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About K1CKER

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  1. Hey guys, I would like a horse sattle bag (container) so I`ll actually have a reason to use a horse. It could me purchasable from the guys who sell horses and hold like 500-1000 weight. It could be made to work in different ways but the point is the same: Horse Sattle Bags! What do you think?
  2. I would really like to find the trigger that enables followers to dual wield so that I can make anyone do it. I messed around trying to find a way a lot but I`m new at this, Anyone had any luck ?
  3. 94F0E TreasDwarvenChestBossEMPTY 20652 TreasDwarvenChestBoss B1176 TreasFalmerChestBossDwarven one of these 3
  4. Man I gotta say this is amazing After playing around with all the options for a few ours here`s my work so far for breezehome: Finally now I have the most awesome chest in the game as a floor safe instead of that annoying fire :D
  5. yeah it`s a shame mages and archers don`t get kill animations
  6. Hey guys, Currently the Favorites and shortcuts options are very weak. I blame the consolification but never-mind. :D It would be amazing if we could save different equipped weapons/spells to number keys or something but in a better way that we can now. For example: If I want setup 1: flames left hand, a mace right hand and setup 2: healing left hand, conjuration right hand So I could press let`s say "1" on the keyboard and setup 1 would be equipped and just with one press, say "number key 2" I could switch to setup 2. Wouldn`t that be nice ? I have no idea how hard it would be to do. What do you guys think ?
  7. so nobody likes how you can acquire targets in DA 2 with R button ? weird, it was a huge thing I missed in DA Origins when I replayed it after DA 2 so huge I almost didn`t want to do it without it
  8. yeah and I forgot to even mention "tale all" functionality when looting R button did that too in DA 2 it`s annoying as hell I have to keep moving the mouse to "take all"
  9. Hey guys, I really would like to play through DA Origins again but after finishing DA 2 a few times I just can`t stand all the clicking every time I need a target. The R button in DA 2 was great is it possible to do the same in DA Origins ? Thanks.
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