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Status Updates posted by GoldenBlossom

  1. Aye, Happy New Year!
  2. Heh... yeah, as soon as I'm able. ^^'
  3. Thanks, and to you as well. ^^
  4. Hey, thanks for the enthusiasm. And sorry for the wait, life's been getting in the way for my writing. I'll try to get to it as soon as I can, but I can't set an exact date right now, so please remain patient. ^^

    Also, thanks for the praise! I personally prefer English over Swedish as a writing language, so almost everything I write is in English. Practice makes perfect, I guess. :3

  5. Hiya. Not right now I'm afraid. I've been terribly busy with University work for quite a while, so I haven't really had the time to make anything. It usually takes several hours for me to set up a good story image, more so when I'm not sure what kind of scene I want to illustrate when I begin. But more will come eventually.
  6. Oh, that. It was pretty tiring. I had to study all day, so I hardly got to go outside my apartment. :/

    How about yours?

  7. Well, excuse me for not having many friends. -.-
  8. I'm here, all right. 'Sup? :P
  9. Tackar, tackar... grattis i förskott. :3
  10. Hehe, first comment... på en Torsdag! XD
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