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  1. As in topic We started game, added 5 mods... played... added 2 more. And neither work. We tried adding new mods, for sure correctly added, those are cosmetic only, not needed script extender (tho those needing script extender are working!) Any idea WHY? Any new - except for few added first, are just not showing up.
  2. I know it's silly but my escapism is all that keeps me in shape recently While I got texts from Kerry I can only invite Panam to hangouts despite not doing her in-tank s*x scene she is flagged like romance option and I can only hang out with her , get texts from her etc as if in relationship Any help here to remove flags? (did Kerry's boat quest and scene, I got text from him too but not about hanging out in apartment) Tried Project CyberCAT-SimpleGUI
  3. As in topic. Any follower from the mod that is included in follower count does not follow. They just stay where they are located and fast travel doesn't spawn them next to me. I was using other followers (not included in vanilla followers count) for two weeks now and I don't really know when problem happened. I don't have any follower framework changing mods. I use Vortex installer. My mods:
  4. There was a mod that added rugs so the clinic, weapon etc vendors were without any tables or counters. Not animation - functional stalls. Can't find it at all, even went through my download history. This is my 1st playthrough without this mod, so any help is appreciated
  5. As in title. I tried using other mods (like wireless power etc) but nothing works. I was able to make two wires and that's it. No, I don't miss components, but the "end" of wire just won't attatch to anything. Tried in different settlements too. I don't want to start over again after 12 hours..... any help? I need only to connect recruiting beacon and I'll be happy. No lights needed. Mods
  6. It's for VR but this section doesn't seem to be active at all Most of Fallout 4 mods works, but I really enjoy building my own settlements and without those two mods - place anywhere (or there is alternative? I want to build in red zones) and wires through walls are a MUST Anyone can think of solution? Both mods work in my Fallout 4, just not in VR. I found a mod (Place in Red Standalone - VR) and things are in green but still can't place them >___<
  7. I have always ctd (papyrus does not really show anything) on teleport. On time machine quest when I'm getting BACK I had always ctd (in the end I used COC) In Vault tec bunker it tries to send me somewhere but... Ctd. I tried disabling mods but I can't load with many of them disabled. And those I can disable are not in conflict I think it may be caused by game trying to remove something from inventory but not sure what
  8. There is mod like that to Skyrim and Skyrim SE - I thought maybe there is one since Fallout 4 is the same engine For Fallout 3 was the mod too (it disabled quicksaves, tho)
  9. As in topic - I don't want autosaves but new save in new slot. Most what I can find just saves overwriting "autosave" Is there a mod working like I would love it to work? :)
  10. The idea itself is not bad but the problem is I can't find any ammo of this type. Not a single one, unfortunately.
  11. If it's a problem while taking damage maybe it's issue with blood/damage decals (missing or conflicting with other decals)
  12. I think weaponsmith extended changed some ammo types - I can't buy or find anywhere SC cells (and can't find ID in the game). It's one of weapon's from institute synths, Institute Laser Rifle I tried other mods (Loads of Ammo) etc but can't craft this ammunition either.
  13. Thank you for answers, I just randomly gave roombounds, didn't know they have to be perfectly snapped togheter. It's all good now :)
  14. I don't know how to call it. I'm pretty new to modding and wanted to make a better house using existing one as base but adding two rooms. This is how rooms look like in CK https://streamable.com/ous9k3 And this is how it looks in-game https://streamable.com/4rmntb Any help is appreciated - I added bound walls to new rooms
  15. As in topic I haven't downloaded nor removed any new mods since last I had to use racemenu but now my character is bald... and I can't use showracemenu nor any other options I tried precache killer I also can't undress my character - other npcs (females) use cbbe body and I don't have instant CTD. (Same with showracemenu of course) I removed and rhen re-downloaded sos, cbbe and xp32 (in thatr order, overwriting all with xpmse) Used fnis. EDIT: Can't change outfit actually too. I had the same outfit for hours of play and when decided to change it... well... CTD :V If I remove to really early save (1-2 hours of gameplay not around 40) it all works but I really don't want to loose my progress... EDIT 2: Problem does not occur if I don't use SKSE version of the game.... Load order - I used LOOT
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