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Everything posted by sumojellybean

  1. Checking through the CK, the housecarl Jordis NPC is only enabled after completing a certain stage in the Thane of Hjaalmarch quest. http://i.imgur.com/NEMP0.jpg As for the Unload event, I was using a copy from Erik’s script while trying to understand its terms. TBH, Event OnUnload though confused me: http://i.imgur.com/6jdHW.jpg That said I just tested the script again with EventOnload—nothing has changed yet sadly
  2. Hello. I’m currently working a housecarl project that expands on the character of a couple of housecarls (Iona and Jordis) for the past week or two. I’m somewhat experienced with the Creation Kit, in terms of modifying NPC appearances and know the basics on how to create a follower, yet when figuring out Papyrus Scripting, I’m hitting a snag. I’m trying to write a script that will disable Jordis ( a duplicate NPC of the housecarl) when the player is appointed thane of Solitude and actually gets the real Jordis as the housecarl NPC. Yet when that event happens, in testing the previous Jordis NPC doesn’t disable and disappear. Both NPCs appear in the game at the same time. Here are my screenshots (I used the NPC Erik’s script as reference): http://i.imgur.com/7jySH.jpg http://i.imgur.com/dY19y.jpg Am I forgetting something or is it that I need to test it on a clean save? Any help will be appreciated and credited when I have the chance to release this mod!
  3. Hello there! It was a good coincidence when shooting for my compilation, so I thought I would like to share/join. And you can add it to the wallpaper pack. =) http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/Images/107819 Edit: I hope its alright to have multiple, walking torch runners, sorry. =(
  4. I’ve been wondering if there’s the possibility of making different shapes for eyes, noses, and mouths for character generation. But when looking into the CK, there is no reference to them I can find in the presets. Does this mean that there is no possibility or would it be very hard to mod?
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