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About Eddieawsome

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    South Africa
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    Portal 2
  • Favourite Game
    Half Life 2

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  1. "The Council is dead" he said immediately. "Where are you, have you got Logan with you?"he said nervously. OOC: Guys im realy sorry about this but it seems my power is tripping, so if i suddenly disapear it means its gone out.:sad:
  2. Marthan looked at Anderson in the elevator and said grimly "My brother, i fear in these desperate times we must make sacrifices, we may have to steal a car to escape" he said nervously as his mind tried to piece together what just happened, he couldn't believe Richardson was dead, the man was a father to him. Those Illuminati snakes would pay.
  3. Marthan saw his chance and pulled the trigger of the flashbang, shielding his eyes from the flash he hoped Anderson would get the hint and escape with him as he made a break for the elevator.
  4. Marthan looked at Anderson with a mad and exited look in his eyes"what do you say old friend, time to find out who was right about heaven"?
  5. Marthan pulled out a grenade and held it high" I swear by the lord almighty I'll send all of us straight to hell"! He screamed loudly and passionately.
  6. "Or branded so that if he failed, it would not incriminate the Illuminati" He said suspiciously "But very well, if you think she can be trusted i will submit to your judgement. I just hope we live long enough to see if its correct."
  7. Mathan pulled out his XM8 and pointed it towards the model "I told you we shouldn't trust them, once a snake always a snake" He told Anderson.
  8. "It was a polite warning miss, heed it or don't." He said angrily. Anderson I have no ideas whether they are after you as well, but i would suggest clearing up this cult business and getting the hell out. They have my emergency cell phone number, the only two people in the world who know that number are myself and guildmaster Richardson" He said.He sudenly spun around and looked at the assassin " Still think its a laughing matter miss?" He said smugly.
  9. "Its good to see you again too Anderson" He sat down and suddenly a solemn look spread over his face "Anderson, I hate to spoil a vacation for you, but Dubai is no longer safe. We must move miss Victoria to a safer location until a private helicopter can transport her from the country" He said nervously with a hint of fear, something he rarely showed. 'there has been a attempt on my life, a man lies dead outside this hotel in a flaming taxi, and if they have the power to know exactly what taxi i was going to use, our adversaries most likely have this hotel under surveillance as well'
  10. The elevator ride was long enough for Marthan to regain his composure. As the elevator doors slid open he walked towards Anderson's room, he figured a attempt on his life and a murder were important enough for him to barge in. He knocked and slowly opened the door and greeted his old friend, "morning Anderson". He looked round to see to people, one whom he recognized immediately "and i assume you are miss Victoria? I understand both condolences and congratulations are in order" He said politely with a bow.
  11. Marthan stepped out of the cab and half walked, half ran inside the hotel.Not a second had he closed the bulletproof glass door than did the cab explode in a fiery ball. All the people in the lobby screamed and ran past Marthan to investigate.He quickly ran to the lift and pressed Anderson's floor number.
  12. He figured he should be meeting Anderson at the hotel he mentioned, so he walked up to the sidewalk and tried to hail a cab,after waiting a full 10 minutes a cabby that was either stupid, brave or to broke to care about who he ferried round pulled up ' To the Burjie Kalina please". "You mean the Burj Kalifa? Sure its not more than 10 minutes away" the driver said in a strong Arabic accent.He got into the cab and after about 2 minutes he heard his phone ring : Caller Unknown. "Hello, who is this and how did you get this number'? he asked angrily. "You will be terminated as per request" the caller said in a robotic voice and immediately hung up.He sat there flabbergasted for the rest of the trip to the hotel.
  13. Marthan stepped out of the jet admiring the city in front of him.Clad in full protective body armor, a XM8 battle rifle strapped to his back and grenades hanging from his belt, it was obvious that subtlety was a concept lost to him.
  14. "Interesting" He said as he hung up. He stood up out of his chair and walked outside, a abandoned gas station in California was hardly the first place you'd expect the legendary templars council to meet, but then was anything in this world what you expected it to be? He unlocked the door to his Mercedes and drove to the Airport, he could make the necessary arrangements on the private jet.
  15. "He chuckled "Ha! For men like us it might as well be, I'll let the police know the castle is not to be disturbed. Before you go, the girl:she was traveling with a companion correct? Do you know who he is or what his relation is with her"
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