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About Lemanruss27

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  1. I like to look at a babe s arse :biggrin: rather than a male one :armscrossed:
  2. some random dungeon: two bandits sitting at a table,i sneak up to them and kill one with an arrow thro his head,the other guy:"is somebody there?"walks for a couple of seconds arround and then says:"must heve been my imagination"and sits by his dead buddy :rolleyes:
  3. yeah,arnold wannabes its hilarious when they say something :laugh:
  4. mmm,hoarding very nice yeessssss,anyway i m a noob in the elder scrolls as well so can t help ya,sorry bro.
  5. Every time you gett your ass kicked by THE GIANT .
  6. tottaly,got no freaking idea what to do out of the sheer amount of ideas that i got :unsure: :blink:
  7. U jbt... danas arkham city dolazi a? uf ajde jos malo pa i skyrim, tebi nece bit lako sa oba dvije igre :D
  8. :blink: :blink: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: too much awsomnes it has jeeeeeessssssssssss :ohmy:
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