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  1. I used to have this mod that doubled the power of each level of Unrelenting Force. It made Fus as powerful as Roh, Roh as powerful as Dah, and Dah twice as powerful. It was a steam mod, one that isn't on there anymore(and I dont use Steam mods anymore). Making Dah stronger was easy, I already did that, same for making Ro as strong as vanilla Dah. I just need to know how to make Fus as strong as Roh. Anyone know how? Or perhaps, would like to do it for me please? All the editing I've done has been done with TESVEdit. I don't have a clue on how to use the cretion kit.
  2. Problem has been resolved yes. I never used smartcast. Thanks anyway.
  3. Alright. Thanks for the help! I appreciate it.
  4. I mean what do you do with them in your load order. Do you arrange their load order position manually as instructed by BOSS? If so, what method do you use to determine where they should load? Everytime you run BOSS, unrecognized plugins go to the bottom of the load order. They should absolutely not be allowed to load that way. The most important thing you need to do is to figure out if they contain conflicting records with the other plugins in the load order. Most people simply load them before or after 'similar function' plugins. This is not a reliable method. Sometimes users go by suggestions from the mod author if the mod authors provided load order suggestions. This is better but still not ideal, since no mod author can account of every single load order combination ou there. The best method for making the determination is to use TES5Edit, load all your plugins, then expand the records for the unrecognized plugins to check and see if there are any conflicting records. If there are none, the it's generally safe to load those plugins any where above dynamically generated compatibility patches (e.g. Bashed Patch). If they do contain conflicting records, short of creating a custom compatibility patch, you will need to decide, based on which records are conflicting, which mod should 'win' the contest of conflicts in a way that will best optimized the stability of the load order (conflicting records of mods loaded later will 'override' mods loaded earlier). I see..Well I keep my Bashed patched at the bottom of my load order. With the dual sheath patch the only thing below it. Aside from that I do not do too much with them aside from what I am told by mod authors. Any mods that I feel might have some similar traits with the BOSS recognized plugins are put above them so that the recognized mods will write over them. However most(if not all) of the unrecognized mods do not have any similarities with the recognized mods.
  5. There was a discussion about possessive corpses back in April of this year. And: As for plugins that are not recognized by BOSS? Well, I keep them around. I also submit each one to the BOSS team so that they may be included in the future. I'll clean the mods as you suggested then. Just the ones BOSS tells me to clean. See if it fixes anything. I'll make an update post once I check.
  6. Then attend to those messages. I recommend you uninstall the mods with navmesh errors rather than try to repair them. 3) You have many (too many) plugins not recognized by BOSS. What do you normally do with them? 4) Which NPC brawler do you have trouble with? Possessive corpses does more than what is included in the unofficial patch, as explained on the mod page. So despite that message, it is needed. And I have problems with all of the npc brawler mods. The modders resource version, compatible version, and the standard version As for the Gopher video in question: @0:40-1:00
  7. I do not clean mods that are not mine since, from what I gathered from Gopher's videos, that can cause some problems. I did clean out the master files however and do indeed use BOSS. BOSS Recognized Plugins: BOSS Unrecognized Plugins:
  8. Would really like some help here please.
  9. For some reason my post combined my first sentence into the link. It's been fixed and the post explains what is going on. By "fight" I mean "brawl" like fist fights you can have with npc's like with Uthgerd the Unbroken for example. And no matter what I do I cannot brawl an npc without them eventually ending the fight suddenly.
  10. Use this: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/31909//? It will work, trust me. also download and install this: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/23833/? It fixes bugs that haven't been fixed in the unofficial patches, including the dragon soul bug. If this doesn't work then try the first link I posted. You should get the patch from the second link no matter what though.
  11. No matter what I do, this: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24020//? does not fix the brawl bug that I have. The fight is going well until near the end when my opponent stops fighting. And if I hit them then I get a bounty and a real fight starts. I have tried all three versions, using the compatible version and non-compatible versions(not at the same time obviously) at the top of my load order and at the bottom. I tried the modders resource as well but non of them work I am at a complete loss at what to do. Does anyone have any ideas on how I can fix this?
  12. I'm glad your back Harvald. Perhaps you can help me out? Yes, this video again. the only lingering question I have are the clothes featured in the video, worn by the main character and Vilja at the beginning of the video, @3:00, and at 3:50
  13. Thanks mate. Yea what are some of the other mods in the vid? Like the clothes that Man and Vilja are wearing for example? And some of the dungeons and cities seem new, though I could be wrong. If I am not would you kindly let me know what they are please? Thanks again mate.
  14. Ah I see. Well that is one down. Thanks, I must have missed it. the master sword mod though is the next mod that I would like to find. (oh nvm, I didn't see the uploaders replies. He didn't reply to my comment so I wasn't notified. Sorry everyone)
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