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    United States
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  1. Well happy Xmas and happy holidays to everyone. and i hope everyone finds his/her luck apon 2012. seen the crisis i think its safe to say everyone needs luck. Just believe in yourelf. and do anything to make your dreams come true.
    1. Deleted54170User


      I just saw a cartoon movie last night, "Bah Hum Duck". Near the ending it is suggestive that on Christmas everyone who celebrates has an open invitation policy. Is your front door unlocked on this Eve, even so if you don't have a chimney since you've been good so Santa Claus can get in? I have present's piled to the four wall's and will be crouching with my camera to catch that special moment when he arrives. I've surmise I have been bad trying to be good. Merry Christmas Peace and Joy.
    2. oldnotweak


      wow that luck sure helped, thank you angel :)
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