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    United States
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    Skyrim & Kingdoms of Amulur - Reckoning
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    Skyrim.. duh -.^

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  1. ROFL, that's a new one! I'll remember that, and I agree. Since I can't model and don't have the slightest idea how to do textures from scratch, I have to make what's there better. Unfortunately, what's there is a turd... I'm just happy I successfully made that turd shinier... :thumbsup:
  2. Hi all, F0E here with another (possibly... maybe...) improvement idea! :tongue: I've always thought the steel shield was just a shinier version of the iron shield, so I thought I would throw this idea out there. A steel heater. A cut and paste/color adjustment retex of the imperial shield, using small sections from nord steel armor and the nord hero greatsword. Let me know what you guys think! :thumbsup: P.S. It looks way better in game, it turned out better than I thought it would LOL! Here's some pics! :biggrin:
  3. Hi all, F0E here again with another request, lol. I had this idea, because when I play warrior or agility characters, I rarely/never use magicka. So my idea is: Is it possible to make enchanted weapons use magicka, instead of charges? That way, you can use any enchantment of any strength, on any item (As long as it's enchant-able), and as long as you have the required magicka to spend on it. Oh yeah, and you would never have to recharge them! In regards to soul gems if this turns out. When you aren't using them for enchanting, you can make them work like a potion. They can increase your magicka recharge rate for a short duration, or even (because it contains another soul) increase your total magicka pool by a certain amount! It would make the game more interesting, keep it balanced, and also give straight warrior and agility chars something to use the little blue bar for... Thanks for hearing me out! Look forward to a quick response, have a great day! :biggrin:
  4. Got it, thx so much! :thumbsup:
  5. Hey, good job! That sounds great, how do you want to do this? You upload and I download it? Email? LOL This is the first time I've done this :tongue:
  6. A quick update. I'm not sure if this is it or not, but I wasn't just sitting on my hands waiting for you :tongue: I was just scanning through the creation kit and found this in the properties for PROJECTILES. I double checked on the CK website and this is what it says. Supersonic: - If checked, the sound emanates from the point of the projectile's path closest to the listener (Think bullets whizzing by your head). If unchecked, the sound emmiter follows the projectile around until it is destroyed (Think rockets flying through the air). All arrows have that unchecked, and from what I'm understanding, this means that they will hear the sound as soon as the arrow is loosed, whereas if it WAS checked, then they would only hear it when it got close to them? Any thoughts? :confused: CORRECTION - It seems ONLY iron arrows have supersonic checked, so I'll do a little research and see if they behave differently than the others.
  7. I appreciate you looking into it for me, and thanks very much for the quick response! :biggrin: Looking forward to what you discover!
  8. Hi all, I've looked all over for something like this and haven't had any luck, so here goes. First, I'll give you a scenario which happens more often than I'd like. (I'm a bad shot sometimes... :sweat: ) The night is calm, and my prey hasn't noticed me yet. My perch on a large boulder gives me a perfect view between several trees. I nock an arrow, silently raising it's deadly point in line with the back of my target's head. My breath is held, and I release with a loud "TWANG!". My arrow goes high above my target. He stands, draws his blade, and charges in my direction, intently searching for the wannabe archer with the loud bow. That being said, I request a mod which adds either a perk under marksman (Or sneak?) which muffles the "Twang" from the bowstring to other actors. If that isn't doable, then even a game tweak would make me happy. Thank you all for hearing me out! I hope to receive some help soon, have a great day! :thumbsup:
  9. Hi all, you don't know me, but I've been a member for a while now! I've been looking and just haven't found anything like this, so I thought I'd put in a request! -.^ I hope someone will be able to add a set of leather-ish armor to the game, which looks very close to the armor of Sylvanas Windrunner from World of Warcraft. Hopefully brown for regular ranger or black for dark ranger. And Possibly without the pauldrons (shoulders), I can't decide LOL! Here are some pic's as a visual: http://bunnyforever.files.wordpress.com/2011/11/sylvanas-windrunner-6093.jpg - My Fav View http://i1126.photobucket.com/albums/l606/Sillyfulx/Renders/SylvannasWindrunnerRender-1.png - Skimpier Version (Not bad either -.^ ) http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lyuvq7MUPL1qm3rb1o1_500.jpg http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/310/b/6/sylvanas_windrunner_by_kostanryuk-d4fbbiz.jpg Well, thanks very much, I hope you guys like the idea also! ^^
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