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  1. Also would like an option to keep the old layout. I think it is brilliant, but the new layout is frankly ugly. This layout is great for large monitors, and is graceful in the way it handles the different resolutions.
  2. airtonix, I would really really like to be able to use Creative Commons licenses, so that is a good idea. Though, I believe Bethesda allows derivatives of some of the game content, so you might not be able to relicense under those terms. I'm sure you could if the content was completely your own. Dunno how the license rights work for, say, retextures of Bethesda armor. I guess you just own the "improvements," so to speak. It would be a bit misleading to people if we labelled the whole thing as Creative Commons, since Bethesda doesn't seem likely to relicense it as CC. Speaking of which it would be cool if they could do that one day. They already give out Arena and Daggerfall for free. They should just relicense them as GPL, like id Tech did with Quake and Enemy Territory. Then do the same for Morrowind in the near future. hehe
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