In response to post #24750659. #24751234, #24751479, #24751989, #24752184, #24752194, #24752214, #24752369, #24752499, #24752619, #24752624, #24752694, #24752819, #24752834, #24752854, #24752944, #24753079, #24753134, #24753249, #24755354, #24755649 are all replies on the same post. While I have not modded for Skyrim, I did create content for Star Trek: Legacy as part of a mod team and made individual mods for Bridge Commander and am known in those communities. What I created, I created with absolutely no expectation of compensation. I created my mods because it was something I wanted for my gameplay and then I shared those creations with others. I disagree with the "right" of modders to demand compensation. The entire point of modding is that it is a hobby. And if it ceases to be a hobby, then it is work. And you should be compensated for doing work...which is why you type up a resume and go out and seek employment. Modding is like building a cabinet in your garage or painting models. It's supposed to be fun, and you can share what you've created with others to appreciate and enjoy. But I'm old school. Now it's all about reputation. Where if there's an inkling of drama a mod author (who says they are doing it for the community) will withdraw all their work in a hissy fit. Back on Filefront if I had drama with mods (which I did and was actually banned for over a month until I appealed to corporate) I still kept all my works up. It seems like people do modding for reputation rather than enjoyment. I read comments or FAQs and it's like modders feel that the work is a second job. It shouldn't be. But monetization of mods is something I just can't agree with. I'd love to have gotten a cut of my work, but that is not why I did it. It's also something I didn't expect to get. So in summary: If modding to a modder is anything but a hobby, they might need to step back and re-evaulate their priorites. If you are so talented that you feel that compensation is needed, do what others have and start up a game and sell it. Others have and it will look good on resumes for actual games developers.