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About SilvuruAgnost

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    Morrowind and Cs
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  1. What kinda annoys me is that Morrowind has sucky graphics, but is a GREAT game, while Oblivion got good graphics, but then again, is a way more boring and slash'n'mash game.
  2. i know that you get them by divath fyr when he cures you of corpus. But i seem to remeber that one of the uniqe item you get along the main quest gives you a 100 prosent immunity to corpus, blight and disseas
  3. Ypu shuold know that there are many mods for level 100 and up!! I have made an napc wich i called cruncy dude. he was prettey scary
  4. dont wraithugard give you 100 prosent immune to blight and diseas??
  5. I have had the same problem with the orc at mages guild. i even saw here flying one time :huh2: but just save and then reload and the se will be there!!
  6. I to have played White Wolf of lokken and tought that it was great. Something other that was really great about white wolf of lokken is when you transport people. if they get to far away they will spawn where you are and the travel as fast as you do. Enjoy :wink2:
  7. Neh... i dont like putting items in game by cs. i like to earn the item. I can just look at it tough int the cs. PS: would it be wrog if I placed it at some über npc and killed him if he had eltonbrand!!!!
  8. Those are the unqie weapons but not the ones with unqie design. maybe post a topic on that to!! Nice list Malchik. I really have to get Eltonbrand. But it dont like beeing a vampire. I am just to good :P I just like to watch movies about them!!!!
  9. The Latest, greates housing mod_gold!! Description: This is a combined housing and quest mod. The whole thing starts at (my memorie is starting to get bad) a apartment found at at the bottom of st. delyn vivec. There you will find 2 redugards and a ordinator. The two Redugard women will sell you apartments. To start the quest buy the place called viverion. You will soon find out that every thing isn’t how it should be. When you go back to the place you will be brought on adventures beyond your imagination. Contains: New npc’s New homes available buying. (about 15 top quality houses) And i am shure that it is a lot more. Or maybe not. My opinion: This must be the BEST mod i have ever played. And that says quite much. (have played about 100 mods.) This mod gives me the creepes. I really dont understand how it is possible to make such a mod. I actually got scared when I played this mod (maybe it is just me beeing a 15 year old, but anyway). Out of 10 this mod gets 12 :D Malchik adds. Certainly if you want houses you can end up with loads (Balmora 2, Hla Oad, Gnaar Mok, Vos, Seyda Neen, Gnisis, Sadrith Mora, Tel Branora, Pelagiad, Nr Ashmelech, Dagon Fel, Suran, Caldera, Ald Rhun and Red mountain with a small canton in Vivec)! The Mod has many things going for it including a satifyingly large battle. I'm not sure I'd rate it as the best I've played but I'd certainly recommend it highly. (My house in Vos came without a door and I had to update one journal entry via the console as already indicated in the readme, otherwise it worked fine!) Would probably conflict with Balmora Expansion and possibly Liligue Island.
  10. Name: Sword of the Perithia. Description: Sword of the perithia is a total conversion for morrowind. It adds a ton of land south west of morrowind and plenty of quest. I have just played the beta so I dont think that it is finished yet. PS: Sword of perithia makes a new morrowind ini file so make sure to place the original somwhere safe. Sword of peretrhia starts already after you have finished choosing Race, Class, and Birthsign. After you have choosen these things, you have been told to go straight back to the dock, where they will transport you to Vivec. When you are on your way the ship will crash quite close to a litel Island. There you will find a corpse who will tell you som info about his village. When you arrive to the Village you will se that the guards there are fighting against some orcs attacking. Where the quest really starts is when you read the note on the corpse. There you will get alot of information of what to do. Contains: New Main Quest and storyline. The entire game is set in a new Kingdom. 5 new cities (Balmora sized and bigger), with several new towns and camps. Over 100 new NPC's to interact with. Countless dungeons and interiors to explore. Over 80+ hours reported game time. New monsters with new skins. New weapons and armor. A whole new look and feel. Over 100 new side and misc. quests, not to mention a huge main quest. A much more puzzle based game, similar to the old "Link to the Past, The Legend of Zelda". New classes, and spells. A Haunted Forest, Massive Desert, Tall Mountain Peaks, Huge Waterfalls, Raging Rivers, Magical Forests, Pirates, and Giants, and Much much more! My opinion: I am not shure if i liked it. Almost all the houses is just ripped out from the game. Another thing i miss is varieraty (hope i wrote that right). And AGAIN I MUST REMIND YOU TO TAKE A COPY OF BETHSDA MORROWIND:INI FILE. or else you must reainstall the whole game. When you play Sword of peretrhia you cannot get back to morrowind and Cauis Cosades and many more people will be deleted.
  11. Maybe it's a litle like Tom Bombadil in lotr. Every store needs to have some secrets that cannot be answerd!
  12. Hama son of Hamalin. Nord. warrior. LOW LEVEL. since I switch characters al the time. he is in the imperial legion. But I have had many über characters.
  13. What are skiddles and where can I buy some? BTW if you support Carnius in the EEC quests, Hroldar does die! In fact several of the quests are so different that if you've only played supporting one side I suggest trying the other. skiddles are like skills. It is just spelled in a litle more fancy way. Skiddles comes from tony hawk underground where the team manager says it
  14. Hand to hand is not useless. You can use it in a mission in bloodmoon :P Beating up Hglorar The Strange? He's a fraud anyway, he doesn't die. no but if you want to join the good side you must have good hand to hand skiddles
  15. Hand to hand is not useless. You can use it in a mission in bloodmoon :P
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