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Everything posted by sumojellybean

  1. FIXED. Finally after a cold shower I saw that my problem was actually the CurrentIngredients integer that was getting everything screwed up. >< I still need more sleep.
  2. Hello guys! I’m have trouble with this script I'm trying to adapt from one of the vanilla fetch quests. In this script, you can put ingredients into an actorIngredientSatchel and with EventOnUpdate, it will update the ingredient count. Through dialogue, you can create specific potions, IF you have enough ingredients. If you don't, my follower will tell you. Thing is, in game, these globalvariables are not properly updating and the ingredients inside the satchel are not being removed. My brain is fried at the moment (got 4 hours of sleep) but can someone tell me what is wrong with my script or how to improve on it? Here is Bestheda's script, which I based mine off from. It was from the quest where you needed to collect 10 bear pelts and at on a quest stage, EndSwap() would happen. And here is my adapted script. IngredientsSwap() happens via dialogue.
  3. Alright! Testing out my combat dialogue for my follower and she's saying it all random. Like she's saying dialogue that's meant for killing animals towards bandits. This is mainly for when combat ends--the CombattoNormal in the detection tab. The conditions for the combat target are all above all above the subject conditions. Combat dialogue is on a seperate quest, ticked the startgameenabled and allow repeated stages boxes. Anyone know how to fix the problem?
  4. Update 5: The market of quest world 2 is mostly done! Need to fix statics and add....decoration to the stalls. Maybe. I think I'll skip that for my own sanity and move onto making those underground tunnels.
  5. Good luck with your development Airtight! Hope you get a lot of progress before the FO4 release. Also reached the middle of my semster, and since it's study week I've been just concetrating 100% on developing my mod. Its kind of funny how our mods are developing around the same pace.
  6. Update 4: Getting s*** done! Beta testers are done with testing, so I’ll release the demo by Wednesday at latest. Phew. And LadyFabulousity recorded the prequest lines. Here is a sneak preview of some of the lines that WON’T be in the demo. :wink: AS WELL I’m about 60% done building the basic structures for all of the areas of the 2nd quest. Here's some teasers of the most decorated place, the glacier island's black market: Still am kind of stumped on how to create the underground tunnels though. Haven’t started that yet and that’s the largest interior. OTL
  7. UPDATE 3: So my estimate turned out wrong and it took another week to get all the lines done. But most of it is done! My VA got her lines done this Monday and I ported everything onto a good .esp this week. I need to fix up her dress mesh and add some more voice files I think, but after that and beta testers finish with feedback, it will be released. Here are two video showcasing the outfit and potion system: Asides that I've finished fixing the first dungeon's portals, written most of the lines of the first quest part, and continued on building the world for quest part 2.
  8. Never did horse armor and absolutely no expert, but what you described sounds like a boneweight issue. Did you boneweight copy or paint in the weights? In my experience, my armor mesh will go all over the place in-game if they were bad weights.
  9. Alright, here comes a quick question dump. Questions about Portals: 1.) If part of a room marker is partially inside another room marker, is it possible to make a portal? I tried to do that with one with my vanilla duplicate, but weirdly the 2nd room I attached to realigned itself to be tilted with the first. 2) Bigger room markers=more load time, yes? I'm currently trying to make portals for the vanilla rooms, which are small confusing and daunting. I have an .esp where I made my own room markers which were simpler, but they’re much bigger than the vanilla. 3) What do you do with portals when the room marker is facing two other room markers? In this cell, there’s a large room that connects with the tunnel room at the bottom half. But there is also 2nd floor above the tunnel, that has its own room marker. Question about Cells and Loading Times 1) What is the recommended amount MB you should put in each exterior cell? I know the limit is 155 but is there an ideal limit before things load way too long? 2) I plan to make an area where it is quite crowded with a lot of crowd npcs. To help on load time, should I put lets say the main market inside an interior, yes?
  10. No it won't. If you skip making a standalone body, the follower's body type will be whatever the downloader uses by default. Each mesh--hair, armor, hands, feet, etc are all seperate. Ignore one and nothing will change.
  11. Got it working like a charm. Thanks for your help Aragorn. =)
  12. @Aragorn Thanks. Also figured out what was glitching the cell. Most of the room markers don't have portals and therefore don't load properly. I'm not sure as why they didn't copy over though. Been also hitting a navmesh problem, that I'm wondering if anyone has encountered. Here is a screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/sDUmp1h.jpg The vertices literally cannot move any further, and if I try to make a triangle, it automatically cancels. I'm navmeshing a small exterior world where it has two ships. Is this a cell border problem? If so, anyway to merge the navmeshes of both cells to fix it?
