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About Stormcrown

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    United States
  • Currently Playing
    Fallout: New Vegas
  • Favourite Game
    The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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  1. Currently unable to figure out why I can't fast travel. I can use the pip-boy app on my phone to fast travel, it seems like the game just won't think that I "clicked" the icon in the map. Has anyone been able to figure out a fix? I'm thinking it might have to do with the FOV, but Xbox One users are also reporting this issue.
  2. So I put a lot of mods in on my system, and while I can handle troubleshooting the crashes, its the WAY I am crashing that is odd. First of all, I never actually "close" - at most the game freezes and I have to Ctrl-Alt-Delete, then I am unable to close. New Vegas just shows a black screen, and NO other window can get in front of it. Most of the time I can't get my mouse to show. The only real annoying part of this, is I can't actually force close the game. I have to hard restart my laptop. Any ideas would be great, for now I am going to try turning off NVAC to see if that changes anything. Also disabled all mods and renabling them slowly.
  3. As I said, I'm not having many issues with my modded set up. I can't, for the life of me, figure out what would cause that.
  4. There's a lot of Skyrim lets Plays going on, to be "popular" it has to be unique and entertaining. Using large mods/doing something other than vanilla stuff (everyone has seen already) If you go 20+ videos with less than 200-300 views, it's not bad, that's just YouTube.
  5. The demand for Skyrim as a single player game is way too high for Zenimax to turn into multiplayer. It's what Elder Scrolls is known for, and famous for. They are undoubtedly the #1 single player RPG series, they dominate the competition and the mere announcement of Elder Scrolls news makes most gamer's heads turn and news organizations cover it as soon as possible. Changing TES (Single player) reputation, or changing the formula right now would be stupid. Very very stupid. I'm sure Zenimax knows that. They have taken the correct approach by starting a new studio for multiplayer. The two games use vastly different engines, and having Bethesda Game Studios use anything but their engine would be a very bad decision, as you would have to *pay* for those employee's to get use too the new engine/produce the same content as before. Overall, don't worry. This isn't blizzard we are talking about. The worst thing Zenimax has done is let other studios work on their intellectual property, and usually it's made pretty clear it's not the SAME company as the one everyone knows and loves.
  6. I could post a ton of details, but I'll make this short. I'm not a fan of the "Gameplay" they are planning, but I have watched countless interviews with the Zenimax Online guy (Not sure his name, but he is a top dev/partner). He was extremely clear in making a point that the game will be extremely lore-accurate. I will buy this game for the sole reason of exploring Tamriel, and enjoying the lore itself. I also want to experience this part of the second era as well. Overall, if they stay true to the series, keep the lore extremely accurate, and make sure it is immersive, it will carry the gameplay. TES has never been known for its combat/etc, it has always been known and loved for its lore, immersion, and storytelling. Immersion/Lore can "Carry" gameplay, gameplay can't carry Immersion/Lore.
  7. I'm still sort of surprised that the OP made the description "Don't want to get burned twice" Assuming that EVERYONE thinks they got burned from Skyrim. I'm sorry, but I DEFINITELY got $60 worth. 500 hours played. Definitely.
  8. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/695797-dawnguard-details-todd-howard-interview-g4tv-e3/ My forum post on dawnguard details, I'll copy the contents of my OP!
  9. Thanks, I was linking that playlist to a friend and must have forgot. well, speaking to the lore, Daedric is never said to be stronger. In the past games it always HAS been. Dragonbone never existed, so you could argue it's been a part of "Elder Scrolls" Sub-culture that Daedric is the strongest.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7UEQFp4tzQc G4TV Dawnguard Interview with Todd Howard. Features he talked about, added below. I got ALL of his talking points. Dawnguard Expansion - Skyrim, The Elder Scrolls -Dawnguard Faction, Anti Vampire --More crafting and exploring, --You can have you're own armored troll. -Become a Vampire Lord --Turning into bats, dodging mechanic --Vampiric "Gripping" People, throwing them through the air. --Summoning Gargoyles --Killing people as a vampire, unlocks perks, new perk tree. -Crafting Dragonbone Weapons, above Daedric. -Crossbows --A lot of damage, long reload. -Mounted Combat added recently. --Summonable Mount, Soul Cairn. --Undead Realm of Oblivion -New Shout, Soul Tear -Rip souls out of other people, collect souls, and they become your undead minion. -Werewolf Perk Tree --Level'd up by "mauling" people -Frost Elves "Lot of things in the DLC, we don't want to spoil anything" Xbox 360, 26th of June PC/PS3, Unknown.
  11. Sounds fun but extremely annoyed about PS3 Exclusive. Mainly because I sold my PS3 a few weeks before they announced the PS3 Exclusiveness. Might buy a PS3 depending on how good the game is, but feel extremely betrayed by CCP not including a PC version. Hopefully they will surprise us.
  12. I for one, will be extremely pissed off if this is true. Extremely. It *May* be good if they return to morrowind-style stats, but I have a dark feeling I won't be seeing that. Here's to hoping that we will still have Bethesda Game Studios developing TES6...*Raises glass in the air*
  13. @Riveon; It requires a bit of modding on the world map, but if you change it so you can see 360 degrees, you will see the gold tower and morrowind. Although very low res and very undetailed. :P I've also heard you can walk there! Takes a long time of noclipping tho
  14. Very very cool to see WoT on the nexus. One of my top 5 favorite games and the modding can be very complex for the game!
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