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  1. I think thats too much, even. You'd have the best luck making slot pieces so people could customize what exactly they want.
  2. In reply to the heat source needed / cold damage in prolonged icy or watery environments, I'd like to see more ways to counter it. For example, packing your armor / robes with fur, or being able to brew special warmth potions, such and so forth. Camping in safe-zones is cool for the more harsh areas, but I'd still like to be able to travel where I please if I take the right precautions. And if you could get the fur packing to look good as well, I'd go for it.
  3. Thanks for all the replies, helping me out a lot! Saving me a lot of time that would be otherwise spent writing things no one wanted in the first place. I had another question, and it slightly relates to the topic. Figured I'd tack it onto here, as I'd still like to see more input on the earlier questions. My new question is this: How long (on average) would you want a dungeon mod to be? This would be a single dungeon, part of a series of single dungeon mods that span a larger story. For your answer, imagine that it's entertaining, engaging, such and so forth.
  4. Gotten a lot of feedback about what people want in dungeons, and here's two simple questions I still feel the need to ask. 1. Books - what kind of things would you actually spend time reading? Is it worth my time to write a book for whatever skill advances I decide to put in, or should skill advances be tacked on to more essential books (instructions, plot revelations, etc)? 2. I plan on using a lot of lore from the First Era (we're now in the Fourth). Would papers and parchment surviving from that long ago bother you in terms of immersion, or would it not matter? Thanks for reading, and thanks in advance for any replies!
  5. The problem with a daily cap is that you could still become a master armsman or archer (whatever skill you're practicing) without ever needing to actually put these skills to use in a practical way. Like beating on a punching bag versus fighting a rival boxer, sort of. Adding a short-term cap just makes the transition less jarring - in the end, you're still punching a bag and becoming adept at punching a live target who fights back. A permanent cap at 25 would be more to my liking, as the dummies would serve a purpose, but there's still the idea that you can only learn so much in practice. That said, its just how I feel about it. Feel free to disregard my ideas and go about making it however you'd enjoy it most.
  6. Interesting thoughts, hadn't considered them before. Will take it into account while planning out my dungeons. Another question I had, since we're on the topic of immersion - what do you guys think about books? IE, what purpose should they serve - hints to puzzles, foreshadowing, non-essential immersion, or maybe skill-up books? Would like some thoughts on the skill-up books in particular.
  7. Always enjoy hearing ideas like these, please post more if you have them. Just had a few things to ask / add, everything else I agree on more or less. 3. Would you not want several unique items that you had to choose from? For instance, if I put in a unique item for almost every skill (some would be rather useless), and you had to choose which to take with you, or which to give to your follower. Besides inputting randomly enchanted, high level items like Daedric Sword of Fire or whatever, which is what I think you're getting at. 4. A lot of the KOTOR puzzles were just pushing buttons in the correct sequence, or using math to reach a certain number. But now that I think about it, there were some interesting ones - can you remember which ones you're talking about, specifically? Also, what do you think about trap lethality? 5. This already partially exists, although I won't go into detail. Interesting idea, though. Additional. What do you think about combat scenarios and boss mobs? I brought up a point a long time ago about Loyalty items. The basic concept is that someone would release several dungeons over time (or all at once), and somewhere in the first dungeon, there would be an item that weighs nothing and can't be sold, but it can be taken into the second dungeon and it'll unlock some secret room or pathway. Thoughts? EDIT: Anyone can answer my questions, by the way.
  8. Sure, there was a lot of variety in Oblivion, but then again, you could kill anything you came across, as long as your weapons / spells upgraded along with your levels. At least, that was my experience. As for Skyrim, I enjoyed not being able to take on a Troll, or a Giant, even if I would eventually be able to kill whatever I swung at. Liked having a chance at failing, perhaps. A reason to level up that didn't involve just raising my stats. However, on the other hand, the monotony of level 45+ dungeons and wading through a sea of Draugr Deathlords is off-setting.
  9. I see it as just another facet of the harsh northlands, where life is tough and the people are tougher. However, I'd like seeing a few more energetic people, provided they were different from the aforementioned Moira Brown. Murdering a helpful quest-giver has rarely been so satisfying. Even after the attempt with the nuclear bomb failed.
  10. I think it'd make turtling behind the shield too beneficial, making 2h / dw less on-par than they are now. I find that the game was a bit too easy with a shield and a 1-hander. Going by your math, the what stands out to me is that the unshielded player is just taking 30 extra damage - which would make sense, given the increased damage tradeoff, but that already exists. People without shields would be taking more damage with no upside to the change (particularly dual-wielding, which I'm told is gimp as-is), both of which already don't get the 50% elemental resistance perk. Maybe if you added in other mechanics to balance it? Perhaps a weak parry for dual-wielding, and a small hike to the 2h parry to follow step? Or a downside to blocking without stamina ( I think it's just staggering, but I feel like I never get staggered, even at 0 stam.)? Just my 2 cents, hope it gives some thought.
  11. Personally think the number should be lower, around 10 maybe. All for it though, got plenty of left-over souls doing a whole lot of nothing right now.
  12. Just wondering if people are more favoring of waiting a long time and having a set of dungeons (with an interconnecting storyline), or to do a more "rapid-release" method where each dungeon is uploaded as a single mod, but brought out much quicker than uploading them all in one mod. Also, what would be some benefits / downsides to doing either? Thanks for reading, and thanks again in advance for helpful replies. P.S. Thanks for all the replies in my other thread about Dungeon Content, will help me a lot. Didn't want to bump it after a few days for no reason other than thanks, but in case you're interested, here's the link. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/469860-dungeon-content-what-interests-you/
  13. Would like to see it, and the more personalities / various types of followers, the better.
  14. I enjoy them more as the archetype of the old, wise-beyond-their-time race that died out, and took their knowledge with them. While they didn't explicitly die out, you see where there are comparisons. Forerunners (Halo), Atlantis, The extinct race on Mars (Doom), etc. They leave complex machinery and such lying around, waiting for their long gone owners in the silence of the ruins. Very interesting, hinting at larger meanings behind things, while being creepy about it. Bringing them back would be a massive undertaking to make it fit in with the lore, which would be very difficult with the voice actors in the core game still not caring about the ancient, wise race that just came back from nowhere, and instead focusing on stolen sweetrolls. However, it could be done, if you went about it in a convoluted way and went to their dimension, somehow. You could just have the people of Skyrim not believe you when you tell them about it. Edit: Sorry to be such a debbie-downer, but well, that's my opinion.
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