  13. Okay, deleted the portals but that did nothing, so I just redid the roommarkers today. Quick questions: 1) Is it okay if room markers slightly overlap? If not, why? 2) I was kind of confused when watching the tutorials, but do you need to put portals at specifically doorways or literally for every room marker? What if the room marker covers a portion of an wide open-no-doors area, making the room marker huge. Do I make the portal as tall as the room marker as well?
  14. Hi guys! I'm trying to duplicate a cell from the Dawnguard DLC so that people who've completed the quest can 'restart' the dungeon. Everything so far works, except that I'm getting these constant sky blips: http://i.imgur.com/au1bS51.jpg I can walk into them and the next room will appear, but the sky will load again as I further go. For the most part, this is happening in the large spaces of the dungeon and not when dungeon narrows into small tunnels. When copying the cell, there was also pop up that said to Please confirm if I wanted to duplicate contents of reference INSERTNUMBERHERE reflected/refracted lists and I clicked both yes and no. Each time, for both copy cells I still got the same thing. I looked into the vanilla cell and their rooms markers had gaps in between them. Checking with the validating room button it says that they were not coplanar and that their normals were different. Yet for the vanilla cell there were no sky blips. :blink: Any idea on what Bethesda might have done with their vanilla dungeon to make it work? I'll delete the room markers and portals manually if I can't find a quick fix, but it's just that the dungeon is so large and twists and turns a lot that it looks daunting. @_@
  15. No problem. I failed A LOT in the first two weeks to get my first armor done. When you're done your first one, things get a lot easier, so don't give up. =) Also: You might want to scale it a bit smaller? Looking at the grid, the head is still big compared to the sizes of the heads and bodies I usually port in. I use Blender 2.49b so that's why it maybe different. I think this is the same for Khajiit heads, but if you're making a helmet or hood, don't export the head mesh or delete it in nifskope after you exported it. If the head is attached to the armor, it will override the character's face otherwise with the featureless head mesh.
  16. I've been learning blender for about a month so I'm no expert, but when I was porting in Witcher 3 armors, I got a similar black texture problem. It was because Blender couldn't load the texture because they had #'s in the their name that they couldn't read it. Try renaming the .dds files and reassign them to new materials to see if it works? Also, are you in textured mode when you are getting the black head? Solid mode doesn't read the textures--that's why its always grey. EDIT: As for the huge size of the head, did you try to resize it? Click on the mesh or press A to select all. Then hit S to scale it.
  17. Thank you Hurlocks and FoxQueen. =) UPDATE 2: Nothing to show today, but I'm 95% done the outfit system, and I also scripted in a potion system. Enid will be able to craft health, magic, stamina, carry weight, and cure disease potions off the bat if she has enough ingredients! I also decorated Enid's room at the Silver-Blood Inn. But there's more! Ladyfabulosity from the New Vegas http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/50146/'> Autumn Leaves mod has volunteered to voice Enid. Good bye Dragon Age voice files! When she's finished recording the lines, it's straight off to demo release! That should be by next Sunday at the latest. It's probably going to be released a lot sooner. The demo just covers the basic functions I scripted for her, and is a very little sample of what I aim to expand on this project. Still, the demo already has more content than your regular follower mod.
  18. UPDATE: Finished up horse unique follower and in the process of developing an outfit system. She already a hoodie/fur cloak system scripted which will detect weather conditions which she will put on when it is raining or cold. I’m currently in the process of coding a mechanic which will allow her to change into four outfits and hair for every three days. The fourth outfit will be player customizable while the rest are made by me: http://i.imgur.com/qAIJ84s.jpg After that’s done, it will be STRAIGHT into writing and finishing up the first quests yay. That's when I'll release a demo.
  19. Enid has been my mod follower project that I have started 2 months ago. My mod will aim to be similar to the Dragon Age companions--both quest driven and approval oriented. http://i.imgur.com/qAIJ84s.jpg http://i.imgur.com/vteCiVQ.jpg http://i.imgur.com/Aq1ylP2.jpg IF YOU’D LIKE TO HELP IN DUNGEON/WORLD BUILDING WRITING MISC NPCS VOICE ACTING Please PM me! I'll keep posting/necro this thread with more development updates. At the moment though, what I'd like though is some help so that development can speed up much much faster.
