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Everything posted by artesox

  1. 1- Finding good books is always interesting... I remember how I was excited in the Potema's quests of Solitude, because I have read all the Wolf Queen series in-game. Finding an book about an dungeon that you actually know, or about someone who you have met is even more interesting. Actually, Skill Books annoy me, when they are guides and tips I can even understand, but common lore giving skills is odd. Once I leveled twice because I won a lot of skills from reading books, and I wasn't even focusing in those skills. 2- A few would survive thousand of years, but I think most would have become dust already. Maybe you should do transcribed first era books (Then they could possibly survive the time,and still, do the lore of the first era) ... or something like that
  2. I bet that it is this one I personally like it too, if anyone mod this, please make a dirt version too, like most of the clothing in the game, so I can use it in as an option in my game :thumbsup:
  3. It get even worse, since all the hair mods go for a glossy pattern, or for a Anime pattern. I do like the anime culture, but really, shiny and soft hair is not very fitting for Skyrim's style I really like the hair style in Skyrim, it is so raw and rough,not some supermodel hair. But the lack of long hair is a real problem :wallbash:
  4. About Paat, since there will still be the option to kill it, maybe it could be more honourable.... Instead of just going there and killing it, you could add some dialogue that make it sounds like a duel between two Dovahs.... And not a cold blooded revenge
  5. When I first played skyrim, the first thing that came into my mind was this scene from Life of Brian. And there is also.... Ulfric main problem: Don't care for other races... In the end of the civil war: He still don't care Tullius main problem: Don't respect the Nords.... In the end of the civil war: He says he started to respect the Nords....
  6. Infinite Dungeons?There is a game called Daggerfall XD No, really, I think a game like this would cost much more than 200$, and would blow up your computer... Or for free, if you like this Real Life thing
  7. At least Barbie/The Sims style nudity. It don't have even to be official, just put one file very easy to delete, like Saints Row do. My problem is, I like nudity in-game, role-play wisely, and most of the mods are more close to ero-play, which is something that I personally don't like in a game.
  8. I think that making an player home outside the Temple would be great... The temple itself is going to have to many people to be a home. I personally think that things would work better if the Temple become the Blades HQ And it should have relics, and a library, as a blacksmith.... and a lot of people And Karthspire become a peaceful player home (with a little trade outpost, maybe?) Actually.... I think the more correct world is state, since it is going to have walls and defences XD And this trade idea.. it would also be nice, if not only providing the itens, you also make deals (quests) with other communities to have better profit. There is the Khajiti caravans, the Orc Strongholds with their Blacksmiths, and maybe an trade connection with Hammerfell, since it is so close to Markath... With time you could even convince a few of them to become blades... or contract them as mercenary against the Thalmor.
  9. Hummm... I loved the idea of this mod... but it is kinda an fact that if you have the dragonblood, you have more right to rule than the actual emperor itself... Anyway, I think that one of the last main quest for the blades should be searching for the lost descendent of Timber Septim... And in the end, you discover that you are this descendent... (Without having to make your way in the rise of power... at least not until the Thalmor are down) But I liked the mod as it is planned now ^^ It would be fun to reconstruct the blades
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