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About slevin92

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  1. Hello everyone, First thing, I started to learn C++ a month ago only to update one of my mod (https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/37794). What I want to do is replacing a function that papyrus run very to slowly for me by a custom one directly in a dll plugin. Basically, the arRef should move to the arTarget's arNodeName bone. Everything is filled in a papyrus script. This is what i've wrote so far : namespace WorkingVisibleWeapon_Functions { void WVWAttachToRefNode(StaticFunctionTag* base, TESObjectREFR* arRef, TESObjectREFR* arTarget, BSFixedString arNodeName) { if (arRef) { NiNode* NodeRef1 = arRef->GetObjectRootNode(); NiAVObject* Ref1 = NodeRef1; NiNode* NodeRef2 = arTarget->GetObjectRootNode(); NiAVObject* Ref2 = NodeRef2->GetObjectByName(&arNodeName); NiNode* ExtraRef2 = Ref2->GetAsNiNode(); float heading; float attitude; float bank; float x = Ref2->m_worldTransform.pos.x; float y = Ref2->m_worldTransform.pos.y; float z = Ref2->m_worldTransform.pos.z; Ref2->m_worldTransform.rot.GetEulerAngles(&heading, &attitude, &bank); Ref1->m_worldTransform.pos.x = x; Ref1->m_worldTransform.pos.y = y; Ref1->m_worldTransform.pos.z = z; Ref1->m_worldTransform.rot.SetEulerAngles(heading, attitude, bank); } } } I can call the function in papyrus but the game crashes when it reach this line : Ref1->m_worldTransform.pos.x = x;I really don't know how to make the Ref1 (arRef) move to the coordinate of the Ref2(arTarget). Thanks
  2. Hello, Â Â I'm searching how i can put a light directly in the nif of an armor ? basically, when i equip the armor, i want a dedicated light with beam already toggled on and not affiliated with the pipboy light. Â Does anyone know how to do that or where I can take a look ar to make this possible ?
  3. Thanks, the CK warned me that i can't so i used a formlist instead. Look like what i wanted to do can also works with that.
  4. Hello everyone. Is it possible to add and remove keywords to the currently equipped weapon via script ? Sorry wrong topic name :/
  5. Good to ear and thank you :) The problem with grenades is not the keyword they use, it's that there's no function like Getequipedweapon to get the currently equipped grenade :/ I tried with getequipeditem but it wasn't compatible with the script i used. May be i missed something. I don't know how equipslot works but weapons have also a hidden biped slot https://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=Biped_Slots where we can found datas about the current equipped weapon like biped slot 41 for pistol, rifle and heavy gun
  6. The mod is up here There's still some code i left in it just in case. Unfortunately I didn't found a way to make grenade works :wallbash:
  7. Humm ok, let me see if i can add grenades too :thumbsup:
  8. I think i'll release the mod tomorrow as a beta. I'll upload it with the source script so you can see how i made it work for now. There's probably some others way to build something like this. It definitely need Fo4 hotkeys to favorite any weapons. the vanilla favorite system bug as hell :/ and it was the cause of my fire at the PlaceAtNode then CTD. I used the SplineTranslateToRefNode with a high speed so the weapon move faster than the player. It's the only things I found to keep the weapon close to the player. This and a lot of globalvariable to work between multiple scripts.
  9. A replacement because i wanted it to be attached to the player and stay there lol. But not possible.
  10. After a lot of tries, I'll leave this feature for now. Apparently the problem wasn't the Event (confirmed by a debug.notification) but the container reference. I tried with container and an human actor as container. Both don't add the duplicated weapon on drop so i can't get the previous copy back after changing cell >_< The AttachTo feature seems to not work with the player. I had to make it follow the player as a replacer. So technically, it's not attached to the player, with a low script latency, it's barely noticeable.
  11. My mod work the same way, The weapon on the back is not the real weapon but a copy of it with all mods. And that copy disappear when you draw or change weapon. Put the real weapon on the back make it nearly impossible to get it back. Thanks for the script, it really help to find a solution for int / ext cell transition. It look like the OnPlayerTeleport event dont work well or i miss something.
  12. You'are right. I'll try that. In the mean time, now I need to understand how to copy all the info of an equipped weapon to make a copy and auto-equip it when the player fast travel, take a door, etc... Try this: Weapon myequippedweapon = game.getplayer().getequippedweapon(0) objectreference mynewitem = game.getplayer().placeatnode("mynodename", myequippedweapon, false, false, false, true) It should spawn your weapon at the dedicated node. Now you can do whatever hou want with it. For the grenade, it's may be getequippedweapon(1) but I'm not sure.
  13. I've wrote two different ways to display equiped weapons. One that require a drop and an other that work directly from inventory. I've fixed the bug in the first method but not in the other yet. The mods is not affected by the 3 cells bug (i was able to run from sanctuary to diamond city without any bug) It's attached to a quest.
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