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Status Updates posted by NexusAngel

  1. Hiya ! first post on here ! ^_^
  2. hi there, it seems only fair that i make a comment to right ! so with hereby HELLO :D ^_^
  3. hi there, it seems only fair that i make a comment to right ! so with hereby HELLO :D ^_^
  4. Today i joined the FO3 - Project Brazil team ^_^ i will help with levels and anything they want. so go to this page and check them out ! http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=45138
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NexusAngel


      nah. its already done. i also added exterior cells.
    3. Deleted54170User


      Why does it say next to Group: "Banned"? Are you a bad, bad, bad, big bad, Lil Wolf in Angel's clothes?
    4. Deleted54170User


      *O^O* Do drop in ... If all we are is ethereal being's on this forum Profile place then a meeting of the minds would be a imaginary grace where you would all be joining to meet for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or supper at the table I just set in my mind for all of you to grace.
  5. hello there team captain. I thought i would add you and typ a comment. ^_^
  6. hello there team captain. I thought i would add you and typ a comment. ^_^
  7. gee thx. I was going for a icy look.
  8. ya its going like this for weeks ! its insane haha
  9. The countdown has begon !
    1. Deleted54170User


      Happy New Year Day to you! :- )
  10. on the last day of the year. The first comment :D happy new year nina
  11. Well very soon we can welcome the year 2012. A new year with new chances, and new dreams and wishes. I hope everyone has a nice newyear. and remember use fireworks the RIGHT way. dont wanne begin 2012 being crippled right ?
    1. LoofSquared


      I'll be celebrating new year with a nice glass of wine, chillin', relaxin', staring out of the window from this not-too-comfy chair of mine and listening to great music. Better than fireworks and parties, for me that is, being prone to getting injuries from such stuff and so..
    2. oldnotweak


      my year is looking to be the best one yet :)
  12. Well happy Xmas and happy holidays to everyone. and i hope everyone finds his/her luck apon 2012. seen the crisis i think its safe to say everyone needs luck. Just believe in yourelf. and do anything to make your dreams come true.
    1. Deleted54170User


      I just saw a cartoon movie last night, "Bah Hum Duck". Near the ending it is suggestive that on Christmas everyone who celebrates has an open invitation policy. Is your front door unlocked on this Eve, even so if you don't have a chimney since you've been good so Santa Claus can get in? I have present's piled to the four wall's and will be crouching with my camera to catch that special moment when he arrives. I've surmise I have been bad trying to be good. Merry Christmas Peace and Joy.
    2. oldnotweak


      wow that luck sure helped, thank you angel :)
  13. hi nuka ! blub lub

    happy xmas and happy holidays !

  14. hi nuka ! blub lub

    happy xmas and happy holidays !

  15. hi mike !

    ""Sings happy Xmas"" have a great time !

  16. hi mike !

    ""Sings happy Xmas"" have a great time !

  17. hiya there !

    hope you will have a great time ! and happy holidays

  18. hiya there !

    hope you will have a great time ! and happy holidays

  19. HAY BRIT !

    hope you will have awesome deserts and pies during Xmas ! and happy holidays :P

  20. HAY BRIT !

    hope you will have awesome deserts and pies during Xmas ! and happy holidays :P

  21. hi tweak!

    Happy holidays, and i hope you will have a great time !

  22. hi tweak!

    Happy holidays, and i hope you will have a great time !

  23. hi naomi !

    Happy holidays and hope you will have a great time with your family

  24. hi naomi !

    Happy holidays and hope you will have a great time with your family

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