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About Project579

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    The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim Special Edition
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    Skyrim now, Minecraft before

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  1. You did install the ENB Particle Patch for Skyrim SE right? it could be a bug: http://enbseries.enbdev.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1499
  2. First you need to create a new save, second your load order is completely unorganized and mods are in wrong places please follow this guide (LOOT is almost always useless): https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/753253-only-you-can-prevent-forest-fires When you sort the load order be smart look at what the plugin names tell you, what the mods do and if you are not sure check the mod description.
  3. I think you missed something they are all very easy to install together. In order: 1. "SKSE64" 2. "Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch" 3. "SkyUI" 4. "Campfire" 5. "Frostfall" 6. "Campfire and Frostfall - Unofficial SSE Update" 7. decide between "iNeed" (much simpler only has food, water and sleep) and "Realistic Needs and Diseases All-In-One for USSEP" (more in depth) 8. Install the mod you decided to use 9. if you decided "Realistic Needs and Diseases" install "Realistic Needs and Diseases - Frostfall patch" 10. Done
  4. I don't think you understand what Cleaning Master Files means, What SSEEdit does is undelete Objects and disable them (it places them under the world so they are there but not loaded) that the developers removed without knowing that they would make games crash due to missing references (NULL POINTERS in programming) needed in mods , The delete Identical to master records removes useless records that only increase the load in the game and are simply copies of the ones coming from the master. Also there are modders in the community that know parts of the engine better then Bethesda (Look at OpenMW) because they had access to the original Gamebryo engine (the Creation Engine is an upgraded version of it) and some have been looking into the code for over six years without source and where able to find and fix bug that Bethesda han no knowledge of.
  5. There are 4 main follower mods: Amazing Follower Tweaks (AFT) (Has lots of features but the controls can be distracting there might be some bugs, I considers this deprecated since the release of iAFT), Immersive Amazing Follower Tweaks SE - (iAFT) (A better version of AFT, has MCM), EFF - Extensible Follower Framework (simple bug free has all a follower mod needs), Nether's Follower Framework (never personally tested this one).
  6. Which mods are you referring to that don't work with Forstfall?
  7. First save than use the command "killall" and see if you can sleep.
  8. you did set [Actor] fVisibleNavmeshMoveDist=14000.0000 right?
  9. It's ENB Rain you can either tweak the settings to fix it (you can also change the Rain texture enbraindrops.tga) or disable it completely not recommended if you are using ENB v0.319 and want Rain Occlusion.
  10. I don't think the problem is AFT but Derkeethus standard outfit the mesh of the outfit could be corrupted could you try getting it from his inventory an try equipping it to see if the game crashes (it may crash as soon as you open the inventory).
  11. Your save is corrupted for good, you should never disable essential NPCs immortality if you are planning a serious playthrough; when you resurrect an NPC their AI may bug out or break; to fix the problem use the console to progress the quest and continue.
  12. Are you using Nexus Mod Manager? your face files probably got overwritten and do not match the esp that is winning the conflicts.
  13. The file doesn't exist you need to create it yourself or edit SkyrimEditorPrefs.ini and SkyrimEditor.ini; BethINI can do this for you if you want: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/69787/?
  14. You should download survival mode until it's free. You can super easily disable it. It's a normal plugin that simply ends with "L" instead of "P" or "M".
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