, when was the last time you actually saw a bee on your lawn or in a park? Truth is, chemical pestisides are killing them and it's scary and not good because without them we will perish along with everything else and well unless we turn solvent green we wouldn't really have a future. I havn't seen a bee on my lawn for years, nor in a park.
Wasn't aware Croation guys were being used over there to be honest. I am aware that America likes using NZ, British, Aussie troops but hadn't read anywhere about Croations being used. Sorry, I could of sworn I read in the previous thread you were getting noobs to lead. And I also wasn't aware ether that troops with minor injurys were shipped back home and stepping on a land mine and not having your legs blown off, have to hand it to you mate, you got luck of the irish. So incrediably lucky, maybe you should take a lotto ticket you actually might win a incredable ammount of money too.