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  1. Its ok, this is the average COD'er anyway. warning, video contains massive butthurt, and massive butthurt accessories(nerd rage, cussing, slight violence)
  2. Ive been reading these forums for a while now and it seems like everyone cannot even wait one or two days after 11.11.11 -I'm passionate about the things I like, big deal We all are obviously very hyped about this sequel but don't you have anything better to do than just hope that you'll receive your copy before everyone else? -Im with my friends every weekend doing something, bar hopping, going to shows etc. Thats what most people call a life, but I would prefer to play Skyrim for a while, because I enjoy it more. I dont play games because I have no alternative, I play them because I enjoy them. It looks like we're all insane freaks with no social life and this is probably why every "nongamers" justify themselves with the now rationnal comments known as "nerd" "geek" ".."loser". -As stated, I have a social life, and if people are offended that I enjoy gaming more than clubbing, too bad, its my preference. If you (or we) could attempt reaching a higher maturity level concerning videogames, well I'm pretty sure more people would be interested in "our" virtual world, because right know this situation is laughable, and i wish more people could proudly say ; hey lets play some oblivion. without having to hermit-hide themselves under their mossy bridges -I'm openly a gamer, and who are you, or anyone else to determine someones "maturity level"? If someone was mature, they would know better than to insult someone for their hobby.
  3. Sadly, I will probably not be sleeping until Skyrim either. Not due to excitement...I suffer from insomnia, and I slept well last night...that means no sleep until I'm finally too tired to stay awake any longer...probably sometime mid-friday. Thankfully I have no work or classes on friday, so no big deal if I crash while playing skyrim.
  4. Cool man, good to hear! Honestly, I wouldnt be angry one bit if Canadians got to open up skyrim on the 10th, because nobody should have to wait until the 12th. Then again, we, ( who are actually paying for the game) have to wait another day or so, when the pirates (who didnt pay for it) have already had it for a week...Bethesda should give us a free unicorn DLC for not stealing...then again they would just pirate that too... :armscrossed:
  5. It depends dude...how good is skill in lockpicking? Just do what I do, 100% chameleon spell for 5 seconds, and make a run for it.
  6. Straight from the wikia "Dragonborn can be of any race, as the abilities and title are given by the Nine Divines to favored subjects"
  7. Raining? It was snowing earilier today, so if anything Im hoping for snow on the 11th. Fingers crossed :D
  8. In class, just as you hand in your midterm. In a friends class, just as he hands in his midterm. After saying grace before dinner. During a bomb threat at school. After a car accident. Before a car accident. During a job interview. When receiving a free sample at wal-mart. In a dressing room at wal-mart. At Bethesda studios. During a wedding. During a crime scene investigation. On splash mountain. When picking your kid up from soccer practice. During soccer practice. At a wine tasting event. In your dreams. In the matrix. When reading Descartes. Right here, right now.
  9. I need something to take my mind of Skyrim, I'm planning on bar-hopping with my pals as soon as I get off work. I HOPE the adult beverages I consume will "assist" my descent into dreamland shortly after I return home. I dont care how late I wake up on the 11th, as long as I wake up while the stores are open and I can run in and grab a copy. But with my luck, I'm sure I'll wake up sometime around 4am on the 11th and end up trying to watch late night tv for hours on end, until its time to get Skyrim. Or even worse, I will have insomnia, or end up "ejecting" liquor from my facehole into the toilet all night...
  10. Hummm...I dont have a set idea of where I'm going, but your idea sounds fun. I want to see the most northernmost cities before the rest, so I would check out the north coast. Man, I have to take another look at the map now. ;D
  11. This reminds me of the "I dont want fast travel in Skyrim, because I cant stop myself from using it". People these days have no self control...but I cant blame any of you, finding new Skyrim info is more addictive than any drug (seriously, like 2 days ago I think I had an "info withdrawl").
  12. Twice now I have awoken at around 6 in the morning thinking it was 11/11/11...obviously both times I was mistaken. I have had a dream where I was in "Skyrim"...however "Skyrim" was nothing like Skyrim other than that it was cold and had dragons. I used to do the same when I was younger, like I would wake up in March and think it was Christmas for a few minutes. I had a weird dream a night or two after I bought Battlefield 3. My dream was set in around modern day, and a bunch of people were riding in what looked like APC's with mammoth skins draped over them. Out of nowhere, a dragon swooped down an flipped over on of the APC's off the side of a cliff. The APC I was riding in tried to make it into the forrest to escape, all while we taking fire from a bunch of guys behind the treeline. I dont remember much, but I vividly remember watching a Bosmer fire an RPG and an Argonian running around naked while screaming, right before they both got torched by the dragon. Anyway thats about all the weird stuff that has happened to me.
  13. Blackmarsh sounds annoying to navigate. Having to stop and swim every few feet, or getting stuck in a bog...not fun. And it would have to be fairly developed. Summerset isle sounds fun, but a bit small. Valenwood, assuming they have enough developed cities, would be cool (however I would really get sick of everything being made from trees or plants). Honestly Akavir sounds the best, because of its size, and like morrowind, the developers will have a lot of artistic freedom. Not to menton it would give them a chance to throw in a new race or two if they wanted.
  14. Actually, I would want companions that are friends to be immortal, but hired mercs to just have really really high health and eventually die (but also decide to leave you when there health got too low).
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