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Everything posted by THEbloodymary777

  1. That was i think THE most entertaining, joyful review ive read haahaha ty very much for sharing with us :thumbsup:
  2. these ideas are not only meant for this game they are ideas for modders and for possible future TES projects again this is an idea bank we store all of our ideas into here in hope that some of these things will be answered and put in
  3. i really like all these ideas....on one idea I really want to be able to edit IN GAME is time scale....i want to edit the time scale to be normal or slower, normal is default every second is 1 minute in game time in oblivion i didnt like having to go to a dungeon then fast traveling back to city then it being night...=no loot sold until morning sigh such a hassle if you're like me who grabs every thing of value EVERYWHERE i want to be able to change it to real time...of course it has to be balanced so you cant have 1 hour per second :P maybe max coul be the default the game time is already quick enough slowest is real time
  4. We have TERRIBLE reputations around the world. Well deserved, but remember that you only ever HEAR & SEE the people who scream & jump. The quit civil ones get thrown into the sweeping generalisation. - My View on HACK & SLASK crowds. Gaming has...become quite mainstream.You see it on television, strewn across the media, and molested by the immature. It has gone from something cherished to something socially raped. I just wish for skyrim to remain a hidden jewel. Call me a Hipster, but id rather not share it with a distastefull crowd. . (I always joked that Cyrodill was the most oppressive nation in all of nirn<Because bandits outnumber people 6 to 1>) :wink: I agree Frankly i am quite embarrassed that i live in America BECAUSE of the people that live here...Rude arrogant massive pricks to be honest like at quakecon the people that were saying that crap ugh i just wanted to bash everyone of those guys but im not like that and im sure there were people there actually intent and silent but of course they dont get notiiced i just hope that people like that learn to be respectful...sigh <_<
  5. heres one about crime....so when you commit a crime and the guard likes you he'll find you and take you outside city limits if you choose...but guard captains or w/e the eqivelant of a guard captain is in skyrim the guard will ake you to jail as usual but the guard capatin will pay your fine and free you..but the guard captains will be extremely hard to be high enough disposition for..and there is a gold cap to your bounty fine he wont pay 10078 septims to free you..thoughts of this and any thoughts to what they should do if your bounty is really high and he cant pay it? hmm about armor enchantments i want armor to have a constant effect "on hit" properties...like if a character hits you with a melee weapon then that enchantment will activate dealing whatever enchantment it had on it... would be awesome if we had a constant immolaton effect on the armor or just applys fire damage every time they hit you...
  6. Horses....being able to hijack them while others are riding them....it would be awesome to just punch them and drag them off the horse while simutaneously getting on...also have NPC's actually chase on horseback, if we get on a horse and the Guard has a horse nearby he will jump on and chase us.when within range he will get off his horse and resume attacking this would only be used for chasing. i don't want to lose a guard so easily if i jump on a horse and ride off in a random direction...also being able to tame wild horses...in oblivion you saw wild horses but couldnt tame them.,this way you can tame horses and not have to pay such a hefty amount of gold:you can tame it by sneaking up behind it and attaching a saddle...but sneaking up on it is extremely difficult so it takes a high sneak skill so you sometimes have to pay for a horse if you're not the stealth type...
  7. I like them saying what you are being accused of. But I think there ought to be a legal system where you can plea and if your speech is high enough you can talk your way out so maybe like a trial system? you have to plead your case to the earl of the region...?
  8. maybe having the guards falsley accuse you of a crime having them check your inentory if its not there the charges are dropped but, having some way to stop you from dropping it on the ground then picking it up later....also having the guards say the charges you're being accused for ex: is resisting arrest, attempted murder, murder, theft, bigamy, etc then stating the final (x) amount of gold you are wanted for....
  9. Have dynamic wind...depending on the severness of the wind things may be blown away...they already have the physics for items moving from a shout or spell all they have to do is decrease or increase the severity of the wind....so a flag, cloth,shirt, other light flutter will move in the wind
  10. SMALL FAVOR Dynamic waiting in cities....when waiting in cities Radiant Story will find you too your "wait" will be interupted and start a conversation about someones daughter being kidnapped things like that....
  11. hmm i wonder if i should edit the main favor part with all of the ideas other people put in...updating it hmmm what do YOU think? or just let people post small favors cuz theres bound to be people who just troll or make a useless comment...
  12. Because these are "small" codeable dynamics that can be implemented...origionally we had ideas only 1 sentence long so some are large favors but you get the point :)
  13. Its good to see our ideas didnt go to waste on facebook :D
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