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About joshuabestol

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  1. In response to post #37646800. Agreed, kudos, and yeah, those adds have the unfortunate side effect of making browsing the site with adds enabled made it all but impossible and I felt shitty about using addblock but I had to as I have no way of purchasing membership at the moment, which I would gladly do and will one of these days, but until then I'm glad they're doing something about the problem adds and I will be happy to white list this site as I want to help them out for this amazing place and community of which I'm thankful for.
  2. In response to post #37646075. lol, smartass ;)
  3. In response to post #37644390. I will be turning my addblocker off come saturday as well and as long as the new adds are not intrusive and don't jack around with my browser anymore I will keep it off. I never wanted to have it turn on for this site in the first place because I love this site but I had to with the way it was because the adds would strangle my browser until it gave up and crashed and died. As for your incentive idea, if I was the site owner and I saw your idea it would just piss me off, it's like asking them to bribe us to stop ripping them off and that is really messed up if you think about it. They definitely should not be asked to gift us with anything for not blocking a portion of their revenue especially when we should be thankful that they don't outright and justifiably block addblock users. Be thankful that they are understanding and don't block addblock users besides they already do give us incentive to not use addblock by giving faster download speeds to those who don't use it or turn it off while on their site (which I think is kind of shitty but only because turning on adds as they are now is kind of like giving your browser tranquilizers mixed with a micro dose of acid, so you end up losing time and productivity anyway, but I can't really blame them too much for doing that).
  4. In response to post #27851849. #27852459, #27854549, #27856149, #27856199 are all replies on the same post. The way I see it if you don't like a mod don't use it but don't try to ban or block mods that other people may enjoy just because you don't. I think there is a ridiculous amount of skimpy mods and I personally don't like 90% of them because you might as well not be wearing any armor at all but just because I think a hell of a lot of them are completely ridiculous doesn't mean others should be blocked from them. Stuff like rape mods and other highly immoral mods are offensive to me and make me cringe but I believe in personal freedom for everyone no matter how twisted the mind in question with only one exception I can think of off the top of my head which is if some sick individual actually made a mod that allows child rape. That is about the only thing that I can think of that should never exist no matter what. I just firmly believe in freedom no matter what unless it infringes on anothers freedom and simply being offended or having hurt feelings doesn't count IMHO.
  5. In response to post #10483268. #10487483 is also a reply to the same post. zinman is being cool, your the one with the bad oder encrypted73
  6. to all of you getting mad, don't be. this site is a privalige to all of us, exspecially to all of us that don't pay or can't afford it. these guys are working to make the nexus better, have some patients, and that's a hard thing for me to say being born wihtout any. I'm a little bummed right now too. just give them your support, and read the memos before complaining about something that was allready addressed.
  7. never mind guys, problem solved. I reinstalled SKSE and then reinstalled SkyUI, thank the game gods it was an easy fix cause I was getting a little sad
  8. SkyUI was working fine (I really like this mod), then I extracted all the data files with the fallout mod manager so I could manually change some textures and when I reloaded my save game the textures were vanilla again, I'm guessing the extraction overwrote the textures, no biggy, easy fix. My real problem is that I fixed the papyrus.ini using Shlangsters SkyUI troubleshooter guide at https://github.com/schlangster/skyui/wiki/SkyUI-Errors but I still get the error code 4 upon loading a save that used that used the SkyUI. I wouldn't imagine extracting the data files would change the INI and I don't understand why that after I changed the the papyrus I'm still getting the error, and until it's fixed I can't use SkyUI even after uninstalling from NMM then deleting it, then reloading it, and my save games that used SkyUI constantly and consistantly lock up. I'm pretty bummed out by this ,I really like this mod, and my saves. If anyone can help I,d I'd be very thankful.
  9. I find downloading the mods manually and unzipping them into a separate file then copy\paste them into their like folders in morrowind\data files\ works the best. also that way you have a back up of the mods. also make a copy of the original data file folder as a back up just incase you run into any gamebreaking problems
  10. I've had to do that mod disableing thing too and it worked. now I test every mod, and never load a bunch of new ones at the same time.
  11. I just got morrowind goty through steam via the code in the anthology, the mgso 3.0, and a %@%$ load of mods with no problems other than the fps are suffering. I'm manually installing the mods by unzipping the mods in a separate folder and copy\pasteing them their data folders and merging them without a hitch. I've used texture files without esp by placeing them in their folder and copy\replaceing them which won't need and esp to take effect, and the meshes the same way if they have the same exact file name the game uses and replaces them. i've also imported meshes\textures through the tescs without the coresponding esp, but you will have to create your own esp to use them. If your computer isn't giving you a copy\replace option than, the folders are not getting to the right place, or the file names aren't exactly the same as the ones the game already use without the need of an esp.
  12. I'm trying to load nifs from koranas pirate resource in the tescs, and it's telling me "filename must contain less than 32 characters". I have know idea what that means, but I'd really like to see at least some of that mod in the game. she does great work and it's kind of a shame to see that art collecting dust.
  13. I'm having the same problem, then it says program not responding and dumps me back to desktop, but only if I try to load bloodmoon.
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