  20. http://i.imgur.com/bgYHtCe.png This is Enid. She is the main character of my follower mod which hopefully will expand with 2 other followers. Mod is planned to have lengthy quests and lots of dialogue and updates. I'm looking for someone who... Preferably has a British accent. If the voice is spot on though, American is fine.Can voice a haughty, confident character.She sounds like a convincing Thalmor, or even better Anora from Dragon Age Origins. Example Lines of Dialogue Player: What brought you to this party? Ondolemar invited me here. Whether this was his attempt to either torture or court me, that I'm unsure. Let's hope for the former. Player: How Do you know I’m Dragonborn? Consider yourself fortunate that the dossier was just finished when you decided to throw that prison escape. Had it arrived to Elenwen's yellow hands a few hours sooner, I don't think your welcome to the party would have been as... polite. Player: Did you really need to kill her? (sarcasm) Oh don’t worry. When the report comes out I’ll ensure that she’s mentioned in the footnotes. Is there anything else more inane you need to ask? Do you really feel that bad for a ghost dying? Still in the process of writing and developing the mod in its early stages. If someone by chance happens to read this in a few weeks/months I PROBABLY will still need a role available. Other voice roles I will eventually look for (I HAVEN'T WRITTEN ANYTHING YET) Suave male DremoraMale orc childEnid's sister-- a free-spirited priestess of DibellaFemale Bosmer. Any accent. Tomboy, sounds mature yet still has this innocence/vulnerability about her. Youtube Cybersix Opening to hear something similar.
  21. Can't you just duplicate your blue eye textures an rename them to whatever texture you want to replace? If you can't do that, you can just reassign your textures in the CK. Open up Dawnguard/whatever, go to Miscellaneous>Texture Set. Type in the search bar vampire, find the multiple eyes textures and double click on them: there you go. Now double click the texture paths and replace it with your textures. Make sure you have you _n and _s as well if you want them custom from your general NPC eyes. Save. I haven't done an NPC mod in a long time to create headparts, but I think that should still work.
  22. I'm doing a complete overhaul of the Dawnguard quest Lost in the Ages for my custom follower mod. I deleted a lot of the aliases that I do not need and transfered t what I did need to the quests I want to keep. One of these things I didn't want to keep was an overall progression quest that tracked quest stages AND activated a tower rising scene to get into the dungeon. After my editing, the tower rise scene won't play, even after I completed quest stages in game. If anyone can help, it'd truly be appreciated. Making sure I don't screw up the vanilla events that I'd like to keep is the only thing I'm worried about before I can really go full on with my follower mod. >< Attached is the WINRAR to my .esp, scripts, and script sources both vanilla and my own. THE QUESTS I NEED HELP ARE CALLED DLC1LD and the DLC1LD_BTHALFT IN THE CK. I edited DLC1LD_ARKNGTHAMZ too, but that works fine. DLC1_QF_DLC1LD_01005817 = The script for the quest that I can’t deleteDLC1_QF_DLC1LD_Bthalft = The script of the quest that I want to keep The crest pedestal scripts are for activating an animation (not the tower). They play fine, though I haven’t set up the automatic stage progression after you put them on the pedestal yet.
  23. I've made many NPC mods before, and know the common gray face bug and ctrl+f4 solution, BUT, for some reason, I'm having this problem in concerns with Aela when trying to update her. When I start a new game, with my .esp at the bottom of the load order, and textures and meshes exported, she works perfectly. But when I open my main playthrough save, she has this annoying gray-face bug of one of my older renditions of her that doesn't seem to change. Even if I uninstall ALL of her meshes and textures and .esps in concern with her, her grey face doesn't change at all--it doesn't even change back to her vanilla faceshape or hairstyle. The only time she seems to work however is when I do reinstall my original .esp, so she can get the old corresponding textures with her face mesh. If I edit that .esp however, her grey-face morph returns. Any clue on what's happening?
  24. Just looked through the quest script. Its says that I shouldn't edit the code from the beginning fragment to the end, which in between the list of all of the vanilla alias's and scripts. That said, I've figured out how to make my script work--turns out I only needed to simplify things and only tell the actor script to disable my new NPC when the quest stage was completed and forget enabling the housecarl--or her alias for that matter. Still, thank you hfiani and Dominion for giving me ideas to help me out and explaining to me what some events were to a noob like myself. xD
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