Ive been reading these forums for a while now and it seems like everyone cannot even wait one or two days after 11.11.11 -I'm passionate about the things I like, big deal We all are obviously very hyped about this sequel but don't you have anything better to do than just hope that you'll receive your copy before everyone else? -Im with my friends every weekend doing something, bar hopping, going to shows etc. Thats what most people call a life, but I would prefer to play Skyrim for a while, because I enjoy it more. I dont play games because I have no alternative, I play them because I enjoy them. It looks like we're all insane freaks with no social life and this is probably why every "nongamers" justify themselves with the now rationnal comments known as "nerd" "geek" ".."loser". -As stated, I have a social life, and if people are offended that I enjoy gaming more than clubbing, too bad, its my preference. If you (or we) could attempt reaching a higher maturity level concerning videogames, well I'm pretty sure more people would be interested in "our" virtual world, because right know this situation is laughable, and i wish more people could proudly say ; hey lets play some oblivion. without having to hermit-hide themselves under their mossy bridges -I'm openly a gamer, and who are you, or anyone else to determine someones "maturity level"? If someone was mature, they would know better than to insult someone for their hobby.