I mean what do you do with them in your load order. Do you arrange their load order position manually as instructed by BOSS? If so, what method do you use to determine where they should load? Everytime you run BOSS, unrecognized plugins go to the bottom of the load order. They should absolutely not be allowed to load that way. The most important thing you need to do is to figure out if they contain conflicting records with the other plugins in the load order. Most people simply load them before or after 'similar function' plugins. This is not a reliable method. Sometimes users go by suggestions from the mod author if the mod authors provided load order suggestions. This is better but still not ideal, since no mod author can account of every single load order combination ou there. The best method for making the determination is to use TES5Edit, load all your plugins, then expand the records for the unrecognized plugins to check and see if there are any conflicting records. If there are none, the it's generally safe to load those plugins any where above dynamically generated compatibility patches (e.g. Bashed Patch). If they do contain conflicting records, short of creating a custom compatibility patch, you will need to decide, based on which records are conflicting, which mod should 'win' the contest of conflicts in a way that will best optimized the stability of the load order (conflicting records of mods loaded later will 'override' mods loaded earlier). I see..Well I keep my Bashed patched at the bottom of my load order. With the dual sheath patch the only thing below it. Aside from that I do not do too much with them aside from what I am told by mod authors. Any mods that I feel might have some similar traits with the BOSS recognized plugins are put above them so that the recognized mods will write over them. However most(if not all) of the unrecognized mods do not have any similarities with the recognized mods.