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Everything posted by VxdVxn

  1. OMG vc. Our glasses match!! Whoa... and our hair matches too! Your like the dude version of me :}
  2. Thanks for the replies, I'm going to try these suggestions... though I probably wont try to remove the conflicts sadly as I really dont want to cause anymore damage than I already have lol.
  3. Yeah I did, also DLed ArchiveInvalidated Invalitation to be sure and it didn't fix the issue. It really blows my mind why it decided to do this. I recently moved the game over to this computer, so I think I'm going to check my DL history on my old laptop and see if I can't find the issue there. I tried removing a bunch of mods before with no success... I wonder if it's a ground texture issue? Cause when I walk up the hill to leave Megaton my hair doesn't flicker, it just takes on a different texture. Also it appears through FO3Editor I have a bunch of conflicting mods which is weird cause I always read to make sure a mod doesn't conflict with another, cause most mods I have are clothing mods. EDIT: Okay so I've pretty much removed practically all my mods... and still having the same texture issue with the hair. I took a screenshot after I ran a filter with editor and heres what I got. http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/545/loadorderfilter.jpg
  4. Texture Issue BEGONE!
    1. vancleef


      What she said!
    2. VxdVxn


      *singing* We're the three best friends that anyone could have, we're the three best friends that anyone could have! :D
  5. Ok, so finally after several months of playing with the same character, my hair suddenly decided to go chameleon on me and take on the texture of nearby surfaces. It's more severe in Megaton, however running around I have noticed my hair taking on the textures of grass and things like that, but it's non-existent indoors. I do have like over 200 mods installed, and I remember before taking a month-long break from FO3, I uninstalled some quest mods and deleted the saves that I used for them, so I just had the save right before I started any of those quests. When I came back I noticed my hair textures going nuts, and I changed my hair to a style that came with the race mod I use and it had no problems. So I tried replacing the textures, thinking that they might have gotten corrupt somehow, but that didn't help either. Anyone have any idea's? Hair mod that I'm having problems with is Cazy Hair.
  6. Merry Christmas vcccccc!! I'm reinstalling FO3 as I type haha see you in the wastelaaand! <3
  7. Form of a Pillow! *transforms into a pillow* Hmm this went better in my mind...
  8. Thanks for the read, Druu. Sorry I was so late in getting to them. My FO3 game became corrupt and I haven't reinstalled the game, also been sick for over a week now with a sinus cold. I Endorsed and left you some comments :} Happy Holidays!
  9. Yeah, life gets us all eventually, thats whats been happening to me too. Anyways, I'm eagerly waiting for your next comic release, I too am struggling with my own FO3 project, and I did figure out that texture problem... it's just such a pain to do and I haven't quite got ballsy enough to attempt it. Sigh. One day.
  10. Nuffin... it's been rather uneventful the past few days. Thinking about taking a nap right now... hows vancleef??
  11. Yeah, I might do that once the new computer arrives. I think it might also be the auto-save feature the mod has implemented. I don't know how to deactivate it as I have all my auto-save features off due to them causing me to CTD.
  12. I see your up to no good ;) just stopping by to say hello!
  13. Just poppin in, hope your having a great day!
  14. It's called TwistedBrush Studio's. I've heard of GIMP but never tried it before. TB's pretty good... I like the brush effects, it's more of a painter than a photo touch-up program. But you can alter and apply effects to images and such.
  15. Yeah, usually my days aren't very special. Well, I'm going to attempt to make my images look more appealing :}. It's a start since I want to get into creating simple enhancement mods, once I get a new computer anyway.
  16. It's not a good day unless someones gets Machete'd..ed...! Yeah I dunno where I was going with that. Anyways, hope your day is as awesome as mine! I got a new toy to play with :} *pets new precious paint program.. free of course*
  17. Hah guilty! Good news, I finally broke down and downloaded a free paint program. No more boring pictures for me! Plus it distracts from my low graphic settings lol
  18. Who wants Pina Colada's?? *pulls out a tiny coconut and a machete* :}
  19. First thing I did when I woke up was read your chapter lol who needs coffee. Yeah NV annoyed me with the crashes too, but I get over that quickly. I liked it a little better than FO3 because it brought back many of the original FO elements back, which is no surprise being as some of the original FO team are in Obsidian. They did a lot of improvements and the only downfall was the crashing.
  20. Once the snow melts it should pick up around here. I personally haven't played any of the DLC's for New Vegas yet. I bought the game when it first came out for PS3, and after I beat it I started playing FO3 again on the PC. I'm waiting for them to package the game with all the DLC's for the pc before I buy it again. I'm hoping they do that very soon cause I want to play New Vegas sooo bad.
  21. *skips in* I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts! Dee-da-la-dee-dee!
  22. Heeey! Hows your comic coming along? Every time I check out the FO Nexus it's like a ghost town :(
  23. I'm having an issue when making a new race in GECK and it only seems to affect my new race. No matter what I do, the tongue is purple (or I should say the whole inside of the mouth). The first time I tried to find the tongue texture using the same paths as the other races and there is no tongue texture to be found, then I tried again this time not altering the tongue texture, just leaving it as default and it's still purple. Other races are normal so I'm completely lost. Anyone else have any advise or experienced the same thing?
  24. Oh I see. Well, lurk on my friend >:} just mind the dogs and the various traps on your way out
  25. What are you lurking at? :P

    This just went from Mission: Impossible to Mission: In-freaking-sanity.

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