I dont like the New Orleans idea.... sorry. It would be like point lookout the whole game. I hated point lookout so much, Its always dark and dreary. I think fallout should be in a more dry climate, makes it feel more Fallout to me. I don't think they will go to New Orleans because of Point Lookout, it was like going to New Orleans on the steam boat. Well a piece of New Orleans, so they would most likely do another DLC. New York would be fun to some point, but we would never get to see open ground like fields. We would be running around in ruins the whole time which would get a little bothersome and irritating. If a little part of New York was left, sort of like DC, then I could see it working out. Otherwise I dont want to be running around a maze the whole time. Europe and Canada.... never going to happen. I like the idea of a civil war California but I dont think we will see that happen. People dont want to revisit places we have already been. I personally dont want to see that much NCR, I would definatley go insane. There is not much else if California besides the NCR, and that would not fly with me. I want to see some of the factions in FO4, but I want a whole new war to engage in so I dont Cali is happening. Chicago is the best bet. We will have lots of conflict to engage in. Lots of the old factions could be there like BoS, Enclave, and Legion maybe. I would also like a story line more like FO3's. More personal instead of fighting a giant war and choosing sides. Maybe they could have a big war that you can engage in but thats not your main goal. So I would vote Chicago.