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About modji33

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  1. Have. PSP9 will still not start. PSP10 will not install. PSP8 and 7 dont have the drawing feature. I think I have to restart some gui registry thing but, god, I dont know how to do that!
  2. He (the uploader) PROMISED to have a revert fix up, quote "tomorrow." Something that will make your computer exactly how it was before running the TYC.exe. He said 'track the file' it is coming. So far.... nothing. The TYC page is still blocked, and has been for more than 24 hours.
  3. It says something like "Unable to find GUI.dll" Yeah, awesome mod! Does anyone know how I can turn this back on, in Windows 7? This program has been nothing but hassles, with NO fps increase.
  4. So true, AlexanderjVelicky. TYC even made my Paint Shop Pro 9 stop working. I mean....WHAT!?? So if that guy installed it and thinks its "running fine," I'd love to be there when he tries to start a paint porgram, or some other random app he uses... and BAM! All he gets is hangtime, baby! I'm mildly annoyed: seeing as I'm a digital painter who cannot PAINT anymore
  5. This TYC program is the biggest noob-made POS ive ever accidently installed. I too, would love to know how to get the damn thing off my pc, as I now cannot load Paint Shop Pro 9, which I love and had NO TROUBLE WITH B4. It's like WTF? How does disabling PSP help me? The guy who put this up is obviously a 18 thousand year old loser, and Nexus should be ashamed of themselves for allowing it on their site. See how i spelt 'their' right? Im not an idiot, and this tyc 'program' has made me this angry! HOW DO I REVERT IT? The uploader promised a fix, and then disappeared!
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